
The Management Console in K2 Workspace is superseded by the K2 Management Site and you should use the K2 Management Site to administer your K2 environment, rather than Management Console in K2 Workspace. (In certain cases you may need to use the Management Console in K2 Workspace to perform tasks that are not exposed in the K2 Management Site.)

The Versions section is used to set manage and delete versions of a process definition, as well as to Versions in a process.

It is important to understand the way in which process versioning works in K2. When a new or updated workflow definition is published, a new version of that process will be created in the target environment and will automatically be set as the default version. Any new instances of the process that start will use the default version. Therefore, any new instances of the process that are started will, by default, use the last deployed version of the workflow.

Existing instances of the process are not automatically upgraded to the latest version. This is due in part because the process could entirely change between versions. Also, you want to avoid someone subverting the process by deploying a new version temporarily and then reverting it back later. Under normal circumstances, when a process instance is started against a version of the process , that process instance will continue running on the same version of the process definition, even if new versions of the process are deployed to the K2 server while that instance is active. K2 will not automatically “upgrade” running/active instances of the process to the latest version. (There are APIs and community tools available that allow you to migrate "in-flight" workflows from one version to another. See the Live Instance Management API in the K2 developer reference for more information.)

You can use the Versions page to promote or demote a workflow version to Default. Remember that existing workflow instances will not be changed as a result of this change, it only affects new instances of the workflow. Whenever a new version of the workflow is deployed, that version automatically becomes the default version, even if the previous default version was manually overridden by an administrator earlier.

You can also delete old versions of the workflow or the entire workflow definition from the Versions page. Deleting workflows can help to clean up an environment and recover database space.

Option Description
Selected Selects the Version, allowing the Set to Default Process button to be used.
Delete Process Enables the user to delete specific or all process versions and instances along with certain dependencies.
Version The Version deployment number (automatically determined and incremented by K2 when a workflow is deployed)
Version Label The Label of the Process Version, can be provided by the workflow designer in certain workflow design tools.
Version Description The Description of the Process Version, can be provided by the workflow designer in certain workflow design tools.
Version Date The date that the Version was deployed.
Source Download the workflow definition as a zipped file for editing in adesign tool like K2 Studio or K2 for Visual Studio.
Export User The name of the user who deployed the Process.
Default Shows which Process is set as the default Process .
Set to Default Sets the Version to Default.