System Requirements for Discovery Server



Processor (minimum)

Intel i7 or Xeon / 16 core*

Processors with AVX support

RAM (minimum)


Recommended: 64GB

Free disk space (SSD)

Minimum: 150GB

Recommended: 500GB

(Local hard disk only)


Windows Server 2016 or higher


Server installation installs MongoDB 4.4.3 and MariaDB 10.4.7. Alternatively, you can connect to a preexisting dedicated Windows version database server ( MariaDB 10.3.7 or higher / MySQL 8.0.11 or higher / MongoDB 4.4.3 or higher)

Supported browser for accessing Process Library

Chrome v69 or higher, Edge v69

Network bandwidth

500MB/day per active Discovery Robot client

~15KB/s per active Discovery Robot client

~1.2MB average packet size (10 user actions per packet)

*When a single server with 16 cores is not possible, installation on 2 servers with 8 cores each is an option. Contact Nintex Support for details if this is option is required.

The client machine does not support AVX2 CPI.

How many cores?

To verify the number of processor cores installed on a machine:

  1. Open the Windows Task Manager > Performance tab

  2. The Logical processors field provides the information you're looking for

Yes, it might seem counterintuitive, but for purposes of Process Discovery, it's the Logical processors field you're interested in – not the Cores field!