Error Profiles

The Management Console in K2 Workspace is superseded by the K2 Management Site and you should use the K2 Management Site to administer your K2 environment, rather than Management Console in K2 Workspace. (In certain cases you may need to use the Management Console in K2 Workspace to perform tasks that are not exposed in the K2 Management Site.)

K2 processes can encounter unexpected errors from time to time. The very nature of K2 solutions (where K2 acts like an intermediary between different systems and may depend on other systems like Active Directory) means that K2 processes can sometimes fail if there is a problem with a supporting system.

If the workflow developer has not specifically handled errors in the workflow design, any processes that encounter unexpected errors will be put into Error status and K2 will suspend further execution of the workflow. These processes will appear in the Error Profiles section of the K2 workspace, and the K2 administrator can then Retry failed instances of the workflow when the root cause of the error is resolved.

Retry will execute all the code or rules for the event, activity rule or line where the process failed. It will not start the process from scratch or restart execution from an earlier step of the workflow. If you want to “send the process back” or “skip” a step, use the Processes: Instances option and use the Goto Activity function instead. With a Retry, K2 executes the event/line/rule that failed again, so be careful if the event does multiple things like updating a DB and then calling a web service. It is possible that you could end up updating the database twice but calling the web service once, so understand the potential impact of issuing a retry command

The Error Profile node allows a administrator to enable Error Profile logging. The All Profile is created by default, from here a administrator can Retry Processes that are in error state.

Clicking on a configured Error Profile will load the Error Log screen:

Field Description
Retry Button Use this button to re-execute the process from the location at which the workflow failed.
Selected Select multiple Errors to retry.
ID The unique identity number given to the Process.
Process The name of the Process and Project Folder.
Source The Activity or Event within the Process Instance that is in Error.
Description The description of the Error.
Date The date and time that the Process Instance went into Error.