Send an email
Use the Send an email action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. to send a customizable email to recipients you specify. You can customize:
- Who receives the email.
- What the email subject/message body is.
- What attachments the email includes.
- When the Send an email action uses external configuration in the Email service field (for more information, see Email Service), the action may execute on servers running outside your data center Centralized locations used to house servers used by Nintex for remote storage, processing, or distribution of data. Nintex has a number of regional data centers available for Nintex for Office 365. For information about Nintex data centers and where your data center is located, contact your Nintex account or territory manager. region. Before implementing, consider performance and regional concerns where digital boundaries are an issue. For more information, see In-tenant and external actions.
- Nintex for Office 365 leverages the following services when sending emails and notifications depending on the selection made in the Email service field of the action configuration:
- SharePoint email services: to send internal emails and notifications to accounts within the same tenant.
SendGrid: to send external emails and workflow notifications. The IP addresses used by SendGrid are:
- ip4:
- ip4:

Variables are placeholders that store information that changes each time the workflow runs or even during execution of a single workflow instance.

Each variable has a type that determines what values can be stored in the variable, such as a date, number, file path or a workflow user name. For example, if you want to save the name of an employee in a variable, you have to create a variable of type Text. The workflow can then store a name of the employee, such as "John," in the variable.
- Text: Text string.
- Boolean: Yes or No value.
- Date/Time: Date and time value.
- GUID: Globally unique identifier, often used to reference a list item in SharePoint.
- Number: Integer number with decimal value.
- Integer: Integer number with no decimal value.
- Choice: A value that requests a selection from a list of allowed values.
- Person or Group: A value that requests a selection from a user lookup.
- Hyperlink: A value that requests a hyperlink URL and description.
- Dictionary: A container that holds a single logical unit of variables. For more information, see Dictionary variables.
- Collection: An index-based array of values, also known as an ordered list of values. For more information, see Collection variables.

In NintexOffice 365, the different categories of variables that can be used in a workflow are given below:
Workflow Context: Context variables that represent data related to the current workflow instance, such as current item or site URL and workflow name.
- Workflow Variables: User-defined variables that you create to store values such as file paths, dates, workflow outputs Variable to store a value or file on completion of the workflow. and other data for use throughout the workflow.
- Start Variables: Workflow variables with the initiation option selected. Start Variables are used to get data from users when a workflow manually starts.
For more information on manually starting a workflow, see .
- Text
- Boolean
- Date/Time
- Number
- Choice
- Person or Group
- Hyperlink
To configure a variable as a start variable, select the Initiation option when creating a variable.

You can insert an existing Workflow Variable or Context Variable into the configuration fields of workflow actions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. and you can create user-defined variables for use throughout your workflow.

You can create user-defined variables from the Action configuration window when you are configuring a workflow action or from the toolbar of the designer page.

- In the Action configuration window, click in a field that accepts variables.
- Do one of the following depending on the method available;
- On the drop-down list that appears, Click Create New Variable.
- On the Insert Reference pane that appears, expand the Workflow Variables section and click Create New Variable.
- Do the following in the Workflow Variables pane to create the variable:
- For Name, type the variable name you want to use.
- Select a Type.
- If you want to display the variable on the start form, select the Show on start form check box.
- Click Create.

- On the toolbar of the Designer page, click Variables. The Variables dialog box appears.
- Click New and fill in the following:
- For Name, type the variable name you want to use.
- For Type, select a variable type corresponding to the type of data you want to store.
- If you want to specify the variable as a start variable, select the Initiation check box.
- Click
to specify the Initiation options Initiation options control the display and behavior of the variable on the start form that is displayed when a workflow is started manually..
- Click Save.
For more information, see User-defined variable types and Initiation options.

The following table describes the variable types available in the Variables dialog box as well as their initiation options, which are available when you select Yes for Initiation. Initiation options control the display and behavior of the variable on the start form that is displayed when a workflow is started manually.
Variable type | Description |
Initiation Available |
Initiation options |
Text |
Any text value. Underlying .NET data type: System.String. |
Yes |
Boolean |
Yes or No value. Underlying .NET data type: System.Boolean. |
Yes |
Date/Time |
Date and time value. Underlying .NET data type: System.DateTime. |
Yes |
Globally unique identifier, often used to reference a list item in SharePoint. Underlying .NET data type: System.Guid. |
No |
(n/a) |
Number |
Numeric with a Decimal value. Underlying .NET data type: System.Double. |
Yes |
Integer |
Numeric without a decimal. Underlying .NET data type: System.Int32. |
No |
(n/a) |
Choice |
A value that requests a selection from a list of allowed values. The value selected by the workflow initiator is stored in the variable. Underlying .NET data type: System.String. |
Yes |
Person or Group |
A value that requests a selection from a user lookup. The item selected by the workflow initiator is stored in the variable. Underlying .NET data type: System.String. |
Yes |
Hyperlink |
A value that requests a hyperlink URL and description. Two text boxes are provided:
The values entered by the workflow initiator are stored in the variable. Underlying .NET data type: System.String. |
Yes |
Dictionary |
A container that holds a single logical unit of variables. For more information, see Dictionary variables. Underlying .NET data type: Microsoft.Activities.DynamicValue. |
No |
(n/a) |
Collection |
An index-based array of values, also known as an ordered list of values. For more information, see Collection variables. |
No |
(n/a) |

