
Using a tabbed Form provides the user with the ability to present a lot of data, or gather a lot of input, from a user without designing a very large and complex Form. Tabs are only available on a Form, and you can add as many tabs as needed. Normally, each Tab would display one or more Views with additional Controls on the tabs, if needed. When a control is added to a Tab, the control exists on the Form level. Tabs are just a way of displaying different sections of the same Form. Tabs do not implement any logic in themselves. Page-level Rule Actions can conditionally Enable/Disable or Show/Hide the tabs in a Form. This is very useful in more complex User Input scenarios, where (depending on some condition) the user may or may not need to complete additional Views. Tabs can also be used to display more information, where only the basic information is shown in the initial Tab and the user can then open other Tabs to get more information.

When clicking on Add: Tab in the toolbar, a new tab is created. The tab name can be entered to distinguish between different tabs. Each tab’s canvas is essentially a panel. Tabs are still part of the Form and for that reason will inherit the Styling of the Form.