
The Errors tab in the Process Details screen allows a administrator to view, retry, show details and refresh instances of the currently selected workflow that are in Error state (see the topic Retrying workflow errors for more information and background on repairing failed workflows with the Retry command).

Field Description
Retry The Retry button allows you to retry the process that is in error state.
Show Details The Show Details button provides a more detailed description of the error.
Refresh The Refresh button refreshes the list of process instances in error state.
ID The ID field displays the error's ID.
ProcInstID The ProcInstID field displays the Process Instance ID.
Process Name Displays the Process Name.
Source The Source field displays the source of the error within the process (i.e. where the error occurred)
Folio The Folio field displays the Process Instance Folio.
Description The Description field displays the description of the error.
Error Date Displays the date when the error occurred.
Start Date Displays the Start Date of the process instance.
View Flow Provides a link to the View Flow of the process, where a visual representation of the error is displayed and it location within the process.