Configure Nintex eSign and Salesforce Object Mapping

This information is for the legacy Salesforce solution using classic AssureSign document templates. For all new installations, the new AssureSign for Salesforce Lightning solution should be installed. Refer to Salesforce Lightning for more information.

The Nintex eSign for Salesforce control supports mapping data from Salesforce objects to parameters used to populate data in an Nintex eSign Template. The Nintex eSign for Salesforce control can automatically pull specified Salesforce object field values from the page on which it resides by specifying these field names in parameter tags from within an Nintex eSign template.

This mapping process can always be done manually during the parameter population stage of the document setup process by selecting the desired field from the field list or by typing the desired value right into the parameter value textbox. However, for cases when the value of a parameter always relates directly to a field on a Salesforce object, this mapping process can be automated to save time.

This will be most useful for situations where multiple documents need to be sent and the same Salesforce object fields are always mapped to the same parameter fields in each document. Being able to use Salesforce object fields as parameters and automatically having these field values pulled from the Salesforce object will make the process of inputting new document parameters much less repetitive and will reduce the amount of time needed to submit a document.

Standard Fields

Field mappings can be created by setting the Tag value of Nintex eSign template parameters with the appropriate Nintex eSign Parameter Tag for the field you would like to map.

To access a list of available Salesforce fields:

  1. Click the All Tabs arrow to bring up the list of available tabs.

  2. Click on the tab labeled Nintex eSign Setup.

  3. Click on the Integration sub-tab.

  4. To select a specific Salesforce field:

  5. From the Object browser, choose a Salesforce object from the list. The available Salesforce fields for that object will be displayed.

  6. Find the field you would like to use from the list displayed.

    Nested parent object relationships for the currently selected object are shown in the list for the selected object as[Object Name] .

    For example, a Contact belongs to, or is associated with, a parent Account, and the Account to which it is linked is identified by the Parent Account ID field. So to view the fields of an Account to which a Contact is related by a parent/child relationship:

  7. Choose a root object of [Contact]

  8. Select the [Account] object

    NOTE: The list of available fields will vary based on the Salesforce object the Nintex eSign control is used with (the specific object page the Nintex eSign control is placed on). Consequently, use the tagging mechanism with care if you intend on using the same Nintex eSign template to send documents for multiple Salesforce object types.

  9. Copy and paste the corresponding Nintex eSign Parameter Tag string, and – within the Nintex eSign site while editing the Template parameter which should receive the value – paste the value in the "Custom Tag" text box.

  10. If the tag is correctly entered, the parameter field values will be automatically populated from the Salesforce object identified by the Nintex eSign Parameter Tag when submitting a new document through the Nintex eSign Salesforce tool as shown below.

Custom Object Field Mapping

If your organization uses custom Salesforce objects they will not show up in the object list on the integration tab shown above. Field mapping can still be set for fields on the custom object using the following syntax:

[object API name].[custom field API name]

EXAMPLE: A sample custom object field mapping may look something like this:


The object API name can be obtained by viewing the object in the custom object setup section. It may or may not contain a namespace prefix based upon your organizational settings.

Custom Salesforce Lookup Field Mapping

Salesforce lookup fields are fields that create a relationship between objects. They allow you to pull a value from one object into another. The images below show a lookup field on the Contacts object which pulls values from the Leads object.

If your organization uses lookup fields, the values in the fields can be pulled for object field mapping as well using the following syntax:

[object name].[lookup field pointer].[field]

The lookup field pointer is the API name of the lookup field, replacing the trailing c with an r. For instance, if the lookup field API name is namespaceLookupField01c then the lookup field pointer will be namespaceLookupField01r.

The field is the actual field reference you wish to pull the value from. If you wanted to pull the value you see in the textbox, field would be replaced with Name.