Executes the action matching the Action for the worklist item matching the SerialNumber.
- The Worklist service can only execute process-specific actions for a single item. Use the Task service to action items with system actions (Delegate, Redirect or Sleep) and perform batch processing.
- Only actions which have been configured to support batch processing can be updated via this GET method. Use the Worklist/Items/ExecuteAction service to action items that do not support batch processing.
{Service Root URI}/Worklist/Items({SerialNumber})/Actions({Action})/Execute?{Query Options} (Rework)/Execute
Service Path Options
- SerialNumber (String) – the serial number for the worklist item
- Action (String) – the process-specific configured action or system action for the for the worklist item. Requires the use of Replacement Characters.
Available Actions
- {Action} or Action:{Action} or A:{Action} – performs the configured action. The configured action is not case sensitive.
- Redirect:[FQN] or R:[FQN] – performs the system action to redirect a task to the user specified as a Fully Qualified Name. The system action is not case sensitive.
- Delegate:[FQN] or D:[FQN] – performs the system action to delegate a task to the user specified as a Fully Qualified Name. The system action is not case sensitive.
Sleep:[Duration] or S:[Duration] – performs the system action to sleep a task based on the duration provided.
- Duration = (>0) – sleeps the item the amount of seconds specified
- Duration = (0) – sleeps the item indefinitely
- Duration = (<0, e.g -1) – wakes the item
- Duration = {DateTime} – sleeps the item until specified date time. Standard DateTime with time zone is supported: .
Action Examples
Action:Rework GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Rework)/Execute GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Action_C_Rework)/Execute GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (A_C_Rework)/Execute Delegate:DENALLIX\Jono GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Delegate_C_DENALLIX_S_Jono)/Execute GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (D_C_DENALLIX_S_Jono)/Execute Redirect:DENALLIX\Jono GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Redirect_C_DENALLIX_S_Jono)/Execute GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (R_C_DENALLIX_S_Jono)/Execute Sleep:2002-10-10T12:00:00−05:00 GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Sleep_C_2002-10-10T12_C_00_C_00−05_C_00)/Execute GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions(S_C_2002- 10-10T12_C_00_C_00−05_C_00)/Execute Sleep:3600 (1 hour) GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Sleep_C_3600)/Execute GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (S_C_3600)/Execute Sleep:0 (indefinitely) GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Sleep_C_0)/Execute GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (S_C_0)/Execute
Query Options
- System Query Options
- Custom Query Options – by default processing will not be done synchronously. Changing either the service configuration (web.config) or providing this query options can force synchronous processing
- synchronous (Boolean) – determines if the server starts performs this action synchronously