String Table

The Management Console in K2 Workspace is superseded by the K2 Management Site and you should use the K2 Management Site to administer your K2 environment, rather than Management Console in K2 Workspace. (In certain cases you may need to use the Management Console in K2 Workspace to perform tasks that are not exposed in the K2 Management Site.)

The String Table section exposes string variables that are associated with a specific process. When a workflow executes at runtime and references one of these placeholders, it checks the string table to find the value for the placeholder.

The String Table entries are automatically updated whenever a K2 workflow is deployed using the values specified in the targeted Environment Library. To avoid confusion, we recommend that you define and maintain any variables/placeholders in the Environment Library and rely on the workflow deployment mechanism to keep the String Tables updated. It is not recommended to modify values in the String Table unless for backward compatibility with older workflows that do not rely on Environment Fields.

Clicking on the available String Tables will open the following screen:

Field Description Sample Value
Edit Allows an administrator to edit the alias Name and Replace With information. Click Edit to change the details of the selected name alias definitions.
Selected Selects the String Name definition configuration. Click on the option field next to the alias Name.
Name The alias Name used within a Process definition. User Reference
Replace With The String variable that replaces the alias Name. User Reference