Guide Overview


This is a guidebook for the implementation of Nintex Process Discovery™.

Nintex Process Discovery was designed to be agile and easy to implement and operate. To get you started, Nintex staff will support you with the installation and first run of the product. This document will guide you through the first steps of the implementation, and our joint effort to make it a success.


The following resources are available for Nintex Process Discovery customers:

  • Community: Nintex has an active community of Process Discovery users and specialists.

  • University: Nintex offers free university courses for Process Discovery. All involved administrators and business analysts are encouraged to join the online training before the first run.

  • Official Version Documentation: For every generally available version, Nintex provides an Installation and Upgrade guide, a User Guide, Release Notes, and the Nintex Process Discovery Playbook, which contains Nintex’s best practices of how to manage and optimize your discovery cycle. The documentation is shared by the Customer Success Manager with every new release.