How Dynamics Users Connect to Nintex eSign Users

When configuring the AssureSign solution through the " Configuration" entity in settings, you have options regarding how documents are submitted from your users.

First, each user that should be able to submit documents should be assigned the role: eSign Document Sender.

Then, the eSign Configuration allows for:

  • assigning a default configuration to everyone

  • assigning a specific configuration to a single user

To assign a specific configuration to a single user, pick the user record in the configuration setting "Assign this Configuration to User."

To set a specific configuration to all users who do not have a configuration assigned to just them, set "Use as Default Settings for All" on the configuration that should be the default.

Whether or not a configuration is the default or is assigned to a specific user, you may elect to either set a fixed "AssureSign User ID" or have the system detect the user's user ID. The setting "Authentication Type" may be set to:

  • Use fixed eSign user ID - you will be required to enter the "AssureSign User ID"

  • Use user's Office 365 ID - the solution will detect the user's Office 365 ID

  • Use user's primary email address - the solution will use the user's "internal email address" value

Some use cases are:

  • Your users are in the same eSign account, you are using Dynamics 365 online, and the users' eSign user IDs are the email addresses of their Office 365 login:

    • set "Use as Default Settings for All" to yes

    • set Authentication Type to "Use user's Office 365 ID"

    • set the Context ID to the eSign account's "DocumentNOW® Account Context Identifier" value (found in eSign's account settings)

  • Your users are in the same eSign account, you are using Dynamics CRM 2016 on-premises, and the users' eSign user IDs are the email addresses of their user records

    • set "Use as Default Settings for All" to yes

    • set Authentication Type to "Use user's primary email address"

    • set the Context ID to the eSign account's "DocumentNOW® Account Context Identifier" value (found in eSign's account settings)

  • You have users who need special configurations, such as a user who develops integrations who must integrate with a Nintex eSign sandbox account at, or someone who has access to a different eSign account:

    • set "Use as Default Settings for All" to no

    • pick the Authentication Type that works

    • pick the user in "Assign this Configuration to User."

    • set the Context ID to the eSign account's "DocumentNOW® Account Context Identifier" value for the account the user is in

  • You want all your documents to be submitted from a single eSign account, where the document owner is a single integration user:

    • set "Use as Default Settings for All" to yes

    • set Authentication Type to "Use fixed AssureSign user ID"

    • enter a specific "AssureSign User ID"

    • set the Context ID to the eSign account's "DocumentNOW® Account Context Identifier" value (found in eSign's account settings)