
Upgrades Nintex Forms Settings on the farm.



Note: SharePoint Subscription Edition does not support the standard Nintex Workflow cmdlets. You may see the error The term 'X' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. If you want to use these cmdlets in SharePoint Subscription Edition, see Invoke cmdlets in SharePoint Subscription Edition.

Detailed Description

This command can be run at any time and will do a couple of things. Firstly it will ensure that all the new form controls, devices and inline functions are added to the farm. Then it will do version specific upgrades depending on what version of Nintex Forms you are upgrading from and to.

The installer will call this command directly when doing a system upgrade.

Warning:  This will run in a timer job, so if you want to call this command manually then you will need to make sure the owstimer.exe service has been restarted if you want to pick up the upgrades from a new version of Nintex Forms as the old one will most likely be cached.



Related information

PowerShell Reference

Nintex Forms PowerShell Cmdlets