Exchange Management

The Exchange Management Service Type allows the management of Calendar, Task and Meeting items. This broker exposes Exchange methods to create new meetings, new appointments and new tasks. It also includes functionality to get meeting time suggestions and conflicts. The Exchange (Legacy) Service is used internally by K2 for some of the Exchange workflow wizards.

An instance this Service Broker is configured during the K2 upgrade process if Exchange integration had been configured for your K2 system. You can manually create additional instances.

Service Authentication

The following Authentication Modes may be used with the Service Type:

Service Keys (Service Instance Configuration Settings)

Key Can be modified Data Type Sample Value Notes
Exchange EWS URL Yes Text https://[FQDN]/ews/echange.asmx Enter the URL of the Exchange Servers Web Service
Exchange Version Yes Text



Enter the version of the Exchange Server
Default difference between two successive slots in the free/busy information field Yes Number 30 Enter the default amount required
Maximum amount of hours after work to consider Yes Number 0 Enter the maximum number of hours required
Maximum amount of meetings per day Yes Number 10 Enter the maximum number of meetings allowed
Use Auto Discovery Yes True/False True
Is Exchange Online Yes True/False False Set this value to True if you are targeting an Exchange Online environment.

Service Objects

The Exchange Management Service Instance contains the following Service Objects:

These Service Objects are used by internal SmartObjects, used in turn by the Exchange event wizards in a K2 process


If an Exchange environment is configured during installation of K2, K2 automatically generates SmartObjects for the Service Objects. These SmartObjects are used by the Exchange Event Wizards. SmartObjects can be automatically created by selecting the Generate SmartObjects for this Service Instance check box when creating a new Service Instance. Designers can use the SmartObject design tools to build advanced SmartObjects that leverage the Service Objects in this service. It is recommended to use the SmartObject design tools to create SmartObjects rather than generating SmartObjects, since this allows better control over the naming, behavior and design of the SmartObject and its methods and properties.
