Using Nintex eSignfor Salesforce
This information is for the legacy Salesforce solution using classic AssureSign document templates. For all new installations, the new AssureSign for Salesforce Lightning solution should be installed. Refer to Salesforce Lightning for more information.
When you have completed the processes of adding the Nintex eSign component to a page layout and you have created templates within the Nintex eSign website (including the mapping of fields into template parameter tags and configuring DocumentTRAK status updates) then your tool is ready to be used.
The component should appear embedded in the page you have specified, and you should be presented with the options of:
Starting a New Document, and
Checking on the status of Existing Documents
Starting A New Document
To start a new document, click on the New Document tab. You will be walked through the process in a wizard-like fashion; the first page of the process requires that you enter basic information about the document.
Basic Information
If you have correctly set up templates that are available for DocumentNOW integration, then the Available Templates drop down box should display a list of templates from which you may choose to model the document being launched.
Select a template from Available Templates which corresponds to the layout of the document you want signed. When you select a template a call is made to the Nintex eSign web services to retrieve information about that template.
Choose a Default Expiration type. Salesforce Default sets the expiration date to the value specified in the Salesforce environment settings. Nintex eSign Default sets it to the value specified in the Nintex eSign environment.
Manually set the expiration date if you wish to override the specified value (this option is only available if Salesforce Default is selected).
The Document Name will be initially populated with the name of the template you have selected; the document name may be modified.
You may optionally enter an Order Number, which could be any value you choose to enter into this textbox.
The Completed Document Password is a password that you pre-specify that will protect access to the document after the signing process has been completed. You may specify in your account settings within the Nintex eSign site whether completed document passwords are required. This does not apply a password for signatories for access to the signing session; signatory passwords are specified during the field mapping process in the next page of the wizard.
Choose a Document Type:
Selecting Nintex eSign Document will not cause a document to be passed into the Nintex eSign site; rather, data entered (manually or automatically via parameter mapping) will be applied to the version of the document stored on Nintex eSign's servers when you created the template. This selection is not valid for a template always meant to be replaced by a passed-in document (a workflow-only template),
Selecting Salesforce Attachment will allow you to select a document from the Attachments list on the page where your control is attached,
Selecting Salesforce Document will allow you to select a document from the Documents tab of your Salesforce installation.
An advanced feature of DocumentNOW services is the concept of defining dynamically indicated JotBlocks within your documents. If you are using a tool that creates or redefines JotBlocks within your documents, then selectDocument Contains Dynamic JotBlocks; this instruction causes the Nintex eSign services to read through your document to detect the required attributes that define dynamic JotBlocks. You must select a Document Type ofSalesforce Attachment or Salesforce Document in order to enable this selection.
After populating the basic information, click Next on the Nintex eSign control to move to the list of information to pass into Nintex eSign for specific signatory specifications or document fields.
Mapping Fields to Document Parameters
The list of available fields displayed is relative to the Salesforce entity on which the control is running. If you have correctly configured the mapping of Salesforce fields to Nintex eSign template parameters, then the data from the mapped fields will pre-populate the appropriate values. If some values have not been mapped, then you will be presented with an interface to manually populate parameter values.
You may manually populate a value by:
Selecting the value textbox to be populated on the right,
Selecting the Salesforce field from the Available Fields list on the left, and
Clicking the double arrow (>>) button to push the field value to the parameter value.
You may also type information directly into a Value textbox.
It is possible to pull in field values from related entities. Related entities are shown enclosed in brackets. For example, clicking on the display: [User] will drill into the User entity related to the current object by the value of Owner ID. To return to the display of the current Salesforce entity's fields, click on the root name of the entity displayed in brackets above the list of fields. When all required parameter values are populated click next to review all summary information about the document.
Document Summary
Review the information that will be submitted with the document, and click Submit if the information is correct to push the information to the Nintex eSign web services. You may click Previous to return to the previous page of the wizard.
Setup Complete
When the document has been successfully submitted, you will receive a message indicating that the document was submitted and is now being processed. You may click on Existing Documents to review the status of the document (and other documents submitted on the specific entity on which the control is installed), or you may click on the New Document button to start a new submission process.
Document Status And History
Document List
Click on Existing Documents in order to view the status of all documents submitted on the current entity.
To drill down and obtain more detailed information on a specific document, click on a document name to enterDocument Details view.
Document Details
The Document Details view contains two tabs: Details and History. Buttons are presented that provide available Actions that may be performed on the specific record. The actions displayed will vary depending on the current status of the document.
From the Details tab (the initial view) summary information is displayed.
If your tool has been configured to Allow Immediate Presentment of the signature process to a signatory, then you may click on Sign Document in order to allow a signatory who is present to sign. Since Nintex eSign supports both parallel and serial signing processes, you will need to select the signatory who is present.
Click on the signatory's name to open a browser session with the Nintex eSign site signing page, or click on Return to Document Details to return to the Details tab.
Clicking on Cancel Document will send a communication to Nintex eSign to discontinue acceptance of signatures on the document.
Depending on the status of the document, you may have the option to:
View Original, to view the unsigned document as it was prior to signing,
View Interim, to view the document when it is not yet completed with any completed step signed areas applied, and
View Completed, to view the completed and signed document. View Interim will not be available when a document has expired or been completed, cancelled, or declined, and View Completed will only be available for a completed, signed document.
An additional action of Delete Document may be shown should a document be in Setup Failed status. Any document with this status will also allow for a display of the failure reason by clicking on the Errors sub-tab.
Clicking on History will display all logged actions that have occurred on a document.