
This content applies to legacy components (such as K2 Studio and K2 for Visual Studio), legacy assemblies, legacy services or legacy functionality. If you have upgraded from K2 blackpearl 4.7 to K2 Five, these items may still be available in your environment. These legacy items may not be available in new installations of K2 Five. These legacy items may also not be available, supported, or behave as described, in future updates or versions of K2. Please see the legacy component support policy for more information about support for these components.

Returns a collection of task items for the current user limited by the query options.

  Value Notes
URI {Service Root URI}/Task/Items?{Query Options}

No filters are applied if options are not provided.

Optional Query options can be passed, see

System Query Options

  • Custom Query Options
    • filterXml = {filterXml} – specifies the task filtering and sorting to use to limit the results.  Uses no filter when omitted, which will return all records.  See the Filtering and Sorting section for more information.
    •  By default task detail data will not be returned.  Changing either the service configuration (web.config) or providing these query options can override whether detail data is returned
      • piDataField (Boolean) – determines if process level data fields should be returned
      • piXmlField (Boolean) – determines if process level XML fields should be returned
      • actDataField (Boolean) – determines if activity level data fields should be returned
      • actXmlField (Boolean) – determines if activity level XML fields should be returned
Method GET  
Return Type TaskCollection or Failure  
Return Example <TaskCollection xmlns="http://schemas.k2.com/task/d1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <Task SerialNumber="17_10">
    <ProcessName>Order Process</ProcessName>
    <ProcessFullName>K2 Examples\Order Process</ProcessFullName>
    <ProcessFolio>Order Process - K2</ProcessFolio>
    <ActivityName>Manager Approval</ActivityName>
    <Action Name="Approve" Batchable="true"/>
    <Action Name="Decline" Batchable="true"/>
    <Action Name="Rework" Batchable="true"/>
    <ProcessDataField Name="MyProcessDataField" xmlns="http://schemas.k2.com/process/d1">My process data field initial value</ProcessDataField>
    <ProcessXmlField Name="MyProcessXMLField" xmlns="http://schemas.k2.com/process/d1">
  <Task SerialNumber="18_10">
    <ProcessName>Order Process</ProcessName>
    <ProcessFullName>K2 Examples\Order Process</ProcessFullName>
    <ProcessFolio>Order Process - Acme</ProcessFolio>
    <ActivityName>Manager Approval</ActivityName>
    <Action Name="Approve" Batchable="true"/>
    <Action Name="Decline" Batchable="true"/>
    <Action Name="Rework" Batchable="true"/>
    <ProcessDataField Name="MyProcessDataField" xmlns="http://schemas.k2.com/process/d1">My process data field initial value</ProcessDataField>
    <ProcessXmlField Name="MyProcessXMLField" xmlns=">http://schemas.k2.com/process/d1">