You can insert a Workflow Variable, Reference A workflow reference which is used to construct content containing information specific to the list or library item and to the current instance of the workflow. or a Context Variable into the configuration fields of workflow actions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows..
Each field that accepts variables accepts one or more methods for inserting variables. The method available differs depending on the field.
Available methods are given below:
Click on the field and select an existing variable from the drop-down list for the field.
- Click on the field, click Create New Variable, and fill the following fields in the Workflow Variable pane that appears:
- For Name, type the variable name you want to use.
- Select the Show on start form check box if you want to display the variable on the start form.
- Click Create.
- Click on the field, select Workflow Variables or Workflow Context, and select a variable from the corresponding drop-down list.
- Click Advanced Lookup, select Workflow Variables or Workflow Context from the drop-down list that appears, and then select a variable from the corresponding drop down and click Insert.
- Click on the field that accept references and from the Insert Reference pane that appears on the right, double-click on a reference to select. Available sections and lookup values depend on the options available for the workflow action.
- Current item URL: The URL of the item the workflow is associated item. Available only for list workflow actions.
- Current site URL: The URL of the site the workflow is associated site.
- Initiator login name: The login name of the person who started the workflow instance.
- Initiator display name: The display name of the person who started the workflow instance.
- Initiator email address: The email address of the person who started the workflow instance.
- Instance ID: The unique identifier of the workflow instance.
- List ID: The unique identifier of the list the workflow is associated with. Available only for list workflow actions.
- List Name: The name of the list the workflow is associated with. Available only for list workflow actions.
- Manager login name: The login name of the manager of the initiator (the person who started the workflow instance).
- Manager display name: The display name of the manager of the initiator (the person who started the workflow instance).
- Manager email address: The email address of the manager of the initiator (the person who started the workflow instance).
- Publish user: The person who published the workflow.
- Workflow name: The name of the executing workflow.

Section | Description |
Item Properties |
Metadata columns for the item the workflow is associated with. Available only for list workflows. |
Workflow Context |
Context variables that represent data related to the current workflow instance, such as current item or site URL and workflow name. |
Workflow Variables | Workflow variables configured for the workflow. |

You can configure variables to collect data when a workflow is manually started. These variables will be shown on a start form used to initiate the workflow and allows users to specify a value for the workflow variable before the workflow starts, basically passing values into the workflow before it starts.
Variables displayed on a start form are also known as the "start data" of the workflow and represent data that must be collected when the workflow is started.
Note: If the workflow starts automatically, then default values are used for start data.
To learn how to manually start a workflow, see Start a workflow manually.
Configure a variable to show on a workflow start form:
Open the required workflow. The workflow designer opens.
- On the toolbar, click Variables. The Variables window opens.
To edit an existing variable, click the required variable. The row becomes editable.
- Select the Initiation check box for the required variable.
- If you want to configure initiation options, click
to open the Initiation options dialog box, make the changes and click OK.
For more information about the fields, see User-defined variable types and Initiation options.
To create a variable, click New on the Variables window toolbar, enter a Name, and select the Type for the variable.
- Click Save to commit changes.
Nintex leverages SendGrid SendGrid provides a cloud-based email delivery service that assists businesses with email delivery. It allows you to send email without having to maintain email servers by managing all of the technical details, from scaling the infrastructure to ISP outreach and reputation monitoring to whitelist services and real time analytics. to send external emails and workflow notifications. The IP addresses used by SendGrid are:
- ip4:
- ip4:
Add and configure the Send an email action
Click the User Interaction action group in the action toolbox.
Type the action name or function in the Search field at the top of the action toolbox.
- Drag the Send an email action to the point in the workflow where you want to send an email.
- Open the Action Configuration window. For steps on how to open the Action configuration window, see Action configuration window
- In the To field, type the Recipient email addresses.
- Type the Subject of the email.
- Type the Message Body of the email.
- Click Save.
For more information on the fields and buttons, see Send an email fields, buttons, and settings.

Field | Description |
To |
Email addresses of recipients to send the email message to. To enter do one of the following in this field:
CC |
Email addresses for the CC line on the email message that the action sends. These recipients will receive a read only copy of the email and are not able to respond to the tasks. To enter do one of the following in this field:
Email addresses for the Bcc line on the email message that the action sends. BCC recipients are not able to respond to the tasks. Other recipients of the email will not be able to see any addresses in the BCC field. To enter do one of the following in this field:
Subject |
Subject of the email message sent by the action. |
Options to select the email service.
Reply to |
(This becomes configurable only when External email and attachment option is selected). The email address the recipient can respond to. To enter do one of the following in this field:
Sender display name |
The From name displayed in the email sent by the action. The sender display name is followed by the default sender. For example, if your Sender display name is "Marketing Team" and the default sender is, the From field in the email displays: Marketing Team <>. If you do not enter a sender display name then the email only shows the default sender in the From field. |
Email Attachments |
(Available only when the External email and attachment option is selected in the Email service field). Allows file attachments to be added to the email from a list or document library on the current site. The option available depends on from where the workflow is opened as given below;
You can also add a site relative URL to an attachment in the current site.
Link copied: Portion to remove from copied link: URL example to paste in Email attachments field: Shared%20Documents/TestLink.docx |
Body |
Body of email message sent by the action. Click in the body area to enter or edit the content. Use the Rich Text editor to display formatted text, pictures, hyperlinks and HTML in a workflow action. Click in the email body area to enter or edit content.
For more information about how to use Lookups in configuration fields, see Lookups in action configuration fields.