Workflow REST API: Item References

You can use JSON, XML or a combination to post Item Reference data to a Workflow Instance or Tasks.

You can also use tools to create a class definition for JSON objects. One of the easiest approaches is to use Visual Studio Web Extensions' Paste JSON as Classes approach to copy a string of JSON representing the Item Reference and auto-generate a C# class for the item reference. See this StackOverflow topic for more information.

Posting data to Item References using XML

Note the escape character \ for each quotation mark in the "xmlContent" section.

 "itemReferences": {
  "xmlContent": "<itemReferences> <itemReference name=\"Leave_Request_SmartObject\" displayName=\"Leave Request SmartObject\" type=\"SmartObjectItem\" primary=\"true\" startMode=\"smartForms\"> <settings><method><objectName>Leave_Request_SmartObject</objectName><methodName>Load</methodName> <methodType>Read</methodType><objectTypes><type>Default</type></objectTypes> </method></settings><definition></definition><items lastId=\"1\"><item id=\"1\"> <properties><property name=\"ID\">1</property></properties> <parameters /></item></items></itemReference></itemReferences>"

Posting data to Item References using JSON notation

If you need to pass in or read item references in JSON format, this sample illustrates the expected format. For example, a SmartObject with a System Name of foo, record ID 1, with a field named bar that accepted string values:

"itemReferences": {
 "foo": {
  "1": {
   "bar": "bar's value."

Here is another example, showing a hypothetical SmartObject named Customer with a record ID of 1, and two properties: CustomerCode with value "AZ200" and Region with value 12.

"itemReferences": {        //itemReferences is the name of the JSON element
 "Customer": {        //"Customer" is the system name/identifier of the SmartObject definition
  "1": {                   //"1" is the record ID of the specific record to edit
   "CustomerCode": "AZ200",            //"CustomerCode is one of the SmartObject fields, "AZ200" is the value
   "Region": 12,            //"Region" is another SmartObject field, 12 is the value