Nintex Forms PowerShell Overview

This topic explains how to access the command shell in order to execute the PowerShell cmdlets. Nintex provides PowerShell extension that can also help with managing and deploying the forms.

Use a PowerShell Cmdlet

You can use SharePoint 2013 Management Shell to execute the PowerShell cmdlets for Nintex Forms.

To use SharePoint 2013 Management Shell to run a PowerShell cmdlet

  1. On the SharePoint server, open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
  2. Type:

    your-function -parametername parameter

Please refer to Nintex Forms PowerShell Cmdlets for a list of the Forms cmdlets.

Note: SharePoint Subscription Edition does not support the standard Nintex Workflow cmdlets. You may see the error The term 'X' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. If you want to use these cmdlets in SharePoint Subscription Edition, see Invoke cmdlets in SharePoint Subscription Edition.


This section contains some common PowerShell tasks used with Nintex Forms.

Related information

PowerShell Reference

Nintex Forms PowerShell Cmdlets

Add a Custom Inline Function with SharePoint 2013 Management Shell