4. Build the Document Approval Workflow
You are now ready to build the Document Approval Workflow. This workflow begins by updating the current document's properties to reflect the pending approval. Next, you add a user task for the approver, or approvers. The approvers can approve or reject the document. If you have more than one approver, they must all agree to "approve" the document for the workflow to follow the approved outcome. Once approved, the workflow moves the document to the Approved Documents library. If rejected, the workflow updates the document properties to reflect the decision.
Ultimately, you will build two workflows. In addition to the Document Approval Workflow, the Document Review Workflow allows you to receive input from a list of reviewers that you select. You can keep working on the document as you receive feedback. The Document Approval Workflow is meant to formally recognize the document approval. You can run one or both workflows on a single document if you choose.
5. Add an Update Document Properties Step6. Add the Approve Document Task Step
7. Complete the Approved Outcome Steps
8. Complete the Rejected Outcome Steps
9. Deploy the Document Approval Workflow