Report on Apps

Reports allow you to view information on instances, activities, tasks, escalations, related processes and includes the view flow, a graphical representation of the workflow that includes status indicators.

The following reports are available:

Click on the links to see how to use the reporting feature on the following apps:

Accessing Reports

Open an app by launching it from either the All option in the Build section or My Apps list. This list shows apps you create, apps created by other users to which you have access, and apps installed from the App Catalog. From this list, you can open apps to run reports on.

You may see the terms App Wizard and SmartStarter. App Wizards are apps like Approval, Survey and List Collaboration that you create using wizards. SmartStarters are pre-built apps you install from the App Catalog.

Use the drop down menu to select between My Apps, All, Published, Pending Approval or Draft apps. The same options show in the Build section.

Select the app and click Launch to access the Report feature for the selected app.

Click the Reporting icon.

You may not see the Administration icon. Only administrators of an application have access to this section.

In this example, you launched the Leave Request Approval Report Dashboard.

To report on a List Collaboration App, select the app from the All app list form the Build section and click Launch.

From the app home page, click the Reporting and Draft Items link, then click the Reporting icon.
Reporting and Draft Items