Service Types

Service Types are essentially "connectors" or "adapters" that allow K2 to interact with some underlying system and eventually expose that system as SmartObjects. A Service Type is used to allow K2 to integrate with a particular technology, while Service Instances are configured instances of a Service Type that connect to specific occurrences of that technology. Service Instances are essentially configured instances for a particular service type that point to s specific occurrence of a technology, and you can have multiple Service Instances for the same Service Type that are configured to connect to different systems. For example one instance of the SQL Server Service Type will be configured to interact with your HR database while another Service Instance of the SQL Server Service Type will be configured to interact with your Finance database. You must configure Service Instances before developers and designers will be able to create SmartObjects for that particular data store.

For more on Service Types, Services instances and the specific configuration for specific Service Types, please see SmartObject Services

It is possible to extend K2 by creating and registering custom Service Types that allow K2 to integrate with a technology not supported out of the Box.

Clicking on Service Types returns a list of all the registered Service Types and number of instances per Service Type in your environment. From the Service Types page, you can register a new Service Type on the K2 environment and create a new instance for that Service Type.