Understanding Full Data Access

This scenario illustrates the use of Full Data Access in SmartBox Data Access Policies on SmartBox SmartObjects in K2 Management.

The Global Human Resources Director must have access to view data on all regions and countries in which their employees reside. Dennis, the Global Human Resources Director needs to be able to view all data from the Region and Country SmartBox SmartObjects at runtime. To achieve this, Dennis needs to part of a Data Access Policy which has Full Data Access on the Region and Country SmartBox SmartObjects.

Remember in order to add Data Access Policies to SmartBox SmartObjects, you need to be a member of the Security Administrators role.

Follow the steps below to apply a Data Access policy with Full Data Access for Dennis on the Region and Country SmartBox SmartObjects.

When you create a policy, the policy is disabled by default. This allows you to build out your policy before enabling the policy.
  1. Open the Region SmartBox SmartObject in K2 Management and click on the Data Access tab.
    By default, the Everyone and Package and Deployment roles are added to the Full Data Access section of the Data Access tab. Remove these if desired.
  2. On the Full Data Access section, remove the Everyone and Package and Deployment role, as you only want Dennis to have Full Data Access on this policy for the Region SmartBox SmartObject.
    Any changes to a policy are applied immediately.
  3. Click Add on the Full Data Access section.
  4. On the Add Users, Groups, And Roles page search and add Dennis to the policy. Click OK.
  5. Once Dennis has been added to the Full Data Access section of the policy, enable the policy by clicking Enable Policy.
  6. The policy on the Region SmartBox SmartObject is now enabled and only Dennis can access the data of the Region SmartObject at runtime.
  7. Repeat the above steps for the Country SmartBox SmartObject.
  8. On a form called Countries and Regions, the Region and Country SmartObjects data is displayed. When Dennis runs the form, he sees all the data for Region and Country SmartBox SmartObjects.
  9. When another user runs the form, like Brandon, who is not part of the Data Access policies on the Region and Country SmartBox SmartObjects, no data is displayed.