Task Result Rule tab

Once you have configured the task actions and who receives the task, use the Task Result Rule tab to define the task result rule. This rule determines the path for the task after task recipients take an action.

You can, for example, specify the amount of recipients who need to respond to the task. Using the Voting Rule you can specify what happens if nobody responds. You can select from the following rule options:

  • First Response
  • Consensus
  • Build your own custom voting rule
For more information on the different Task Result Rule scenarios, see the Task Results Rule Scenarios - Overview topic.

How to configure a Result Rule

  1. Select the Task Result Rule tab.
  2. The following table explains the available options:

    Option Explanation How to Use
    Task Result Rule
    First Response

    Select this rule so that when the first recipient actions the task, the task is complete. If the action is sent to multiple recipients or groups, it is removed from all recipients' worklists once the first response is made.

    All tasks are handled using First Response by default.

    Click the First Response radio button.


    Allows you to handle an agreement among recipients about the task action.

    If all recipients choose the same action (a consensus), the result completes with that action. If a consensus is not reached, then you can specify which action should be used to complete the result. This can be one of the defined actions configured on the Task tab or you can create a specific task result for the consensus alternate action.

    Note: Actions created in the Task Results section of this panel are not visible on the recipients' worklists. The results can be linked to an action created on the Task tab which would then appear on the worklists for recipients to action.

    Important: The task stays active on the worklist until all recipients action the task.

    For this rule, you can specify the number of available responses. This is specified in the Options section.

    Examples of:

    • No available responses specified: A task is sent to 50 recipients and no number of available responses are specified. All of the 50 recipients receives it and need to action the task. Only then will the consensus rule validate the result and follow the assigned path.
    • Number of available responses specified: A task is sent to 50 recipients and a number of 10 available responses are specified. All of the 50 recipients receives it but only 10 of them need to action the task. On the 10th response the consensus rule validate the result and follow the assigned path.

    Click the Consensus radio button.

    If you need additional task results, click Add in the Task Results section.

    Click the link icon (on the added action in the Task Results section) to link the action.

    In the Options section, use the How many responses are available? field to specify the amount of recipients required to reach a consensus.


    Allows you to edit and customize the result rule using the Rules Designer.

    For more information on how to use the custom voting rule in a scenario, see the Custom Voting Rule and Custom Voting Rule with a other Task step result topics.

    Click Edit Voting Rule to expand the Rules Designer.
    Task Results

    This displays the available task results for the task. Any actions created on the Task tab automatically appear here. You can create additional task results and link it to a current action created on the Task tab.

    Any additional results created in the Task Results section are not visible on the recipients' worklists. If you link one of them to an action created on the Task tab which appears on the worklist.

    If you change a linked result, the label on the canvas is updated, but the action on the Task tab doesn't change. Recipients action the task with the original task action.

    Click the task result and type to edit the title.

    Click the link icon to link or unlink a task result to a task action.

    Click Add to create additional task results.

    Select a task result and click the Trash bin to delete it.


    Use this to specify the available number of responses for the selected task.

    Select one of the following options:

    • All Recipients can respond
    • Only one response
    • Type/Construct my own

    Select an option from the drop-down menu.

    To type a value, select the Type/Construct my own option.

    Resolve groups to individuals

    When a recipient completes a task, it is completed as an individual or as a member of a group.

    When this option is checked, groups are expanded to the individual members of the group, tasks are assigned to those members, and the task is completed by each person as if they were directly assigned the task.

    Example: An approval task is sent to the Financial Department that Bob is a member of. He actions the task and the result is completed. The reports shows that Bob approved the task.

    When this option is not checked, groups are assigned the task, and even though each member of the group receives a notification, the task is completed on the group level.

    Example: A new sales task is sent to the Sales Department which Holly is a member of. She actions the task and the result is completed. The report shows that the Sales Department actioned the task.

    Note: For the Resolve groups to individuals feature to function, you need to ensure that the Refresh with Worklist check box is checked in the Roles section within K2 Management. For more information on this, see the Roles topic.

    For detailed scenarios on Resolve groups to individuals see

    Check the check box to resolve groups to individuals

    Uncheck the check box to resolve individuals to groups.

    When using the custom Voting Rule, you can make your workflow go into an infinite wait-state due to too many responses required for the number of people assigned the task, and other misconfiguration. Make sure to inspect group membership and the number of responses you require, and make sure there are enough people to reach the amount of responses desired.
  3. For detailed information on each of the result rule options, select the corresponding link below: