Installation and Configuration
Important: Nintex eSign is no longer available to download through the Salesforce AppExchange and is no longer supported in Salesforce Lightning. It is recommended to use Nintex DocGen for use with Salesforce Lightning.
Nintex eSign for Salesforce Lightning solution can be installed without effecting prior installations. As a separate object with separate naming conventions, it will not interfere with or modify any existing AssureSign configuration you may have in your Salesforce environment.
The package for the current version can be installed from the Salesforce AppExchange.
Select that you want to Install for All Users.
You will then be prompted to approve 3rd party access. Select to grant access to AssureSign's websites, and continue. You may also selectively choose only and the "Site URL" (NA1, WWW, SB, CA1 or EU1) where your organization is hosted.
To determine your Site URL in the AssureSign portal you can go to Administration and then Settings and it will be located under the Account Information heading on the row titled Site URL.
Once you have granted access, click continue. Salesforce will install the application, and send you an email once the features are available in your environment.
Configuring Nintex eSign For Salesforce Lightning
Once you have received the email that installation is complete, you can now configure Nintex eSign for Salesforce Lightning.
Here are the steps for configuring Nintex eSign for Salesforce Lightning:
Navigate to the Nintex eSign Post-Installation Wizard
Log into Nintex eSign from the Post-Installation Wizard
Choose your Nintex eSign environment for the initial configuration
Choose your Nintex eSign Global settings
Navigate to the Nintex eSignPost-Installation Wizard
Note: When clicking the done button from the installation of the package, it may automatically redirect to the Nintex eSign Post-Installation Wizard, in which case you should continue to the next section, Logging into Nintex eSign from the AssureSign Post-Installation Wizard.
If you are not automatically redirected, or return to your instance at a later time for configuration, in the app finder, search for Nintex eSign and click on AssureSign Lightning Setup and this will bring you to the Nintex eSign Post Installation Wizard:
Log into Nintex eSign from the Nintex eSign Post-Installation Wizard
The initial Nintex eSign Post-Installation Wizard looks like the below:
You will need to enter the following:
Login Base URL: For most users, this should be left as If you are using a custom login URL forNintex eSign, you will need to register this endpoint by going to Setup and then searching for Remote Site Settings.
Email Address: The email address used to access Nintex eSign
Password: The password for the Nintex eSign account used in Email Address.
Once you have populated the above information, click Sign in with Nintex eSign.
Choose your AssureSign environment for the initial configuration
You will then be brought to the following screen if your account has access to multiple environments. Change the drop down to the appropriate environment you wish to use for the Salesforce configuration, and then click next.
Choose your Nintex eSign Global Settings settings.
Configure your preferences for the following settings:
Envelope Expiration: Choose between using the Nintex eSign account default, Specify a fixed number of days for all envelopes, or specify a fixed number of days for all envelopes and allow users to override.
In Person Signing: Turning this option on would present the originator with an option to "Sign in Person" after the envelope is submitted.
Automatically Download Documents: This option pushes documents from Nintex eSignto Salesforce when enabled in conjunction with a configured DocumentTRAK Document Transmission. For more information on DocumentTRAK Document Transmissions, see the article here.
Download History: This option pushes the history from Nintex eSign to Salesforce when enabled in conjunction with a configured DocumentTRAK webhook notification. For more information on DocumentTRAK webhook notifications, see this article.
Document Parsing: Turn this option on when documents will be submitted using dynamic jotblocks. For more information on using Dynamic Jotblocks, see the article here.
Finally, click Save.
If configuration was successful, you will see the following message:
After initial configuration, you will be able to install additional configurations if needed. For an additional configuration walkthrough, please see the article here.
Enabling The Nintex eSign Integration On A Page Layout
To add the Nintex eSign integration to the standard objects of Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, or Orders please follow the following steps.
Click Settings, then Setup
Search for "Object Manager" in the Quick Find menu, then click Object Manager
Click the name of the object where you wish to add the Nintex eSign integration.
Then, Click Page Layouts in the left hand column. Click the blue hyperlinked name of the page layout where you wish to add the Nintex eSignintegration.
Next, select related lists and drag and drop the Nintex eSign Envelopes item to a location on the page layout of your choosing.
Then select the wrench icon on the Nintex eSign Envelopes related list.
Select from the available fields by highlighting any columns you wish to see in the Nintex eSign object and clicking add, and then OK (To start, we recommend selecting Envelope Number, Nintex eSign Envelope ID, Created by, and Envelope Status):
Finally, click save to save the page layout.