Phase 1: Getting Started with Nintex Process Discovery

In this first stage of your Process Discovery implementation, you will install Nintex Process Discovery, as described in Nintex Process Discovery Installation. Once the system is up and running, your administrators and business analysts will undergo training to enable them to maintain the server, process the data, and analyze the output, as described in Nintex Process Discovery Training.

Installing Nintex Process Discovery and its first run are the joint responsibility of Nintex and the customer. Roles and Responsibilities summarizes the team members involved.

Roles and Responsibilities

The following table lists the Nintex team members involved in implementing Nintex Process Discovery, and describes their responsibilities.



Sales and presales

Introduce and hand over to the customer to the Customer Success Manager (CSM) and Professional Service (PS) experts.

Customer Success Manager

  • Single point of contact

  • Implementation oversight

  • Escalation point

  • Feature requests

Customer Success Expert

  • Installation walk-through

  • Technical support

  • Live session troubleshooting

RPA Trainer

Training Workshop

Professional Services Expert

  • FCA Acceleration Program

  • RPA developer for hire

  • Best practices and advanced solutions

The following table lists the customer team members involved in implementing Nintex Process Discovery, and describes their responsibilities.



IT Administrator

  • Hardware setup

  • Server and client installation

  • Permission management

  • Environment readiness

  • Architecture and infrastructure

  • Change management

Project Owner/Discovery Manager

  • Primary Point of Contact

  • Identify business unit for Discovery

  • Project management and coordination

Business Analyst/Subject-matter-experts

  • Define business users to record

  • Manage end-user recording

  • Data analysis and optimization

Business User

Advice on data output, variants, and flow explanation

Nintex Process Discoveryp Installation

As described in Nintex Process Discovery Architecture, a Nintex Process Discovery deployment includes the Discovery Server that collects and processes data, and Discovery Robots, or clients, that are installed on employee workstations to record and collect user actions. For details about the system architecture, as well as the server and client hardware and software requirements, see Nintex Process Discovery - System Architecture & Requirements.

Process Discovery supports data-in-transit and data-at-rest encryption. If you want to encrypt all client-server traffic, the encrypted TLS channel (TCP 5671) is used for communication. Three certificate files are required, issued by an authorized Certification Authority (CA), to establish secured TLS communication. These certificates should be provided by your IT administrators.

For a full security overview, see Security Overview – Nintex Process Discovery.

The installation workflow is as follows:

  1. Discovery Server installation

  2. Discovery Robot Installation

  3. Post Installation Sanity Check

Discovery Server installation

Roles: Nintex Support Team and Customer IT Administrators

The Discovery Server can be installed on a local (on-premise) server or a cloud-based server. Network communication between a client and server must be allowed for the AMQP protocol on TCP port 5671 (TLS) or 5672 (not encrypted) from client workstations to the server. You might need to change some of your firewall policies to allow this communication.

Most customers install all server components on a single machine. Some of the components, such as the database and the message queue server, can optionally be installed in a multi-tier environment. This is useful if you want to connect to an existing MySQL or MariaDB database instance on a Windows Server.

We will remotely support the server installation following the guidelines in the Installation Guide.

Discovery Robot Installation

Roles: Nintex Support Team and Customer IT Administrators

Discovery Robot (client) software installation is an ongoing task that requires your software distribution system. We release a new version every month, with major releases 2-3 times a year. We will work with you to onboard new versions during the testing, packaging, and upgrade process, but the rollout of the software and post-installation modifications should be carried out by your IT administrators.

The Discovery Robot has many configurations that can help adapt it to specific user behavior, environment, and security requirements. These options can be set during the installation, or after the installation is complete.

Post Installation Sanity Check

Roles: Nintex Professional Services Expert and Customer IT Administrators

Once the Discovery Server and Discovery Robots are installed, we will support you in the testing the system and clearing it for production work.

Process Discovery Training

Roles: Nintex RPA Trainer, Customer Project Owner, Customer IT Administrators, and Customer Business Analysts

Your employees need to trained to handle their daily Process Discovery activities. This includes administrators and business analysts who will be expected to maintain the server, process the data, and analyze the output.

Training Duration

3 x 2 hours of remote sessions

Training Structure

  • Theoretical presentations

  • Guided hands-on

  • Demonstrations

Training Purpose

Become a certified Nintex Process Discovery Analyst with the required knowledge to develop automation scenarios using Process Discovery.

Training Audience

Business Analyst, IT Administrators, RPA Managers

Training Prerequisite Recommended

Completion of the Nintex Process Discovery Overview (allow 30 minutes to complete) from the Nintex Process Discovery online training. Familiarity with Nintex RPA products is advantageous.

Session 1: Introduction, Architecture, and Algorithms (90 minutes)

  • Introduction to Nintex Process Discovery: Review the concept of Nintex Process Discovery and learn about the architecture. What is Process Discovery? How does it make RPA easier?

  • Process Discovery Algorithm: Explore how the different algorithms combine to discover business processes on the Discovery Server. How does it work?

  • Preparing for Discovery: Learn how to define the discovery area and break it down to configure the applications that will be recorded.

  • Discovery Robot Users: Practice discovery recording and monitoring. This session includes hands-on practice installing the Discovery Robots, and recording, and monitoring recordings. How to install a Discovery Robot? How long should a Discovery Robot run?

  • Q&A session.

Session 2: Discovering Processes (120 minutes)

  • Managing Process Discovery: Learn about the Orchestrator and how to use it to manage the discovery flow. This session also covers robots, license considerations, and pipe management, and includes a demonstration of the full discovery flow.

  • Process Discovery Analysis: Practice using the Nintex Process Discovery Console to analyze discovered processes and prioritize them for automation.

  • From Discovery to Automation: Explore how to turn discovered processes into a ready-to-use automation wizard. This session includes a demonstration of downloading a discovered process and importing it into Nintex Studio.

  • Q&A session.

Session 3: PD Acceleration Program (with Nintex Professional Services)

Explore the factors that should be considered when starting to work with Process Discovery.