The Workflow Web Service (.asmx)

This content applies to legacy components (such as K2 Studio and K2 for Visual Studio), legacy assemblies and APIs, legacy services or other legacy functionality. These legacy items may not be available, supported, or behave as described, in future updates or versions of K2. Please see the legacy component and API support policies for more information about support for these components
The .asmx service is intended for support of legacy protocols or platforms that cannot consume WCF-based services. The .asmx service is no longer maintained and will not be extended with additional functionality. You should use the Workflow REST API. wherever possible.

The .asmx Workflow Web Service is a legacy web service which exposes some of the most common workflow client functionality such as starting a workflow, retrieving worklist items and completing K2 tasks.This service is located on the K2 workspace or K2 server (depending on the installation of your K2 environment), and is accessed through a URL similar to http://K2ServerName/K2Services/ws.asmx

For reference and configuration information on the .asmx service, please see Legacy Workflow SOAP Web Services in the references sections.

See the topic Workflow asmx Web Service Samples for code samples illustrating how to use the .asmx service.