Configure DocumentTRAK Status Updates
This information is for the legacy Salesforce solution using classic AssureSign document templates. For all new installations, the new AssureSign for Salesforce Lightning solution should be installed. Refer to Salesforce Lightning for more information.
Using built-in DocumentTRAK Web Hooks and Document Transmissions
The built-in DocumentTRAK web hook for is available starting with version 6.30 of Nintex eSign.
To update records in Salesforce, from the Administration and Settings page, select DocumentTRAK and continue to Notification Administration:
Select ADD WEBHOOK, and pick the item labelled Salesforce (Legacy). This web hook is a data only transmission.
Provide values for:
Name - a unique label you provide
Salesforce environment - select the production or test URL the communication will authenticate to
Username - a user with access to the Nintex eSign objects in the Nintex eSign solution in your Salesforce instance
Password - a password for the user specified in Username
Security Token - the Salesforce security token provided through the Salesforce application for API communications
After saving you can test the design. A test from the designer will populate the communication with a random documentID, and so it is expected that you will be told no record could be found.
Add the design to workflow events on Nintex eSign templates (currently, classic document templates may only be used with the Nintex eSign solution for Salesforce). For existing classic document templates, select Edit on the template to be modified. Then, Select Edit Workflow.
On Web Notifications, select Click here to create a new notification.
You will want to add this notification to lifecycle events that should trigger a communication to CRM.
To start, you may want to add this notification to:
Step 1: select timing Before Step, and choose your new design
Document Completed
Document Expired
Document Cancelled
Document Declined
Feedback Submitted
Save any steps that you have added in the Web Notifications section of the template's workflow.
To create a document transmission to Salesforce, select the Document Transmission tab on notifications rather than Webhooks. Select to add a document transmission, of type web hook, and select Salesforce. The same information is required for the Document Transmission as the data only web hook.
This communication should be added to classic templates on the Document Transmission section of workflow.
Using Legacy DocumentTRAK Web Hooks
For Nintex eSign versions prior to 6.31, you may use a proxy service that simplifies communications to Salesforce instances in order to update the status of Nintex eSign Document OR Nintex eSign Envelope entity records. This service can be invoked via a DocumentTRAK notification. Current versions of Nintex eSign should use the simpler built in hooks, however.
The Nintex eSign for Salesforce tool supports receiving real-time document status updates from Nintex eSign as the document progresses through the signing process. This can enable you to create custom Salesforce workflow to be triggered when a document reaches a certain status.
In addition, completed documents can be transmitted to Salesforce as a Salesforce document or as an attachment on the Salesforce object (Lead, Account, etc.) they are associated with. Refer to the Document Storage Location Configuration Setting definition on how to set the default location for your installation.
To set up status updates or completed document transmission to Salesforce, a few account configuration changes will need to be made from within the Nintex eSign site, and individual template workflow settings will need to be configured.
Nintex eSign Account Configuration
Real-time status updates and completed document transmission to Salesforce make use of the Nintex eSign DocumentTRAK family of services.
Enabling DocumentTRAK The DocumentTRAK feature setting will need to be turned on in order for this functionality to be available:
From within the Nintex eSign site, navigate to Administration >> Settings
Under the Application Features section, click Edit next to the DocumentTRAK™ feature setting
Change the Current Value from No to Yes
Click Save to update your account configuration
Providing Salesforce Credentials for DocumentTRAK You will also need to provide the Salesforce user credentials that Nintex eSign will need in order to access your Salesforce account with real-time document status updates or to transmit completed documents.
The "DocumentTRAK™ Credential" setting will need to be configured to store these Salesforce user credentials:
From within the Nintex eSign site, navigate to Administration >> Settings
Under the Notification Preferences section, click Edit next to the DocumentTRAK™ Credential setting
Provide your Salesforce Username and Password in the spaces provided. Note that Salesforce requires you to append your Salesforce security token to the end of your user password when making calls from the API. The domain is an optional field used for authenticating with an SSH server and is not for communications to Salesforce.
Click Save to update your account configuration
These Salesforce credentials will be used for Salesforce status updates or document transmissions for documents created by any user in your account. Therefore it is important to ensure that the Salesforce user you provide credentials for has appropriate permissions within Salesforce.
If the password is changed for the Salesforce user you provide credentials for, you will need to update the Nintex eSign setting to reflect the new password to ensure that status updates and document transmissions can be sent successfully.
Resetting your Salesforce Security Token
Using the lightning interface, select your name dropdown, and My Settings. Expand Personal and click Reset My Security Token. The token will be emailed to you.
On the classic interface, go to Setup >> Personal Setup and select Reset my Security Token.
Nintex eSign Template Configuration
The status-updates and document transmissions that can be set up to work for Salesforce are configured on an individual template basis.
Real-Time Status Updates Document statuses within Salesforce are automatically updated each time you visit the “Existing Documents” section of the Nintex eSign for Salesforce tool.
However, enabling real-time updates within Nintex eSign will allow the updates to be sent to Salesforce without user interaction. This allows you to create Salesforce triggers or custom workflow to pull the statuses as needed (refer to Salesforce documentation to learn about triggers and custom workflow).
The document statuses are stored within the Salesforce document record as the following acronyms:
DCO – Document Completed (status when all fields on the document are completed by all signatories)
DEX – Document Expired (occurs if a document goes past its set expiration date without signing being completed)
DST – Document Started (indicates that a document was sent to the signatories but has not been completed yet)
DCR – Document Created (a document has been set up but not sent yet)
DCA – Document Cancelled (a document was sent and then cancelled by the creator)
DSD – Document Signing Declined (a document was sent but a signatory declined the signing process)
Configuring a Real-Time Status Update To configure an Nintex eSign template to send a status update to Salesforce, perform the following steps:
From within the Nintex eSign site, navigate to Templates >> Existing
Click Edit next to the template you would like to modify
Click Edit Workflow at the bottom of the template editor panel
Navigate to the Web Notifications link on the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen
Note: If this option is not available, it means the DocumentTRAK™ setting is not enabled for your account. Please see the Nintex eSign Account Configuration instructions above for more details.
Click the “Click here to create a new notification” link for the stage in the signing process that you would like to have a status update sent to Salesforce.
Select the appropriate timing
Select the Salesforce Status Update design from the list
Click Save to finish adding the status update.
Configuring a Completed Document Transmission To configure an Nintex eSign template to transmit the completed document to Salesforce, complete the following steps:
From within the Nintex eSign site, navigate to Templates >> Existing
Click Edit next to the template you would like to modify
Click Edit Workflow at the bottom of the template editor panel
Navigate to the Document Transmission link on the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen
If this option is not available, it means the DocumentTRAK™ setting is not enabled for your account. Please see the Nintex eSign Account Configuration instructions above for more details.
Click the New link to setup a new document transmission
Select the Salesforce Status Update With Document design from the list
Click Save to finish adding the document transmission