
This content applies to legacy components (such as K2 Studio and K2 for Visual Studio), legacy assemblies, legacy services or legacy functionality. If you have upgraded from K2 blackpearl 4.7 to K2 Five, these items may still be available in your environment. These legacy items may not be available in new installations of K2 Five. These legacy items may also not be available, supported, or behave as described, in future updates or versions of K2. Please see the legacy component support policy for more information about support for these components.

Executes the action matching the Action for the worklist item matching the SerialNumber.

  • The Worklist service can only execute process-specific actions for a single item.  Use the Task service to action items with system actions (Delegate, Redirect or Sleep) and perform batch processing.
  • Only actions which have been configured to support batch processing can be updated via this GET method.  Use the Worklist/Items/ExecuteAction service to action items that do not support batch processing.


{Service Root URI}/Worklist/Items({SerialNumber})/Actions({Action})/Execute?{Query Options} (Rework)/Execute



Service Path Options


  •  SerialNumber (String) – the serial number for the worklist item
  • Action (String) – the process-specific configured action or system action for the for the worklist item.  Requires the use of Replacement Characters.

Available Actions

  • {Action} or Action:{Action} or A:{Action} – performs the configured action.  The configured action is not case sensitive.
  • Redirect:[FQN] or R:[FQN] – performs the system action to redirect a task to the user specified as a Fully Qualified Name. The system action is not case sensitive.
  • Delegate:[FQN] or D:[FQN] – performs the system action to delegate a task to the user specified as a Fully Qualified Name. The system action is not case sensitive.
  • Sleep:[Duration] or S:[Duration] – performs the system action to sleep a task based on the duration provided.
    • Duration = (>0) – sleeps the item the amount of seconds specified
    • Duration = (0) – sleeps the item indefinitely
    • Duration = (<0, e.g -1) – wakes the item
    • Duration = {DateTime} – sleeps the item until specified date time.  Standard DateTime with time zone is supported: .

Action Examples

GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Rework)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Action_C_Rework)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (A_C_Rework)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Delegate_C_DENALLIX_S_Jono)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (D_C_DENALLIX_S_Jono)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Redirect_C_DENALLIX_S_Jono)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (R_C_DENALLIX_S_Jono)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Sleep_C_2002-10-10T12_C_00_C_00−05_C_00)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions(S_C_2002- 10-10T12_C_00_C_00−05_C_00)/Execute
Sleep:3600 (1 hour)
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Sleep_C_3600)/Execute	
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (S_C_3600)/Execute
Sleep:0 (indefinitely)
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (Sleep_C_0)/Execute
GET /K2Services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items(19_10)/Actions (S_C_0)/Execute

Query Options


  • System Query Options
  • Custom Query Options – by default processing will not be done synchronously.  Changing either the service configuration (web.config) or providing this query options can force synchronous processing
    • synchronous (Boolean) – determines if the server starts performs this action synchronously

Return Type
