
Remove a form control from the SharePoint 2013 farm.

Note: If you are removing a legacy control that is bound to a list column, remove the control using the form designer before using this command. If you forget to remove it with the designer first, re-add the control using Add-FormControl and remove it in the designer, then use this command. If the control is not a legacy control, or is unbound, you do not need to use the designer first.


Remove-FormControl [-Id] <string>

Note: SharePoint Subscription Edition does not support the standard Nintex Workflow cmdlets. You may see the error The term 'X' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. If you want to use these cmdlets in SharePoint Subscription Edition, see Invoke cmdlets in SharePoint Subscription Edition.


Parameter Required Type Description
ID Required System.String The name or identifier of the form control. The ID corresponds to the FormControlUniqueId property and is a ASP.NET GUID.


Remove-FormControl -Id "3fcdb588-6fdc-4131-828f-e66be3d3e104"

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PowerShell Reference

Nintex Forms PowerShell Cmdlets