Skuid SFX release notes

We support the current and previous major releases.

Both will be updated periodically with maintenance releases and hot fixes.

Release type Description Cadence
Major Collection of key features, new architecture, performance improvements, bug fixes. Yearly
Update Collection of key features, performance improvements, bug fixes. Every 6 weeks or as needed
Maintenance Bug fixes only. Every 2 weeks or as needed
Hotfix 1-2 bug fixes focused on a critical issue. Rare, only as needed

Latest release: Edinburgh Update 7 (16.8.3): 2024-12-12


Fixes table refresh error in runtime with reordering columns and sorting


Fixes responsive grid divisions with fit to content strategy extending beyond bounds of grid when content is large.


Fixes an issue where an error message wasn’t shown when a save was unsuccessful for a specific Salesforce field configuration


Modernized the way Skuid fetches custom labels to be compatible with LWS


Fixed style variants not working for row action buttons.


Fixed runtime issue where rich text field would duplicate its content when edited

Previous releases

Previous releases (no longer supported)