Version History

What is a version?

The system maintains all versions of a process for comparison and analysis purposes.

A new version of a process will be created when:

  • The process is updated with newly discovered occurrences

  • A variant is added to the map

Viewing version history

To view the version history of a discovered process:

  1. Access its Process Details b

  2. From the right-side pane's Process Info view, click on the History tab.

The version history table is presented in reverse chronological order. The current (i.e., newest) version:

  • appears at the top of the list; and

  • has the highest version number

From here, you can see summary process statistics as they have evolved through each version (volume, number of users, number of steps).

Working with a prior version

To work with any prior version, simply click on its row in the version history table. The relevant version's Process Details page will open. From here, you can work with the prior version's data just as you would the current version.

All of the Process Details page's statistics, view options, and functions are available, including the ability to select variants and download automations as they stood at the time of the prior version.

Which version am I viewing?
While you are working with a prior version, Nintex Process Discovery displays a message along the top of the Process Details page to help you keep track:
"Earlier version from [date]. View the current version"
Click on the link within the message to return to the current version's Process Details page.