
Use the Roles node to create, edit, delete or save K2 Roles. Roles are essentially groups defined in K2, and are most often used for assigning tasks or setting security in K2. For example, perhaps it is not possible to define groups in Active Directory (AD) for workflow task allocation, because the AD administrators are unwilling to define groups used only by applications. Or perhaps you to create a group that contains users authenticated through different authentication mechanisms, in which case you cannot define the group in AD.

As an administrator, you define roles using the K2 Management site and they are stored on your K2 server. You can modify the Role membership without needing to modify the design of workflows or authorization rules that use those roles. Roles can contain one or more users and groups, from multiple user managers.

For more information on using Roles in workflows, see the Recipients topic. For more information on using Roles for security, see Role Authorization and Authorization Overview.

The Roles screen

See the following resources for more information: