Add Nintex eSign to the Appropriate Page Layouts
This information is for the legacy Salesforce solution using classic AssureSign document templates. For all new installations, the new AssureSign for Salesforce Lightning solution should be installed. Refer to Salesforce Lightning for more information.
The Nintex eSign for Salesforce component can be used with both built-in and custom Salesforce objects. Nintex eSign for Salesforce includes a number of built in pages that can be used with the standard Salesforce objects. Existing objects for which Nintex eSign pages are included by default include:
Built-In Salesforce Objects
In order to use the Nintex eSign for Salesforce component with any of the built-in Salesforce objects, follow the steps below:
In your Salesforce environment go to the Setup page.
Navigate to Build >> Customize >> (Salesforce object of choice) >> Page Layouts.
Click the Edit link for the page layout to which you would like to add Nintex eSign for Salesforce.
Select Visualforce Pages from the layout area.
Select Nintex eSign [Object Name] Page and drag it to a section on the page.
Although it is not necessary to create a new section, the control should be added to a section with a 1 column layout. Adding the control to a section with multiple columns could cause rendering issues. To create a new section, after selecting “Visualforce Pages from the layout area:
Drag a new Section from the layout area onto your page
Give the section a name and set it to a 1-Column layout.
Select the Nintex eSign [Object Name] Page and drag it to the new section you created.
Click the Properties icon on the right hand side of the Nintex eSign [Object Name] Page Visualforce page that you added to the layout; we recommend setting the height to 410 pixels.
Click Save to save your changes.
Repeat this process for other layouts or for any other built-in Salesforce objects.
Custom Salesforce Objects
In order to use the Nintex eSign for Salesforce component with custom objects that are specific to your organization, follow the steps below:
In your Salesforce environment go to the Setup page.
Navigate to Build >> Develop >> Visual Force Pages.
Click on the New button to create a new VisualForce page.
Add the following markup to your new page (replacing [Custom Object API Name] with the actual name). Apex markup is not case sensitive:
<apex:page standardController="[Custom Object API Name]">
<as:Section_Base />
Assign a name for the page, and click Save to save your changes
Navigate to Setup >> App Setup >> Create >> Objects
Click on the Custom Object label and scroll down to the Page Layouts section.
Click the Edit link for the object to which you would like to add your custom Nintex eSign. Visualforce Page.
Select Visualforce Pages from the layout area.
Select your [Custom Page Name] and drag it to a section on the page.
Although it is not necessary to create a new section, the control should be added to a section with a 1 column layout. Adding the control to a section with multiple columns could cause rendering issues. To create a new section, after selecting Visualforce Pages from the layout area:
Drag a new Section from the layout area onto your page
Give the section a name and set it to a 1-Column layout.
Select your [Custom Page Name] and drag it to the new section you created.
Click the Properties icon on the right hand side of the [Custom Page Name] Visualforce page that you created to the layout; we recommend setting the height to 420 pixels.
Click Save to save your changes.