Control Support For Offline Forms

When you use a form offline, you can select to cache the current data of the control.This allows you to open forms and action tasks in K2 Mobile when you are not connected to the server. When K2 Mobile is connected again, the forms are actioned and/or submitted. When you configure the controls on your form, you have the option to cache the data on certain controls, which downloads data when the form initializes. Use the following complete table of controls and those that you can use offline and limitations while offline.

ControlOffline SupportComments
ContentCan not be made available offline as it requires a URL
PictureThe control is available offline and the image is cached on client side
AutoCompleteThe control is available offline when using a SmartObject as the data source. Using static list data as the data source is not available offline
BarcodeThe control is available offline if all SmartObject save methods are batched together as one request
Check Box
Check Box List

The control is available offline when using a SmartObject as the data source. Using static list data as the data source is not available offline

Data Label
Drop-Down List
Image AnnotationThe control is available offline if all SmartObject save methods are batched together as one request
List Box
List Display
Location ServicesThe control is available offline because it uses a device’s GPS chip which does not require internet access
LookupThe control requires a subview / subform. Only one form or view can be offline at one time and related forms or views cannot be taken offline. Any form or view that is not loaded as part of the initialize step will not work offline.
Radio Button
Radio Button Group
Radio Button List
Rich TextThe following toolbar functionality is not available offline:
  • Print
  • Font Name
  • Font Size
  • Text Highlight Color
  • Font Color
SharePoint Hyperlink
Text Area
Text Box

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline, such as icons displaying and expansion

ToolBar Button
File Attachment

Image Attachment

Save As PDF
WorklistThe following functionality is not available offline:
  • Open Form (Menu)
  • Share (Menu)
  • Redirect (Menu)
  • View Flow (Menu)
  • Filter (Toolbar)
  • Configure Out of Office (Toolbar)
Location ServicesDepends on GPS / WiFi. If online and WiFi is off, the old location is returned
Activity Instances ChartCached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline

Activity Instances Grid

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline

Report HeaderData can't be configured
User Performance Chart

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline

User Performance Grid

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline

Workflow Data Grid

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline

Workflow Duration Chart

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline

Workflow Instances Chart

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline

Workflow Instances Grid

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline

Workflow References Grid

Cached data is loaded but no further functionality is available offline