Jotblock Properties

There are many different Jotblocks available to place on documents, and each Jotblock comes with their own set of properties located in the Common and Display tabs. These properties can be anything from making the Jotblock a requirement to interact by the signer, or even changing the font size and color of a text Jotblock. This section lists the different types of Jotblocks available and the various properties you can configure for each type.

Accessing Jotblock Properties

The properties menu can be accessed by clicking on Jotblock, and then selecting the gear icon above the Jotblock, or when the Jotblock is first added to the document. Clicking the gear icon displays a new window that defaults to the Jotblock's common properties. This is the Common tab and it contains all of the settings you can configure for that selected Jotblock. The Display tab can be selected for certain Jotblocks which displays a list of formatting options that can be used to change the appearance of the selected Jotblock.

Jotblock Types and Common and Display Properties