URM Service SmartObjects

Microsoft Azure Active Directory is now Microsoft Entra ID

Use the URM (User Role Management) service SmartObjects to find and get groups, get security labels, get user roles, and get user details.

The following SmartObjects are available with URM service instance:


Use the UMGroup SmartObject to find, get, and get details of user groups.


Name Notes
Get Group Details Requires FQN (Fully Qualified Name). Returns the description and email of the group FQN provided.
Get Groups You can use a user Name or an FQN (Fully Qualified Name) as the identifier. Returns a list of all the groups available, based on the Label name. Returns FQN, Group Name, Name, Description, and Email for each group.
Find User Groups You can use a user Name, group Description, or Group Name as the identifier. Returns a list of groups that a user is a member of. Requires User Name and Label Name.

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example AD Source Azure Active Directory Source SQL Source Notes
FQN (Fully Qualified Name) Text K2:DENALLIX\Bob       Made up of security label, domain, and user name.
GroupName Text Finance       Returns the group name
Name Text Bob        
Description Text         Returns the description of the group
Email Text bob@denallix.com        


Use the UMLabel SmartObject to return details of security labels, such as K2 and SharePoint.


Name Notes
Get Labels Use a user Name as the identifier. Returns a list of Labels from your environment. For example, SharePoint, K2, CRM, etc.
Get Auth Labels Use a user Name as the identifier. Returns a list of Labels from your environment. For example, SharePoint, K2, CRM, etc.

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example AD Source Azure Active Directory Source SQL Source Notes
Name Text K2       Returns the security label


Use the UMRole SmartObject to get roles names and descriptions.


Name Notes
Get Roles You can use a Role Name or Description as the identifier. Returns a list of Role Names and their descriptions.
Get Roles for User You can use a Role Name or Description as the identifier. Returns a list of Role Names and their descriptions that the user is a member of.
Get Roles for Group You can use a Role Name or Description as the identifier. Returns a list of Role Names and their descriptions for the group.

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example AD Source Azure Active Directory Source SQL Source Notes
Role Name Text Security Administrators       For more information see Roles.
Description Text Built-in systems role for security Administrators       Returns the description of the role.


Use the UMUser SmartObject to get user information.


Name Notes
Get User Details Requires FQN (Fully Qualified Name). Returns the name, description, email, manager, SIP account, object SID, and display name of the specified user
Get Users You can use a user Name of an FQN (Fully Qualified Name) as the identifier. Returns a list of all users in a security label.
Get User By FQN Requires FQN (Fully Qualified Name)
Get Role Users Requires FQN (Fully Qualified Name)
Get Users for Roles You can use a user Name of an FQN (Fully Qualified Name) as the identifier
Get Group Users You can use the group Name, Description, or GroupName as the identifier
Get Roles for User You can use the group Name, Description, or GroupName as the identifier
Get Roles for Group You can use a user Name of an FQN (Fully Qualified Name) as the identifier

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example AD Source Azure Active Directory Source SQL Source Notes
FQN (Fully Qualified Name) Text K2:DENALLIX\Bob       Made up of security label, domain, and user name.
Name Text DENALLIX\Bob       Made up of domain and user name.
Description Text          
Email Text bob@denallix.com        
Manager Text K2:DENALLIX\Holly (Bob’s manager)        
Sip Account Text



      Typically stored in the ProxyAddresses attribute. SIP stands for 'Session Initiation Protocol' which is a signalling communications protocol mostly used for transferring voice and video calls over IP networks.
Object SID Text         All objects in Active Directory have a GUID (the objectGUID attribute), but only security principals have a SID (the objectSID attribute).
Display Name Text Bob Maggio