StrikeIron Geo IP location

Retrieves geographic information such as IP address range, IP address owner, latitude and longitude, time zone and a map representing the location, for a given IP address.

Note: This is an external action and may execute on servers running outside your data center region. Before implementing, consider performance and regional concerns where digital boundaries are an issue. For more information, see In-tenant and external actions.

Action settings

Do one of the following to open the Action configuration window:

  • Double-click the action.
  • Click on the action and then click Configure.

See Action configuration window for more information.

Field Description

The StrikeIron username that has been registered to use this service.


The password for the above username.

IP address

This field accepts a single IP address. The IP address should be an external (versus private or internal) IP address.

Pointer size

Specify the pointer size. The range of size settings is 3 through 20. The smaller the number, the smaller the dot indicated on the map.

Pointer color

Specify the pointer color. The pointer indicates the IP location on the returned map image.


Specify a workflow variable to store the city name for the provided IP address location.


Specify a workflow variable to store the continent name for the provided IP address location.

Continent code

Specify a workflow variable to store the two-character indicator to identify the continent name for the provided IP address location.


Specify a workflow variable to store the country name for the provided IP address location.

Country code

Specify a workflow variable to store the two-character indicator to identify the country name for the provided IP address location.


Specify a workflow variable to store the county name for the provided IP address location.

IP range start

Specify a workflow variable to store the first number in the IP Address range for the given IP address owner.

IP range end

Specify a workflow variable to store the last number in the IP Address range for the given IP address owner.


Specify a workflow variable to store the latitude for the provided IP address location.


Specify a workflow variable to store the longitude for the provided IP address location

Map image

Location for the new map image file. The image displays the IP address location. Select one of the following options.

Owner of the IP address

Specify a workflow variable to store the registered owner for the provided IP address.


Specify a workflow variable to store the region name for the provided IP address location.

Region code

Specify a workflow variable to store the two-character indicator to identify the region name for the IP address location.

Time zone

Specify a workflow variable to store the time zone for the provided IP address location.

For more information about how to use Lookups in configuration fields, see Lookups in action configuration fields.