Setting a user's Out of Office Status

Setting a user's Out of Office status via the API may be required in custom automation code or in other custom code based solutions that interact with user worklists.

 These code snippets require references to the assemblies:

  • SourceCode.HostClientAPI
  • SourceCode.Workflow.Client

The following code sample demonstrates how to set a users Out of Office status:

using (SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection K2Conn = new Connection()) {
 //open a simple connection for simplicity
 //set Out of Office ON for the current user
 //set Out of Office OFF for the current user

 //set Out of Office ON for a managed user
 K2Conn.SetUserStatus(@"[Label]:[Domain\Username]", UserStatuses.OOF); //e.g. K2:DOMAIN\Username
 //set Out of Office OFF for a managed user
 K2Conn.SetUserStatus(@"[Label]:[Domain\Username]", UserStatuses.Available); //e.g. K2:DOMAIN\Username

The following code sample demonstrates how to define Out of Office worklist settings to specify how Worklist items should be delegated when the user is Out Of Office. When defining the worklist criteria to redirect a worklist item, you can only filter on Activity Name and Folio.

using (SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection K2Conn = new Connection()) {
 //open a simple connection for simplicity

 //Define Worklist criteria to retrieve worklistitems to be delegated to the other user
 WorklistCriteria worklistcriteria = new WorklistCriteria();
 worklistcriteria.Platform = "ASP";
 //Define the user that the work must be delegated to as a Destination
 Destinations worktypedestinations = new Destinations();
 worktypedestinations.Add(new Destination(@"[Label]:[Domain\Username]", DestinationType.User)); //e.g. K2:DOMAIN\Username
 //Link the filters and destinations to the Work
 WorkType worktype = new WorkType("MyWork", worklistcriteria, worktypedestinations);

 //optional: define a separate set of criteria for any "Exception" tasks that
 //must be delegated to a different user, in this sample, tasks for a specific workflow
 WorklistCriteria worklistexceptioncriteria = new WorklistCriteria();
 worklistexceptioncriteria.Platform = "ASP";
 worklistexceptioncriteria.AddFilterField(WCField.ProcessName, WCCompare.Equal, "[ExceptionProcessName]");
 //Define the user that the exception work must be delegated to as a Destination
 Destinations worktypeexceptiondestinations = new Destinations();
 worktypedestinations.Add(new Destination(@"[Label]:[DOMAIN\ExceptionUserName]", DestinationType.User));
 // Link the filters and destinations to the Exception Work
 WorkTypeException worktypeexception = new WorkTypeException("MyWorkException", worklistexceptioncriteria, worktypeexceptiondestinations);

 //now set up the worklist Out of Office (OOF) delegation
 WorklistShare worklistshare = new WorklistShare();
 worklistshare.ShareType = ShareType.OOF;

 //Set time interval for the Sharing. These dates may be used to only share work for a specific period
 worklistshare.StartDate = DateTime.MinValue;
 worklistshare.EndDate = DateTime.MinValue;

 //add the worktype
 //Share the worklist
 //Share the worklist for a managed user
 K2Conn.ShareWorkList(@"[Label]:[Domain\Username]", worklistshare);

 //When the current user's status is set to OOF the worklist shares defined above will take effect

StartDate and EndDate Properties

The StartDate and EndDate fields exposed in the API are not currently supported in all User Interfaces where Out of Office can be configured.

The Out of Office status check box in K2 Workspace will reflect the user's status, regardless of the OOF Start or End dates. Therefore if the Start and End dates have been programmatically set and the user's status has been set to OOF, the K2 Workspace check box will show a check mark before, during, and after the Start and End dates. The workflowManagementServer.SetUserStatus(@"K2:[domain\username]", UserStatusses.OOF); will need to be reset to workflowManagementServer.SetUserStatus(@"K2:[domain\username]", UserStatusses.ACTIVE); in order for the K2 Workspace OOF check box to become unchecked. Alternatively, uncheck the OOF check box in K2 Workspace once the End date has been reached.