Nintex Bot is offline
If a Nintex Bot has an “Offline” status or “Waiting for Available Bot” is displayed in Instances, follow these steps to troubleshoot and enable the Nintex Bot:
End the Nintex Bot task.
- Right-click on the Windows Start menu and select Task Manager.
- Right-click on Foxtrot64, Foxtrot, or Nintex Bot (the Nintex Bot application) and select End task.
- Right-click on Nintex RPA LE Chromium Channel and select End task.
- Right-click on RPA Starter and select End task.
Ensure that you have Windows administrative permissions and restart the Nintex Bot service.
Note: If you do not have Windows administrative permissions, contact your IT staff for help.
- Right-click on the Windows Start menu and select Computer Management.
- Open Services and Applications.
- Click Services.
- Right-click on the Nintex Bot service and then click Restart.
- Open Nintex RPA Central, click Dashboard, click Bots, and refresh the page.
The Status column displays Ready and you can run botflows.