Using the Workflow REST API in JavaScript
This topic provides some samples that demonstrate how to interact with the Workflow REST API through JavaScript.
- Retrieve a list of Workflows you have rights to access
- Return the metadata definition for a Workflow
- Create and start an instance of a Workflow
- Get a list of Tasks for the current user
- Action a Task and update datafields
Retrieve a list of Workflows you have rights to access
* Returns a list of Workflows either owned or startable for the user credentials supplied.
$(document).on("click", "#listwfs", function() {
type: 'GET',
// Your URL is different to the one below. Enter your server address in the placeholder.
// Use the Swagger descriptor from the Workflow REST API Configuration page on the K2 Management site
// to get your base URL for the url: line.
// The optional 'type' parameter returns either 'startable' or 'owned' workflows.
// If no 'type' parameter is set, 'startable' workflows are returned. The URL with 'type' set:
// [K2RESTSERVICEBASEURL]/workflows?type=Owned
url: '[K2RESTSERVICEBASEURL]/workflows/',
dataType: 'json',
// As CORS is used, this must be set to true
crossDomain: false,
// Basic authentication is set in the header, enter your user name and password in the placeholders.
// The xhr (XMLHttpRequest) function below sends authorization details to the server.
// This line creates a hash of the user name and password:
// window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]")))
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]"))));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
// On success, we write a 'success' message to the console and stringify the returned JSON to display,
// for example, in the <div id="wfs"><div> tag on a web page
success: function(json_data) {
// In case of error, show an alert
error: function() {
Return the metadata definition for a Workflow
* Returns a workflow metadata definition for a particular Workflow ID
$(document).on("click", "#listwfid", function() {
type: 'GET',
// your URL would be different. Enter your server address in the placeholder
// use the Swagger descriptor from the Workflow REST API Configuration page on the K2 Management site
// to get your base URL for the url: line
// Replace the Workflow ID number [WFID] placeholder with your Workflow ID.
// You can get the ID by using the "Return a list of Workflows" snippet or with the
// Swagger descriptor from the Workflow REST API Configuration page on the K2 Management site.
url: '[K2RESTSERVICEBASEURL]/workflows/[WFID]',
dataType: 'json',
// As CORS is used, this must be set to true
crossDomain: false,
// Basic authentication is set in the header, enter your user name and password in the placeholders
// The xhr (XMLHttpRequest) function below sends authorization details to the server
// The following line creates a hash of the user name and password:
// window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]")))
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]"))));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
// On success, we write a 'success' message to the console and stringify the returned JSON to display
// in the <div id="wfid"><div> tag on a web page for example
success: function(json_data) {
// In case of error, show an alert
error: function() {
Create and start an instance of a Workflow
The following snippet shows you how to start a Workflow and pass in information like a Folio and the initial values for two user-created data fields: TextDataField and DateDataField.
* Start a Workflow instance.
* Send values for folio and datafields etc. in JSON notation.
* The Workflow REST API accepts string data in JSON notation.
$(document).on("click", "#startwf", function() {
// Create your JSON data object that is stringified as part of your POST.
var data = {
"folio": "Tuesday Folio",
"expectedDuration": 26000,
"priority": 1,
"dataFields": {
"TextDataField": "This is Tuesday data",
type: 'POST',
// your URL would be different. Enter your server address in the placeholder
// use the Swagger descriptor from the Workflow REST API Configuration page on the K2 Management site
// to get your base URL for the url: line
// Replace the Workflow ID number [WFID] placeholder with your Workflow ID.
// You can get the ID by using the "Return a list of Workflows" snippet or with the
// Swagger descriptor from the Workflow REST API Configuration page on the K2 Management site.
url: '[K2RESTSERVICEBASEURL]/workflows/[WFID]',
// The data to POST is declared as a variable (var data) and stringified here when sent to the server.
data: JSON.stringify(data),
processData: false,
dataType: 'json',
// As CORS is used, this must be set to true
crossDomain: true,
// Basic authentication is set in the header, enter your user name and password in the placeholders
// The xhr (XMLHttpRequest) function below sends authorization details to the server
// The following line creates a hash of the user name and password:
// window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]")))
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]"))));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
// On success, we write a 'success' message to the console and stringify the returned JSON to display
// in the <div id="wfid"><div> tag on a web page for example
success: function(json_data) {
$("#swf").html("Instance started and new folio sent. Data sent: " + JSON.stringify(data));
// In case of error, show an alert
error: function(error) {
alert('Failed! ' + error);
Get a list of Tasks for the current user
* Get a list of tasks for the current user.
$(document).on("click", "#GetWorklist", function() {
type: 'GET',
// Your URL is different to the one below. Enter your server address in the placeholder.
// Use the Swagger descriptor from the Workflow REST API Configuration page on the K2 Management site
// to get your base URL for the url: line.
// The optional 'type' parameter returns either 'startable' or 'owned' workflows.
// If no 'type' parameter is set, 'startable' workflows are returned. The URL with 'type' set:
// [K2RESTSERVICEBASEURL]/workflows?type=Owned
dataType: 'json',
// As CORS is used, this must be set to true
crossDomain: false,
// Basic authentication is set in the header, enter your user name and password in the placeholders.
// The xhr (XMLHttpRequest) function below sends authorization details to the server.
// This line creates a hash of the user name and password:
// window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]")))
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]"))));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
// On success, we write a 'success' message to the console and stringify the returned JSON to display,
// for example, in the <div id="wfs"><div> tag on a web page
success: function(json_data) {
// In case of error, show an alert
error: function() {
Action a Task and update datafields
The following snippet shows you how to action a task and update values for two user-created data fields: TextDataField and DateDataField.
* Action a task and update datafields.
$(document).on("click", "#update", function() {
// Create your JSON data object that is stringified as part of your POST.
var data = {
"dataFields": {
"TextDataField": "instance complete",
type: 'POST',
// your URL would be different. Enter your server address in the placeholder
// use the Swagger descriptor from the Workflow REST API Configuration page on the K2 Management site
// to get your base URL for the url: line
// Replace the instance ID placeholder [IID} with your Workflow's instance ID and the
// [ACTION] placeholder with your action.
url: '[K2RESTSERVICEBASEURL]/tasks/[IID]/actions/[ACTION]',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
processData: false,
dataType: 'application/json',
// As CORS is used, this must be set to true
crossDomain: true,
// Basic authentication is set in the header, enter your user name and password in the placeholders
// The xhr (XMLHttpRequest) function below sends authorization details to the server
// The following line creates a hash of the user name and password:
// window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]")))
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("[USERNAME]" + ':' + "[PASSWORD]"))));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
// On success, we write a 'success' message to the console and stringify the returned JSON to display
// in the <div id="wfid"><div> tag on a web page for example
success: function(json_data) {
$("#upd").html("Instance started and new folio sent. Data sent: " + JSON.stringify(data));
// In case of error, show an alert
error: function() {