
Slack is a third-party application used by teams for easy communication. Visit for more information.

Before Nintex Bot can interact with Slack, you must create a Slack connection. Each Slack action An instruction within a botflow. added to your botflow Automated steps that you can design for each bot that will run. is tied to one Slack Connection.

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Slack setup for Nintex Bot

  1. Open your Slack account Administrative view.
  2. Click Custom Integrations.
  3. Click Incoming Webhooks.
  4. The Incoming Webhooks window displays.

  5. Click Add Configuration.
  6. Select a Post to Channel value.
  7. The selected channel does not limit the channels to which Nintex Bot can post messages.

  8. Click Add Incoming Webhooks Integration.
  9. The Webhook URL value window displays the value needed for setting up a Slack Connection in your botflow. The Webhook URL value looks like:

  10. Scroll down Customize Name and type Nintex Bot.
  11. Click Save Settings.

Create Slack Connections

  1. Click Add Item on the Botflow Pane.
  2. Click Slack.
  3. The Slack window displays.

  4. Select a Connection Letter used to identify the Slack Connection.
  5. Type a Name used to identify the Slack Connection.
  6. Enter the Webhook URL generated when setting up your Slack account.
  7. (Optional) Type a Note describing the Slack Connection action.
  8. Click OK to create the Slack Connection.

Manage Slack Connections

  1. Navigate to the Slack Connection on the Botflow Pane.
  2. Right-click the Slack Connection.
  3. The Context Menu displays.

  4. Use the Context Menu to add, edit, delete, and duplicate Slack Connections.

Use Slack Connections

When creating a Slack Action, the Action Builder displays the connection letter designed to work with the Slack connection indicated by the connection letter.

Change an Action's Slack Connection

Slack actions are associated with a specific Slack Connection letter so that Nintex Bot knows which Slack account should receive a post when the action is run.

  1. Right-click the action in the Action Builder.
  2. Mouse-over Quick Edit in the Context Menu.
  3. Click Slack Connection in the fly-out menu.
  4. The Connection window displays.

  5. Select the required Connection Letter from the list.
  6. Click OK to save.