Image Masking

Hide potentially sensitive recorded information collected by Nintex Process Discovery.

When masking is enabled, every screen capture displayed on the Console goes through the masking mechanism that:

  1. Analyzes all the text on the recorded screen

  2. Identifies potentially sensitive information

  3. Blurs out the target text

Enabling Image-Masking

You can enable image-masking before installing Nintex Process Discovery v20.11 (recommended), or after installation.

You can also set the Image Masking Scheduler.

Option 1: Pre-Installation

Before you run the Nintex Process Discovery installation, perform the following:

  1. Open the Nintex_PDServer64BitSetup.exe.json file.

  2. Add the masking parameter:

    "PREPARE_MASKING": "true"

  3. Make sure to save the changes.

  4. Run the installation as usual.

  5. After deploying and running Nintex Process Discovery, you can verify the Image-Masking installation.

Option 2: Post-Installation
  1. Installing the Required Components:

    1. Open the file C:\Nintex\installer-assets\config\prod\scripts\ to edit.

    2. Change these default parameters:

      1. "INSTALL_MONGODB" parameter to true

      2. "INSTALL_TESSERACT" parameter to true

      3. "PREPARE_MASKING" parameter to true

    3. Save the changes.

    4. Open CMD as an administrator and run:

    C:\Nintex\installer-assets\config\prod\scripts powershell.exe
    -Command "C:\Nintex\installer-assets\config\prod\scripts\configureAll.ps1
    -h 'C:\Nintex' -configDir 'C:\Nintex\config' -n prod -servicesDir
    'C:\Nintex\PDServer\MicroServices' -utilsDir 'C:\Nintex\PDServer\Support'"
  2. Running Image-Masking through WatchDog:

    1. Open the file C:\Nintex\Services\Nintex.Server.ServicesWatchdog\appsettings.Production to edit.

    2. Search for the Nintex-Masking-Svc section and change the Enabled parameter value to True.

    3. Save the changes.

    4. Restart the “Nintex Server - Process Discovery Service” windows service.

  3. Verifying Image-Masking Installation:

    1. Open SEQ and search for masking log messages http://localhost/seq/#/events?filter=masking

    2. Test the Masking API at Verify by calling http://localhost:50200/pd-masking/v1/isalive

  4. Enabling Image-Masking:

    1. Open the file C:\Nintex\config\prod\services\Nintex-pd-watchdog-svc-default to edit.

    2. Change the masking parameter to true

    3. Save the changes.

    4. Restart the “Nintex Server - Process Discovery Service” windows service.