Dependency Checking and fixing Dependency issues

When you build Forms and Views, add and configure Rules and Controls and map to SmartObjects or workflows, there may be many dependencies between these items. For example: if a View contains a text box and the text box is associated with a Rule, a dependency exists between the text box and the Rule. If the text box is deleted, the Rule can't execute because of the missing dependency.

The SmartForm design tool automatically tracks these internal dependencies, usually by referencing the unique ID of the referenced item (typically a Globally Unique ID, also called a GUID). In the text box example mentioned above, the GUID of the text box is stored as a dependency of the Rule. Since GUIDs are generated automatically and are guaranteed to be unique, it can become complicated to maintain dependencies when items are deleted or otherwise changed. To help you manage these dependencies, the SmartForm design tool provides a dependency checking feature, which will attempt to identity and report dependency issues before Forms or Views can be checked in, included in a package or deployed as a package.

Dependency issue indicators and warnings identify these dependency issues so you can fix them at design time. Dependency issue indicators are useful for:

Fixing Dependency Issues

The process to fix dependency issues depends on the option you selected in the Dependencies dialog.

Analyze on Check In

When you check in a Form or View, an analysis automatically starts to ensure that any dependencies are also checked in. If any dependent Views are checked out, a list of the Views with an option to Check in associated Views is shown. Furthermore, if any dependency issues exist, you see another dialog that lists the Views containing these dependency issues. Views and Forms containing dependency issues cannot be checked in. Fix dependency issues in the Views listed, and then check in the Form.

Depending on your organization’s needs, you can override or disable the Dependency Checking feature.
