Configuring Discovery Robots

The basic Discovery Robot setting are configured upon installation through the installation wizard. Once Discovery Robots are installed on the employee workstation, you can apply additional Discovery Robot configurations by editing the Discovery Robot Configuration File. You should receive from your organization the specific configuration requirements for each Discovery Robot.

Discovery Robot Configuration File

You can locate and edit the Discovery Robot settings in the Discovery Robot Configuration File.

The Discovery Robot Configuration file name and location depends on the following:

Before the first run of Nintex Process Discovery Robot: 


(The usual path is: C:\Program Files\PDDR)

After the first run of Nintex Process Discovery Robot: 




<add key="messagesBrokerHost" value=" FQDN /IP Address"/>

Sets the address of the Discovery Server

<add key="messagesBrokerHost" value="{}"/>

  • MUST be changed from the default value of localhost

<add key="messagesBrokerPort" value="port#"/>

Sets the port number of the Nintex Process Discovery server. You can edit and change the port number. The default port number is 5672.

<add key="stealthMode" value="false"/>

To hide Discovery Robot's tray icon on the machine's end-user(s), change the key value to "true".

<add key="persistRecords" value="false"/>

By default, recordings by Discovery Robots are not maintained on the employee workstation once they have been uploaded to the Discovery Server. To maintain the recordings on the workstation after uploading to the Discovery Server for debugging purposes, change the key value to "true".

<add key="HashUserName" value="false"/>

By default, the user name is visible in the Discovery Robot's data. To comply with privacy regulations (such as the GDPR) and/or company-issued privacy and security policies, you can hash the user name from all recorded/transmitted data by setting the option to hash (i.e., encrypt) the user name. To hash the username, change the key value to "true".

<add key="standaloneMode" value="false"/>

In standalone mode, the Discovery Robot records user actions while they remain disconnected from the Discovery Server

  • false = the Discovery Robot is not in standalone mode

  • true = the Discovery Robot is in standalone mode

Default Value  false

For additional configuration of standalone robots, see the section Standalone Discovery Robots in Nintex Process Discovery User Guide.

<add key="applicationsConfigPath" value="."/>

Used when standaloneMode is set to True

  • Sets the path to the local Applications for Discovery configuration (blwl.json) file that defines which applications are recorded

  • “.” indicates same folder Discovery Robot’s exe file

Default Value  "."

<add key="offlineRecordsStoreLimit" value=2000/>

Used when standaloneMode is set to True

  • Defines the maximum number of records to save locally

Default Value  2000

<add key="EmulatorCommandMaxLength" value="5"/>

Due to PII and GDPR regulations, all input fields of emulator applications are automatically masked.

You can set to unmask up to a configurable number of characters, so they can be interpreted as actions. The available range is 1 to 10.

Default Value 5

<add key="CaptureScreenshots" value="true"/>

By default, the parameter is set to capture screenshots when recording sessions ("true").

To record work-patterns and collect metadata without capturing screenshots, change the key value to "false".

<add key="UnicodeHookingProvider" value="false"/>

Sets which hooking provider to use for recording keyboard strokes. Unicode capabilities enable support for multiple language keyboards.

  • false = Use a legacy provider that supports only ASCII

  • true = Use a provider that supports both ASCII and Unicode (for multiple language keyboards)

Default Value  false

  • <add key="TlsEnabled" value="false"/>

  • <add key="TlsServer" value=""/>

  • <add key="TlsPort" value="5671"/>

To configure SSL/TLS on Discovery Robots, edit the keys as detailed below:

  • y="TlsEnabled" value="true"/>

  • <add key="TlsServer" value="{certificate_server_name}"/>

    • {certificate_server_name} must be the name exactly as specified on the server certificate file.

  • <add key="TlsPort" value="{ssl_listeners_port"/>

    • Change this key only if you are using a port other 5671 for SSL/TLS communications.

    • This should be the same port as you set for ssl listeners (in the rabbitmq.config file) when configuring the Discovery Server.

Only SSL/TLS v1.2 is supported.

<add key="CaptureMethod" value="MIRROR_DRIVER"/> (default)

Other value option:



The ‘CaptureMethod’ parameters sets the PDDR capturing method. By default, the capturing method is set to "MIRROR_DRIVER". However, you might need to change the value to "DESKTOP_DUPLICATION" in the following specific case:

When working via RDP (accessing a remote desktop from your local server) on a remote machine with PDDR and  Windows 10 installed.

Once you change the key value and save your changes, make sure to restart the PD service.

In case there is a failure in Mirror driver/desktop duplication - the fallback is GD.