Run if
Use the Run if action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. to run a set of child actions if a conditional expression is true. The expression can contain one or more conditions. The expression is evaluated in order, from first to last condition (top to bottom), using the selected AND and OR operators.
If the conditions you define are not true, the workflow skips the child actions included in the action.
For example, if the expression evaluates to true, the workflow executes actions within the Run If action. If the expression evaluates to false, the workflow bypasses the Run If action and continues with later actions.
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To master the use of the Logic and flow actions, complete the Nintex for Office 365 - Complex Logic in Nintex University. |

An action that has branches or contains other actions that can be collapsed down into a single action high-level view. Create branches using actions such as Conditional branch and contain other actions using Action set action.

Variables are placeholders that store information that changes each time the workflow runs or even during execution of a single workflow instance.

Each variable has a type that determines what values can be stored in the variable, such as a date, number, file path or a workflow user name. For example, if you want to save the name of an employee in a variable, you have to create a variable of type Text. The workflow can then store a name of the employee, such as "John," in the variable.
- Text: Text string.
- Boolean: Yes or No value.
- Date/Time: Date and time value.
- GUID: Globally unique identifier, often used to reference a list item in SharePoint.
- Number: Integer number with decimal value.
- Integer: Integer number with no decimal value.
- Choice: A value that requests a selection from a list of allowed values.
- Person or Group: A value that requests a selection from a user lookup.
- Hyperlink: A value that requests a hyperlink URL and description.
- Dictionary: A container that holds a single logical unit of variables. For more information, see Dictionary variables.
- Collection: An index-based array of values, also known as an ordered list of values. For more information, see Collection variables.

In NintexOffice 365, the different categories of variables that can be used in a workflow are given below:
Workflow Context: Context variables that represent data related to the current workflow instance, such as current item or site URL and workflow name.
- Workflow Variables: User-defined variables that you create to store values such as file paths, dates, workflow outputs Variable to store a value or file on completion of the workflow. and other data for use throughout the workflow.
- Start Variables: Workflow variables with the initiation option selected. Start Variables are used to get data from users when a workflow manually starts.
For more information on manually starting a workflow, see .
- Text
- Boolean
- Date/Time
- Number
- Choice
- Person or Group
- Hyperlink
To configure a variable as a start variable, select the Initiation option when creating a variable.

You can insert a Workflow Variable, Reference A workflow reference which is used to construct content containing information specific to the list or library item and to the current instance of the workflow. or a Context Variable into the configuration fields of workflow actions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows..
Each field that accepts variables accepts one or more methods for inserting variables. The method available differs depending on the field.
Available methods are given below:
Click on the field and select an existing variable from the drop-down list for the field.
- Click on the field, click Create New Variable, and fill the following fields in the Workflow Variable pane that appears:
- For Name, type the variable name you want to use.
- Select the Show on start form check box if you want to display the variable on the start form.
- Click Create.
- Click on the field, select Workflow Variables or Workflow Context, and select a variable from the corresponding drop-down list.
- Click Advanced Lookup, select Workflow Variables or Workflow Context from the drop-down list that appears, and then select a variable from the corresponding drop down and click Insert.
- Click on the field that accept references and from the Insert Reference pane that appears on the right, double-click on a reference to select. Available sections and lookup values depend on the options available for the workflow action.
- Current item URL: The URL of the item the workflow is associated item. Available only for list workflow actions.
- Current site URL: The URL of the site the workflow is associated site.
- Initiator login name: The login name of the person who started the workflow instance.
- Initiator display name: The display name of the person who started the workflow instance.
- Initiator email address: The email address of the person who started the workflow instance.
- Instance ID: The unique identifier of the workflow instance.
- List ID: The unique identifier of the list the workflow is associated with. Available only for list workflow actions.
- List Name: The name of the list the workflow is associated with. Available only for list workflow actions.
- Manager login name: The login name of the manager of the initiator (the person who started the workflow instance).
- Manager display name: The display name of the manager of the initiator (the person who started the workflow instance).
- Manager email address: The email address of the manager of the initiator (the person who started the workflow instance).
- Publish user: The person who published the workflow.
- Workflow name: The name of the executing workflow.

Section | Description |
Item Properties |
Metadata columns for the item the workflow is associated with. Available only for list workflows. |
Workflow Context |
Context variables that represent data related to the current workflow instance, such as current item or site URL and workflow name. |
Workflow Variables | Workflow variables configured for the workflow. |
Configure the Run if action
In the Designer:
- Click the Logic and Flow action group in the action toolbox.
- Drag the Run if action to the point in the workflow where you want the child actions to run if the conditions are met.
- Open the Action Configuration window. For steps on how to open the Action configuration window, see Action configuration window.
Fill in the condition fields for the Expression.
- Click Add condition to add more conditions to the expression.
- Click Save.
Type the action name or function in the Search field at the top of the action toolbox.
For more information about the fields and buttons, see Run if fields, buttons, and settings.

Field | Description | ||||||||
Expression |
Includes one or more conditions which are evaluated to get the expression result. Define one or many conditions by filling the following condition fields: When: The variable or value to use for the condition. Select one of the following from the drop-down list and then select an item or specify a value in the adjoining field.
Operator (unlabeled field): Select an operator to apply for the condition. Value (unlabeled field): The text or variable that the operator compares with what is selected in the When field. You can insert a variable or type the value. ![]() Do one of the following to insert the variable using the Insert Reference pane or Advanced Lookup:
Add condition |
Displays fields to add another condition. |
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Deletes the condition. | ||||||||
And/Or |
(Displayed when Add condition is selected to add another condition). Used to evaluate the new condition with the previous condition. AND and OR operators combines the two conditions. And: Connects two conditions and returns TRUE only if both conditions are true. Or: Connects two conditions and returns TRUE if either condition is true or if both conditions are true. |
For more information about how to use Lookups in configuration fields, see Lookups in action configuration fields.