Profile Security
The Security tab in the Profile section allows standard users to change a few options related to their password. You can change your password and change your security question.
In the password section of the Security tab you can set a new password for your account. Type in a new password and click the Save button to confirm the change.
Please note that the password you are entering will need to comply with the options set in the Security screen. These preferences are set by an Account Manager, and cannot be changed by standard users.
Security Question
You also have the ability to change your security question. The security question is going to be used for when you have forgotten your password, and are looking to recover it. There are several options available, so it is recommended that you choose an option that will be easy for you to recall later.
When choosing a security question it is recommended to not pick any information that has readily been shared. Any individual with knowledge of your security question's answer could recover your password.