Form - Properties Page

Right-clicking an existing form allows you to perform actions on the form, such as Edit, Rename, and Delete. You can also see these actions by selecting a form and using actions on the form properties page, both of which are shown here.

Feature Description How to use it
Edit Allows you to edit the form Click Edit
Save As Creates a copy of the form Click Save As, and then type a new name
Run Opens the form in runtime Click Run
Run with Parameters

The Run with Parameters option is available when you add a view, or form parameter or form states. This option allows you to specify any values for the parameters of the form before running it to test and troubleshoot your form states without using a workflow.

Run with Parameters he preferred method is to use the Run with Parameters option from K2 Designer, select the form and use the Run with Parameters option

You can add the State query string parameter to the URL of your form: ?_state=[value] where the value is the state name. However, the preferred method is to use the Run with Parameters option from K2 Designer, select the form and use the Run with Parameters option.

When you use the Run with Parameters feature, testing different parameter values may result in unexpected behavior. You should only use this feature if you fully understand the impact of doing so.
Click Run with Parameters, and then specify one or more values to run the form
Check In Makes the form available to other people Click Check In
Check Out Checks the form out for you to edit Click Check Out
Design a new Workflow Opens the Workflow Designer Click Design a new Workflow
Delete Deletes the form Click Delete
Cancel Check Out Cancels the check out action and reverts the form back to its previous state Click Cancel Check Out
Move To Use this to move a form to another category Select Move To from the menu, browse to the category where the form is to be moved, and select OK
Properties Opens the Properties page where you can see the page details and actions Click Properties
  • If you use a "Runtime Only" license, only the Run option is available. To identify the type of license, go to Management Site > Licenses and check what type of license is used for SmartForms.
  • To make changes to a form you must check out the form first. A checked-out form is not available for editing by other people and you must check it back in for other people to see the changes you made.