Delegation rules
Nintex Workflow 2013 provides several workflow actions that allow workflows to interact with users to track and satisfy the requirements of a business process, by creating various kinds of workflow tasks. For more information about workflow tasks, see Workflow tasks.
One of the things users can do with a task is, if allowed, delegate the interaction for that task to another user. For example, if a task was incorrectly assigned to an approver, then that user can reassign the task to the correct approver, or the administrator can assign a task to a different approver if the current approver is unavailable.
The following options are available for delegating tasks:
The task owner or an administrator can manually delegate a task to another user.
For more information about delegating tasks, see Workflow tasks.
The workflow can automatically delegate a workflow task, by using the Delegate workflow task workflow action.
For more information about the Delegate workflow task workflow action, see the Nintex Workflow 2013 product documentation.
The task owner or an administrator can create a long-term delegation rule, in which tasks are automatically reassigned to another user when they are initially assigned.
A delegation rule allows a user to automatically reassign their tasks to another user for a specific duration, or until the delegation rule is removed, and the scope of the delegation rule can be set to a specific SharePoint site, or to the entire SharePoint farm. For example, if a user is on vacation, the user or an administrator can create a delegation rule to reassign tasks to a different user for a specific duration, or to reassign tasks indefinitely if that user is going to be unavailable for an indeterminate period of time.
Delegation rules are available only if the Allow long term task delegations global setting is set to Yes. Additionally, the Allow site administrators to set long term delegation for other users global setting must be set to Yes to allow administrators to create delegation rules for other users.
Tip: Delegation rules can only delegate a task when the task is first assigned to a user. If a task is reassigned, either manually or by the Delegate workflow task workflow action, a delegation rule cannot automatically reassign that task to another user.
Creating delegation rules
Delegation rules can be managed interactively, using the Task Delegation page provided by Nintex Workflow 2013, or programmatically, using one of the following web service operations:
This operation defines a delegation rule, with which initially assigned tasks are delegated, from either the current user or a specified user, to another specified user for the specified duration and scope.
This operation deletes an existing delegation rule.