SmartObject OData API v4 endpoints

The SmartObject OData URL is the base for all your API endpoints. Find your base URL on the API configuration page described in the topic Configuring the SmartObject OData API.

SmartObjects are identified as EntitySets in the returned data when you hit the OData URL The EntitySet name is the system-name of the SmartObject.

You must know how the SmartObject you want to interact with is designed, what input and output properties are available, and whether their values are required. Only the property name and type is available when you retrieve a list of the entities with an endpoint.

When using the endpoint, you can specify methods which follow the standard HTTP verbs:

Method Type HTTP Verb
Create POST
Update PUT
Read GET
List GET
Execute POST


  • Endpoints are case sensitive. For example, https://{{OData URL}}/<SmartObject system-name>?method=Create