Azure Active Directory Management (Read/Write to AAD)

The screenshots and instructions for third-party software are accurate at the time of writing. Third-party vendors may have changed or updated aspects of their systems (such as user interfaces, functionality, and security). As a result, this content may be outdated.

K2 Cloud environments require integration with your Azure Active Directory and, in turn, consent to an app. K2 Cloud uses either the K2 for Office 365 app (for SharePoint Online integration) or the Azure Active Directory for K2 app (if SharePoint Online integration is not planned). Both apps request only read permissions to your AAD, not write. If you need to build solutions that write data to AAD, you must consent the write permission using the Azure Active Directory Management for K2 app. Use this topic to reconfigure your existing AAD service instance and consent to the Azure Active Directory Management for K2 app requested read and write permissions.

  1. Confirm the AADMGMT OAuth resource exists
  2. Rebind the AAD service instance to use the AADMGMT OAuth resource
  3. Consent to the Azure Active Directory Management for K2 app in your AAD tenant


When the AAD service instance is configured against the K2 for Office 365 app, all SmartObject methods are exposed even though the underlying OAuth tokens and app do not expose AAD editing permissions by default. This means that it is possible to build a solution that attempts to use these edit methods, but those calls fail. Below is an example of the error received if you use an AAD-based SmartObject method that attempts to write data. In this example, the Update method of the User SmartObject is called. Notice in the error the message "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation."