Nintex for SharePoint 2016 release notes
To update from previous versions of Nintex for SharePoint 2016, download the latest build from the Products page in your Customer Central instance.
For the product update process, see Nintex for SharePoint 2016 update process.
To deploy offline help files, see Download and deploy offline help documentation.
For operating system, software, browser, and hard disk space system requirements, see Nintex for SharePoint 2016 system requirements.
Important: Forms releases may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Supported browser update:
Beginning March 9, 2021, Nintex will support Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and no longer support Microsoft Edge (Legacy).
Beginning January 1, 2021, Nintex will no longer support Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10.
Beginning July 28, 2022, Nintex will no longer support Internet Explorer 11.
Supported languages:
Nintex Forms: Arabic, Brazilian, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Nintex Workflow: Arabic, Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
Latest release
Release date: January 22, 2025
Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: January 2025
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Updated installer to include a fix for a September CU issue that caused publishing problems on some workflows. To learn more, see this Microsoft Article.
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue that caused some users to receive an 'Access Denied' message when accessing workflow history. (00636951, 00645231, 00513526, 00654689, 00659569)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue where a generic error message appeared when the actual issue was caused by the Enforce Unique Values setting during list item creation. (00623533)
Resolved an issue where rules were preventing the form from being submitted. (00632200)
Resolved an issue causing incorrect display of 12am/pm in view mode. (00649069)
Resolved an issue with validation not working when a form was not completed top down.
Previous releases

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: January 2025
SQL Database: SQL Server 2019
Nintex Workflow
Licensing expiring reminder banner removed from the Start Workflow page.
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue that prevented condition workflow starts from starting when the value contained a semicolon.(00640439)
Resolved an issue where the Update Multiple Items would not work if a date column was empty. (00641904)
Nintex Forms
People Control Enhancement: We've enhanced the People control in Responsive forms for SharePoint 2016 and 2019. Now, while you search for users, a spinner will appear to indicate that the system is actively searching for matches.
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue caused by the previous release that prevented changing content types on document libraries using Nintex Forms when content types were set to read-only. (00659930)
Resolved an issue with the SQL Request Control that would cause queries with multiple lines to concatenate into a single line. (00382812)
Resolved an issues with disable rules that would cause a ‘control.className.indexOfis not a function’ error. (00486728)
Resolved an issue with where validation rules would not successfully trigger for managed metadata controls when decimal datatype were used in a repeating section on a form. ( 00617942)
Resolved an issue where Forms would not show the columns for ‘Site Collection Reusable Workflow’ template content type. (00563266)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: October 2024
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Important: Customers using Content Hub or who have manually set your content types to read-only, should avoid updating to this version and wait for the next version. If you encounter any issues, contact customer support.
Nintex Workflow
Licensing expiring reminder banner removed from the Start Workflow page.
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue that prevented condition workflow starts from starting when the value contained a semicolon.(00640439)
Resolved an issue where the Update Multiple Items would not work if a date column was empty. (00641904)
Nintex Forms
Content Type Management: We've made improvements to how our system handles content types within Document Library. This ensures that the correct content type is automatically assigned when you create a new item.
People Control Enhancement: We've enhanced the People control in Responsive forms for SharePoint 2016 and 2019. Now, while you search for users, a spinner will appear to indicate that the system is actively searching for matches.
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue with the SQL Request Control that would cause queries with multiple lines to concatenate into a single line. (00382812)
Resolved an issues with disable rules that would cause a ‘control.className.indexOfis not a function’ error. (00486728)
Resolved an issue with where validation rules would not successfully trigger for managed metadata controls when decimal datatype were used in a repeating section on a form. ( 00617942)
Resolved an issue where Forms would not show the columns for ‘Site Collection Reusable Workflow’ template content type. (00563266)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: July 2024
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue where workflow constants with an ID of 32768 or above could not be edited. (00440271)
Resolved an issue where users with contribute access were unable to view the workflow history page. (00614515, 00513526, 00624512)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue where the list lookup control would return to the beginning after selecting multiple items. (00611629)
Resolved an issue where the format returned for the single line of text control was incorrect for certain formats. (00362990)
Resolved an issue where the {Common:ApproverName} context variable did not return a value when the name includes an apostrophe. (00428587)
Resolved an issue with the Forms Web Part where items were created using the default content type instead of the configured content type. (00487029)
Resolved an issue where the date was displayed in the incorrect format when retrieved from a list lookup. (00610534)
Resolved an issue with the choice dropdown control where the specify your own value option remained editable after selecting a value from the list. (00577903)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: April 25, 2024
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Important: Updated Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA intermediate certificates in installer. For more information, see the following blog post.
Nintex Workflow
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue in SharePoint Subscription Edition where members of Active Directory security groups would receive an unauthorized error when responding to a task. (00609974)
Resolved an issue where the Read Document action was returning blank where there was a Table of contents in the document. (00606803)
Resolved an issue that would cause an error on reuseable workflows when trying to reference the associated task list in the workflow. (00528870)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue validation of attachments was happening even when disabled. (00335781)
Resolved an issue where the close button on the display form would not correctly redirect back to the list/library page. (00551261)
Resolved multiple issues where dates in calculated columns were displaying incorrectly on task forms for time zones other than UTC. (00406775, 00462445)
Fixed an issue with 0KB file attachments causing an unexpected validation error on Forms. (00324106)
Fixed an issue where 'Apply formatting to input mode' was showing on controls which were not supported. (00598536)
Fixed an issue with the footer time format not showing am/pm when set to 12-hour format. (00321396)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: January 2024
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue where setting permissions on actions in Nintex Administration would break the Workflow Designer toolbox. (00599283)
Resolved an issue that would cause the Workflow Statistics page to not load for Site Collection reusable workflow. (00498589)
Resolved an issue that caused an Access Denied error on the Workflow History page even when the user had the correct permissions. (00513526)
Resolved multiple issues when using Conditional Start with Site Collection reusable workflow. (00520551)
Resolved multiple errors on the Workflow History page where it wasn’t correctly linking to the related item. (00567595)
Resolved an issue in the Web Request action where valid post requests using multipart/form-data content type header was causing an error. (00545806)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue where the results of Web Request would not display in a dropdown. (00582005)
Resolved an issue in the Calculated Value control where it would treat text strings as a number. (00597377)
Resolved an issue where userProfileLookup function description provided incorrect parameter requirements. (00584462)
Resolved an error on IOS devices that occurs when interacting with a Form on lists with List Dialog feature enabled. (00562598)
Resolved an issue that would cause incorrect behavior when using rules to compare Date fields. (00392515)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: September 2023
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Naming updates - Nintex Analytics has been updated to Nintex Insights and Nintex Workflow Cloud to Nintex Workflow.
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue where OK and Cancel buttons were not visible on approval tasks. (00389563, 00451592)
Resolved an issue where the For Development use only watermark was showing incorrectly for production workflows. (00536123)
Resolved an issue that prevented error notifications being set correctly on sites created from a backup. (00533351)
Resolved an issue with the Create Site action that caused permission errors with running from an intranet zone.
Updated the Call a Web Service action to correctly reflect that you are unable to modify the URL in the popup. (00553795)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue with the number control that would cause an error if a percentage was used as the minimum or maximum in version (00548100)
Resolved an issue with the SQL Request control display being in bold instead of matching the other control fonts. (00579478)
Resolved an issue that would stop an item being edited if the values in lookup fields changed. (00549719)
Resolved an issue in Classic Forms that was causing panel overlapping and preventing correct resizing. (00527280)
Resolved an issue where that was allowing uploading of files with a ‘*’ which is invalid for a filename and should be prevented. (00445161)
Resolved multiple issues that were causing excessive number of SPRequest objects in Nintex timer service jobs. (00484627, 00548359)
Resolved an issue that would prevent forms showing on mobile if they had any site collections in the web application set to No Access.

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: July 2023
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Security enhancements
Upgraded jQuery to resolve multiple potential security vulnerabilities. (00504411)
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue that would cause errors when using multiple workflow web parts. (00511836)
Resolved an issue where error notifications were not being sent when status was not Error Occurred. (00547122)
Nintex Forms
Security Enhancements
Upgraded jQuery to resolve multiple potential security vulnerabilities. (00305426, 00444997, 00498929, 00535707)
Neutralization of potential HTML injection vulnerability. (00535454)
Neutralization of potential cross-site scripting vulnerability. (00534389)
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue where special characters and double spaces were not properly HTML encoded in the label for Yes/No controls. (00556060)
Resolved an issue with a leading space in Custom CSS that was causing CSS to not render. (00558326, 00560441, 00563580, 00563161)
Resolved an issue with a leading space in Yes/No control being html encoded. (00550893)
Resolved multiple issues with Forms when the Change Content Type control was present. (00522581, 00507598, 00545966, 00441109, 00513778, 00549038)
Resolved an issue with validation when multiple attachment controls are added to the Form. (00529818)
Resolved multiple issues on Forms when using German language. (00506236, 00356548, 00526838)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: January 2023
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where ‘NWAdmin -o PurgeWorkflowData -deletedSites’ wasn’t removing all data correctly. (00439052)
Fixed an issue where multiline text field were showing html code in task forms. (00511817, 00514552, 00520486, 00529249, 00538008, 00538140)
Resolved an issue that would cause filter to not be saved on query list action. (00420083)
Resolved an issue on French language sites that would cause the workflow history to not display correctly. (00388357)
Fixed an issue where Nintex Analytics wouldn’t show all workflows. (00514092)
Resolved an issue that would cause multiple Analytics timer jobs in environments with multiple central administrations. (00463904, 00532271)
Fixed an issue with Nintex Analytics backfill in environments running multiple central Administrations. (00406013)
Resolve an issue where workflow status in Analytics was incorrectly showing deleted. (00512461)
Nintex Forms
Security Enhancements
Neutralization of potential cross-site scripting vulnerability. (00534393)
Resolved Issues
Resolved an issue causing a new item error when ‘&’ was used in the label of a button. (00521169)
Resolved an error caused when performing validation comparing values that contain an ‘e’. (00525737, 00526473)
Resolved an issue where decimal rounding would give different results in different browsers. (00287172, 00525207, 00472423)
Resolved multiple form issues where the regional setting was set to a region that uses a space as the thousand separator. (00339408, 00423220)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: January 2023
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where URL control text formatting was wrapping in responsive forms. (00477384)
Fixed an issue where list lookup connections were lost when importing in different sites. (00468909)
Fixed an issue where the required field asterisk wasn’t shown correctly on classic forms. (00466357)
Resolved an alignment issue with the text to display in a hyperlink control on responsive forms. (00402790)
Resolved an issue with percentage values displaying incorrectly in repeating sections on classic forms. (00349922)
Fixed an issue displaying forms with lookup values in Modern view on SharePoint 2019. (00371278)
Resolved an issue on German language sites that would cause the close button to incorrectly redirect. (00510301)
Fixed an issue that was causing an unexpected error when opening forms. (00516846, 00517296, 00518385, 00522181)
Fixed an issue where additional spaces were added when using multiline text controls. (00504056)
Resolved an issue where text was wrapping incorrectly when appending to existing text using a multiline form. (003494500)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: October 2022
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Customers on NW2016 (Diagnostic) should not upgrade to this quarterly release.
Nintex Workflow
Resolved Issues
Fixed an error calling the delegate task web service. (00505820,00505559)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: October 2022
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Customers on NW2016 (Diagnostic) should not upgrade to this quarterly release.
Nintex Workflow
Added a fix for the issue caused by the SharePoint September Public Update.
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where workflows were failing when a Shared Mailbox was added in CC. (00378648)
Fixed an issue occurring when purging the Nintex workflow history list. (00403712)
Fixed an issue where stored procedures were not updating all the required Nintex database tables. (00378811)
Fixed the Nintex workflow scheduler timer job being removed. (00386064, 00466647, 00478069, 00490298, 0050196)
Fixed an issue where the GetRunningWorkflowTasksCollection web method was also returning deleted tasks. (00452378)
Fixed an issue that would cause an error when trying to import or export User Defined Actions. (00469765)
Fixed a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. (00477744)
Fixed an issue causing the Nintex workflow report page to give a 404 error. (00389158)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue with multiple attachment controls within panels in Responsive forms. (00340418)
Fixed an error with the calculated date field in v5.2.2.70. (00470288, 00463580)
Fixed multiple issues with the DateDiffDays Function in v5.2.2.70. (00482948, 00478456, 00483011, 00483772, 00482841, 00485481, 00486471, 00491303)
Fixed multiple issues with JavaScript in Forms. (00348693, 00446646, 00467208)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: June 2022
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Customers on NW2016 (Diagnostic) should not upgrade to this quarterly release.
Nintex Workflow
The username and password fields in the configuration of Exchange Online actions have been replaced with the authorizing user field due to Microsoft deprecating basic authentication. For more information, see the Exchange Online workflow actions help topic.
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where images are not displayed for the first recipient when using send notification. (00417294)
Fixed an issue where publishing workflows stop when trying to update hyperlink columns. (00467261, 00474662, 00481336, 00482194)
Fixed an issue where the Nintex Synchronization timer job fails after updating to version (00466101, 00474614)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Fixed a runtime issue that prevents Nintex Forms being opened when a number column maximum-allowed value was greater than 999999999999999. (00311361)
Fixed a runtime issue where the dateDiffDays function was not calculating the difference correctly. (00367219)
Fixed an issue with external content types not storing values. (00267780)
Fixed an issue where multiple attachment controls were losing attachments. (00419312)
Fixed an issue where the Workflow History button was missing in the ribbon. (00411642, 00422426)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: December 2021
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where the Nintex Workflow Update Document action causes an error and makes the document available in read-only mode. (00402929, 00411529, 00409166)
Fixed an issue when updating a hyperlink field via workflow in lists. (00397515)
Fixed an issue where the Query List action configuration does not update the variable usage when a variable is used in the action. (00384057, 00397060)
Fixed an issue where the NWAdmin.exe -o SyncTerminatedWorkflows command also terminates running site workflows. (00428527)
Fixed an issue where the NWAdmin.exe SyncTerminatedWorkflows command does not synchronize the workflow instances status if the instance is running. (00394295)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Fixed a date issue with calculated values after upgrading from to (00423176)
Fixed an issue in the fn-Equal inline function when an apostrophe is used in one of the values compared. (00242814)
Fixed runtime issue where a people picker control disabled using a rule is still accessible in responsive forms. (00340979, 00444411)
Fixed an issue where the drop-down arrow is missing in modern view when using responsive forms and a standard theme is applied. (00327303)
Fixed an issue where responsive Nintex Forms people control is missing the "x" to remove the selected user. (00392800, 00426554)
Fixed an issue where checkboxes are not displayed correctly. (00426554, 00435502)
Fixed an issue where the control toolbox panel cuts off when maintenance banner is displayed. (00338896)
Fixed an issue where the Nintex Forms designer icon is missing for external lists. (00341156, 00346356, 00347054)
Fixed an issue with Nintex Forms single-threaded mode making multiple calls in GetFormVariables(). (00353970, 00392873, 00419728, 00436264)
Fixed an issue where the List Lookup Forms control resize at runtime was not working when set to NO. (00363611)
Fixed an issue when exporting a form as a PDF was causing the browser to catch. (00414644)
Fixed an issue where the classic form rules panel formula builder icon was outside the window boundary. (00314055, 00435817, 00443597)
Fixed an issue with the WebPart Form never loading after hitting the back button to return to the form. (00325964, 00383643)
Fixed an issue where the Workflow History button was missing in the ribbon. (00411642, 00422426)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: December 2021
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where the NWAdmin PurgeWorkflowData execution times out due to huge records of dbo.WorkflowProgress table. (00390353)
Fixed an issue where the Document Generation caused Nintex Workflow Start Service to stop. (00412826)
Fixed an issue where an error occurs when accessing the workflow inventory for the root of a single site collection after upgrading Nintex. (00382411, 00387436, 00416138, 00426292, 00427035, 00429842, 00438084)
Fixed an issue where workflow errored emails were sent twice. (00428703)
Nintex Forms
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where the Enterprise keywords control in the Nintex Form is not working properly in the responsive form. (00290606)
Fixed an issue where a field invalidate rule displays a message even when the rule returns false. (00355980, 00383231)
Fixed an issue of a gray overlap appearing on the Nintex Form when opening it in dialog mode. (00421688)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: October 2021
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Nintex Sign powered by Adobe Sign action has been renamed to Adobe Sign.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where Nintex Analytics was incorrectly marking workflows as deleted. (00381232, 00386730, 00390231)
Fixed an issue where Nintex Timer Job that's used to collect usage consumption was not properly disposing objects. (00387651, 00411365)
Fixed an issue with updating a hyperlink field in a list item. (00397515)
Fixed an issue where canceled instances of workflow are canceled multiple times. (00409104)
Fixed an issue with Create List action where welcome page for document set not found when library is created using custom list template with document set content type. (00258154)
Fixed an issue with Copy to SharePoint action where it created a new file instead of updating existing item when copied to a different farm. (00384293)
Fixed a JavaScript issue that caused the conditional dialog to not work. (00388578)
Fixed an issue when importing workflow with Query List action configured with variable in CAML query. (00378832)
Nintex Forms
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the Insert Link in responsive task form inside Assign flexi task is not working. (00328433, 00334699, 00378535, 00394256, 00405014, 00410319)
Fixed an issue where there is an error opening Nintex form with change content type control in SharePoint 2019 classic mode runtime. (00368062, 00390198, 00388697, 00389787, 00402996)
Fixed an overlap issue occurring in Print to PDF after updating to (00404684)
Fixed an issue where the Calculated field and Choice control are not aligned when placed on the same line in a Responsive form. (00355479)
Fixed an issue where clicking the Save and continue auto redirects to root site collection. (00396063)
Fixed an issue with the Web Request control using any multiple select display mode trims results. (00386553)
Fixed an issue where Nintex Form Lookup Filter changed behaviour after upgrading to (00412519)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: July 2021
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Security Enhancements
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (237897).
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Cross site script on Nintex component (242553).
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue with publishing and running workflows containing Task-based actions if the SharePoint July CU 2021 patch is installed (254741).
Fixed an issue where the Nintex Analytics action is not available in environments with combined server role (247650).
Fixed an issue with Lazy Approval where FBA users were not able to respond to the task with Lazy Approval responses (231148).
Fixed an issue with an error encountered with task reminder from task action workflow (180951).
Fixed an issue with task list being duplicated when switching language for the SharePoint Site (177845).
Fixed an issue where the 'View entire site collection' link is not available in Workflow Inventory (232562).
Updated certificates for Nintex Analytics (237246).
Fixed an issue with Start when items are created / Modified where conditions configured with hyperlink column condition triggers even though condition is not met (168280).
Fixed an issue with loading the License page after updating the SharePoint environment (212524).
Fixed an issue with Send notification action where images are not correctly displayed in emails (210761).
Fixed an issue with Create Item in another Site action where the Wiki page item cannot be created inside a folder within the Wiki page library (231086).
Nintex Forms
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where a participant may be unable to create a new Document Set via the Nintex Form Web Part (00334815).
Fixed an issue where the value of multiple text with 'Append Changes to Existing Text’ may be duplicated (00375208).
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Task Form using a Managed Metadata Column may not filter a List Lookup control (00372544).
Fixed an issue where Print to PDF with a Barcode Item property may not print in the Responsive Forms (00381193).
Fixed an issue where fields may become empty when a document is added in the list view control (00357432; 00357733).
Fixed an issue where the Task Form Attachment control may not be available when searching in the toolbox (00351836; 00382797).
Fixed an issue where Responsive Forms may not retain the order of the items selected on a list lookup in edit mode (00374223).

Combined installer version
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Workflow database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: March 2021
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue with Query XML action XML tree view where first node is not expandable in Chrome browser (210362).
Fixed an issue with Web parts 'Workflow I've started' and 'My Workflow Tasks' where it is not correctly filtering by the initiated user or assigned to user (203887).
Fixed an issue with Nintex Analytics backfill job where it wasn't executing correctly (209119).
Fixed an issue with Nintex Analytics execution job where it wasn't running correctly on both application server and front end servers (209119).
Fixed an issue with Create item action where item properties is not copied over when overwriting the item (204375).
Fixed an issue with datediff function when loading the 'Completed Workflow' Report (182533).
Fixed an issue with list lookups causing certains browsers to be unresponsive (190204).
Fixed an issue with Query list where list column text contains '&' symbol can not be retrieved (161881).
Fixed an issue with Custom Content Type derived from Nintex Multi Outcome Task with InfoPath (150597).
Nintex Forms
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the 'Print to PDF' button may appear on lists without a Nintex Form (00323141; 00327827; 00331178; 00349621; 00372227).
Fixed an issue where an error may be displayed when creating an item in mobile view (00335301; 00379535).
Fixed an issue where a form may not be accessible when limiting permissions (00362390; 00372164).
Fixed an issue where the Panel control may not render correctly on Google Chrome / Microsoft Edge Chromium Version 88.0 (00370409; 00369086; 00368316; 00372590; 00372483; 00383850)
Fixed an issue where the fn-IsMemberOfGroup() function may cause an error (00358790; 00374034; 00375040; 00374120).
Fixed an issue where a button control may display a confirmation message twice when a validation rule is using lookup function (00306408).
Fixed an issue when viewing all rules may display an error (00348659; 00352842).

Combined installer version
Workflow product version:
Forms product version
Database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: December 2020
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Security Improvements
Updated root certificates in the installer (198586)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Cryptographic Algorithm (200261)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with server-side request forgery (200262)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with use of externally-controlled input to select Classes or Code (200259)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with deserialization of untrusted data (198094)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with external control of system or configuration setting (200258)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with external control of file name or path (200260)
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue with Workflow Flexi task duplicated Response not required email when a workflow is terminated (205587)
Fixed an issue with My Workflow Task web part when used with User Defined Action (157974)
Fixed an issue with Rich Text Editor cursor after inserting a reference token (203752)

Combined installer version:
Workflow product version:
Forms product version:
Database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: September 2020
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Forms
Resolved issues
Included the international resources (00355691)

Combined installer version
Workflow product version:
Forms product version
Database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: September 2020
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
With this release, we are introducing Nintex Analytics for Nintex for SharePoint 2016. Nintex Analytics is where you can gain insight to your Nintex platform subscription data. You can view your Nintex platform data straight out of the box and access deep-dive pages where you can export your data at the click of a button. For more information visit the launch blog post with all the details and Quick start guide to get up and running.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue with Assign Flexi Task outcome branch where the outcome name contains space (147505)
Fixed an issue with responding to Task Reminder email via Lazy Approval (137283)
Fixed an issue with incorrect value stored in 'Store URL' field for Create Site and Create Site Collection actions (137463)
Fixed an issue around the execution of inline function (fn-Replace) (196648)
Fixed an issue with inline functions where spaces is not correctly recognized (196645)
Fixed an issue in the Rich Text Editor on Chrome browser where Bold and Italics styles could not be applied (192457)
Nintex Forms
Note: This version supports English only. International will be available soon.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the Lookup function in a Calculated Value control may not return a result (00336220)
Fixed an issue where the Lookup control may stop working after the List name has been changed (00289223)
Fixed an issue where a access may be denied in certain scenarios when using ‘Limited-access user permission lockdown mode’ (00322168)
Fixed an issue where a user may be able to enter multiple people into a People Picker control when ‘Allow multiple selections’ is set to No (00330245; 00352457)
Fixed an issue where a Date/Time control may show a validation message and may error on subsequent submit (00349156)
Fixed an issue where validation may not display on a People picker (00338862)

Combined installer version
Workflow product version:
Forms product version
Database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: July 2020
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Security improvements
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with External Control of System or Configuration Setting (189114)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference (189116)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (1891633)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with URL redirect to Untrusted Site (189115)
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue with Create List in Multi-language site (126300)
Fixed an issue where workflow variables contains bold styling tags (137282)
Fixed an issue with generating Nintex support package (124302)
Fixed an issue with ItemID parameter for NWAdmin purge workflow data (145707)
Fixed an issue where Nintex Workflow icon is missing for Asset Library (174986)
Fixed an issue with applying certain styles on a reference tag in the Rich Text Editor (180934)
Nintex Forms
Option to validate hidden control in rules.
A new reference has been added for the 'Item Property for a Person column' to return Login ID.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the List View control may not filter as expected in 'New Mode' (00323936; 00336342; 00334827; 00305729).
Fixed an issue where the filter options on a List View control may not display as expected (00295245; 00305729)
Fixed an issue where a parameter passed to the SQL control may display an error (00331936; 00323482; 00322694; 00340964).
Fixed an issue where Print to PDF may not work as expected on Chrome (00324958; 00321126; 00330082).
Fixed an issue where the SQL Control may append characters to the value of the parameter when using a Store Procedure as the Query (00322694).
Person or Group column reference returns different results into a Calculated Value control using Single or Multiple users - see Enhancements above (00329014; 00316750).
Fixed and issue where the List View Control may not display as expected when using column filtering with paging (00316661).
FIxed an issue where a user may be unable to Print to PDF when the SharePoint Template Colour Scheme is changed using Google Chrome and Firefox (00308630; 00316474; 00318952; 00328464; 00330082; 00337143)

Combined installer version
Workflow product version:
Forms product version
Database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: June 2020
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Updated Provision user in Exchange action to support Exchange Server 2019
Updated Create AD user and Update AD user actions to support LDAPS
Optimized performance in loading Nintex Workflow Inventory page (180120)
Security improvements
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) (178649)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Improper Neutralization of Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (Basic XSS) (178616)
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where Item name does not always display in the Item column (107396)
Fixed an issue with Replace Inline function where parameter is set with 1 character in double quotes (107872)
Fixed an issue with Create Item action where the default template of the library is incorrectly set where a specific content type is specified (107482)
Nintex Forms
No updates

Combined installer version
Workflow product version:
Forms product version
Database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: May 2020
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
Fixed issue with database when upgrading to latest Nintex Workflow build (186441)
Nintex Forms
No updates

Combined installer version
Workflow product version:
Forms product version
Database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: May 2020
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
Fixed issue with Nintex Sign where SharePoint relative URL is not working with references parameter (180475)
Fixed an issue with workflow execution if User preference delivery type is used for email notification (180117)
Fixed missing reference in Build String action while using Web Service (149156)
Fixed warning error during farm upgrade (180925)
Fixed an issue with LDAP Picker when OU contain specific alphabet (178274)
Nintex Forms
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the People control on a Task Form may remove spaces after actioning the form (00297204; 00309906; 00290663)
Fixed an issue where the People picker control may not save the default value to list (00314590)
Fixed an issue where the People control may remove the space between words of the default value (00309906)
Fixed an issue where the "convertToDate" runtime function may not convert the value correctly (00329014)
Fixed an issue where a Calculated Value control with DateTime Item Property token may not show the selected time correctly (00328572; 00331601; 00332018)

Combined installer version
Workflow product version:
Forms product version
Database version:
Tested on:
SP Service Pack/CU: January 2020
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Improvements made to managing variables including ability to remove all unsed variables, view variable in use status and reordering variables.
Subscription report updated to include total number billable and non-billable workflows in farm, including number of billable and non-billable actions per workflow.
Security Fixes
Fixed potential vulnerability with deserialization of untrusted data (152377)
Resolved issues
Fixed duplicate workflow task list when renaming task list in alternative language (133131)
Fixed blank action configuration page for user with SharePoint 2013 Foundation Server (161249)
Fixed issue where user not able to purge data due to Nintex Maintenance job not run (147895)
Fixed issue where workflow and actions not calculated when importing subscription license from perpetual license (163904)
Fixed namespace issue when using Xpath builder in Update/Query XML action (56486)
Fixed issue in Update document action where control value configuration cannot be deleted (102260)
Fixed error handling issue in Document Generation action where Boolean variable are not set correctly (144219)
Fixed issue in Send notification action where option for individually addressed notification does not work correctly for SharePoint group (134183)
Fixed mismatch metadata while copying document set to destination document library using Copy to SharePoint action (131869)
Fixed issue with Nintex Database where the index keys size exceeding supported size (132003)
Fixed missing button to create and manage workflow from custom list/document library ribbon (140335)
Fixed 403 Error in Nintex User Preference page for user using SharePoint Classic experience (147511)
Fixed issue with email content of task delegation of an action displayed with incorrect language (136924)
Nintex Forms
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where a label may not connect to a Managed Metadata control (00277616; 00293481)
Fixed an issue where a user may be prompted for credentials on anonymous site (00308716)
Fixed an issue where a Single Line of Text on a repeating section with Decimal value may display the wrong information when viewing an item (00268684)
Fixed an issue where Nintex Forms may display an Ajax error when saving the form (00263534; 00274099; 00288764; 00294124; 00296130; 00299734; 00299581)
Fixed an issue where a page with the "Start Site Workflow" web part may not save as expected (00231542; 00292077; 00301380)
Fixed an issue where panels with hide rules may overlap (00310600; 00312780)
Fixed an issue where a form in a Nintex form web part in display mode may change to edit mode when the enter key is pressed (00287788)
Fixed an issue where a form using FBA and a People Picker control may not resolve AD Groups (00228035)
Fixed an issue where a Date Control may not allow the date to be entered in any format other than mm/dd/YYYY (00294556)
Fixed an issue where a Multi Line Textbox control configured to Append causes control overlap in Google Chrome (00244230)
Fixed an issue where a Responsive forms for a in a Turkish site may revert to Classic forms (00239077)
Fixed an issue where the ULS logs may display "An SPRequest object was reclaimed by the garbage collector" (00290903)
Fixed an issue where the workflow size increases when republishing a Workflow (00286434; 00303521)
Fixed an issue where the button order may not behave as configured (00302590)
Fixed an issue where the ribbon may not be displayed when a form is opened in dialog mode (00302360)
Fixed an issue where a form may not close when used in a Communications site (00301833)
Fixed an issue where the People Picker control would not return more than 10 results. This has been increased to 30 (00305935)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Form using IsDlg=1 may not behave as expected (00306806)
Improved the protection against possible XSS attacks (00290464)
Fixed an issue where an error may be displayed that a folder already exists when creating a document set in a subfolder of a Document Library (00236944)
Fixed an issue where a validation rule may not work as expected on a hyperlink control (00201902)
Fixed an issue where validation messages may not appear when using a Link Button to perform a save (00192044)
Fixed an issue where Workflow Flexi task form may display an error (00271677)
Fixed an issue where the Single line of text workflow variable is not saving data when it is linked to Task form List lookup (00279774)
Fixed an issue where a Choice Control configured with 'Render as Buttons' may not behave as expected in View mode (00251385)
Fixed an issue where the Attachment Control was not correctly translated Arabic (00254083)
Fixed an issue where an error may be displayed when previewing a form in Site Workflow (00261860)
Fixed an issue where the SQL Request control may trim white space for text connected to field (00253508)
Fixed an issue where the convertToDate function may not resolve when the locale is not EN/US (00193621)
Fixed an issue where attachments can be added when the attachment control is disabled when using Chrome (00210755; 00280354)
Fixed an issue where a Task Form in SharePoint 2013 may not allow editing in 2010 Mode (00301170)
Fixed an issue where the Web Request control may not appropriately apply Customer headers in Chrome (00295178)

Product version:
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Important: Effective 13 September 2019 (the “End of Support Date”), Nintex will officially stop supporting Nintex Mobile deployed on Windows Tablet and Windows Phone. Nintex functionality that relies solely on a specific underlying operating system operated by a third party reflects the lifecycle of that underlying OS. Accordingly, as this Nintex Mobile functionality targets the Windows 8 platform that is currently in the end of its Microsoft lifecycle. Between the date of this notice and the End of Support Date, only applicable critical patches will be implemented. For additional detail, see Windows Tablet and Windows Phone End-of-Support Notice.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where spaces may be removed when a panel is hidden or unhidden (00302623)
Fixed an issue where a comparison may fail if the value contains a space (00302696)
Fixed an issue where 'Save and Continue' may trigger validation (00303365)

Product version: (Workflow)
Product version: (Forms)
Database version:
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue with copying Display Name when using Copy to SharePoint action (137083)
Fixed an issue with CSS styles setting not disabled correctly (59650)
Fixed an issue with extending the styles in the Editor Ribbon on chrome (59650)
Fixed an issue with Purge Workflow data when last activity is Null (147504)
Fixed an issue with Subscription compliance report generation where previous report has been submitted manually (156882)
Fixed an issue with Subscription compliance report with incorrect Arabic translation (132678)
Fixed an issue with Subscription compliance report generation with incorrect due date (132694)
Fixed an issue with Workflow initiation where published by user is not found (138472)
Fixed an issue with Create Item action where From content type is used with a custom template (156304)
Fixed an issue with Connection Manager authorization dialog not appearing (156229)
Fixed an issue with DocuSign Populate Template action where the request is not sent (155483)
Fixed an issue with publishing a workflow which contains InfoPath Form type (155952)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where attachments may not come through from the Nintex Live service (00287408; 00294128)
Fixed an issue where an error may be displayed when using Nintex Forms of a Document Set (00260139)
Fixed an issue where the Nintex 'Start Site Workflow' web part may cause an issue when placed on a Document Set page (00285199)
Fixed an issue where the fn-IsMemberOfGroup may empty text of a multiline textbox when hidden (00237275)
Fixed and issue where controls inside a repeating section when hidden may not behave as expected (00234433)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex form may display an error when a List Lookup control is connected to an external list (00212380)
Fixed an issue where the SQL Request control may trim white space for text connected to field (00253508)
Hidden fields will no longer validate if they are not connected to a SharePoint column (00297893)

Product version:
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Form may not open using the Modern Experience List (00247351; 00247080; 00251704; 00255082; 00264089; 00268494; 00270849; 00269357)
Fixed an issue where rules using the SQL Request control may not work as expected (00288331)
Fixed an issue where a Multi-select List Lookup may not work as expected when using semicolons (00257895)
Fixed an issue where the "Outcome" property may not be visible on a Task Form when Lazy Approval (00252313; 00279851)
Fixed an issue using a List Lookup in a Communication site (00278205)
Fixed an issue where the synchronization Service may be consuming resources (00273442)
Fixed an issue where the Calculated Value control may not work when including a dot symbol when Regional Settings is set to German only (00252910)
Fixed an issue where a disble rule may not work on the attachment control (00156027)
Fixed an issue where editing the list view control in the view mode may remove filters (00177743; 00181733)
Fixed an issue where Print to PDF may not work when a Forms is using a Multiline Text Box Control (00203165)
Fixed an issue where the rich text field may display differently in each for mode (00216568)
Fixed an issue where the date/time control may not display correctly when using a font size of 16 or 18 (00237592)
Fixed an issue where the delegate link is not visible in a Responsive Task form (00247909)
Fixed is an issue where a List form using the web part may not work as expected (00144445)

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: August 2019
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Security impovements
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with LDAP injection (24141)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with deserialization of untrusted data (136561)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with insufficient entropy (136551)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with CRLF sequences in HTTP Headers ('HTTP Response Splitting') (136558)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with deserialization of untrusted data (135686)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) (136560)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with script-related HTML tags in a web page (Basic XSS) (143405)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with external control of file name or path (136557)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with improper restriction of XML External Entity Reference (XXE) (24146)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with URL redirection (5157)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with insecure temporary file (136550)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with hard-coded password (136556)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with externally-controlled input to select classes or code ('Unsafe Reflection') (136559)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with cross site scripting (134597)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with risky cryptographic algorithm (136554)
Caution: This improvement consists of encryption method update. It is advised to not rollback to previous version of Nintex
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue with performing subsequent workflow data purge (143749)
Fixed an issue where specific workflow entitlement is impacting the license page (132298)
Fixed an issue with Read document action where extra line break are added for plain/rich text content control (147240)
Fixed an issue with opening AD actions in Chrome and Firefox browser (Note: It is required to clear browser cache first before opening the action configuration) (124197)
Fixed an issue with displaying Webparts in backward compatibility mode when using Silverlight (145436)
Fixed an issue with loading the workflow chart viewer webpart (145435)
Fixed an issue with loading the return type dialog (145705)
Fixed an issue with incorrect language displayed in the Workflow menu if site regional settings is set to other than English (134323)

Product version:
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the Choice Control rendered as Buttons may not display properly (00271328)
Fixed an issue where Tasks may not display if a custom inline functions is used (00264466)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Workflow Start Forms may display an error when using a multi-user people picker control (00256752)

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: June 2019
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Nintex Sign powered by Adobe sign - new action to support integration with the Adobe Sign platform, capabilities include:
Allow sending of agreements to multiple recipients
Ability to configure and combine multiple document templates for signing process
Support for various signing roles including signer, approver, acceptor, form filler, certified recipient and delegator
Support for various identify authorization modes including email, password, knowledge-base, Phone (sms), Adobe Sign login and Government ID
Ability to password protect signed agreements
Learn more about Nintex Sign or request a trial
Resolved issues
Fixed workflow email actions with URL reference in various zone settings (137981)
Fixed message template for header and footer to allow any syntax longer than 1500 characters (105867: )
Fixed Nintex Workflow scheduler lock type that allow workflow to run only once in farm (137710)
Fixed read document action where regular expression works incorrectly document with content controls with grammar/spelling error (105735)

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: February 2019
SQL Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Added new capability to automatically generate the compliance license report, scheduled to be submitted to Nintex on a quarterly basis. This is enabled for subscription license only and can be disabled in Nintex Administration in Licensing page.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where workflow errors when initiated by a user belonging to custom permission group (106564)
Fixed an issue with Nintex timer jobs failing to run in MinRole Farm topology (105736)
Fixed an issue with NWAdmin DelegateAllTasks where notification email was not being sent (76992)
Fixed an issue with Workflow Designer workflow import on Chrome browser (108027)
Fixed an issue with incorrect hyperlink in error notification emails where alternate access mapping is configured (79404)
Fixed an issue with Czech and German action translation in the dropzone (122616)
Fixed an issue with starting multiple workflow instances after performing an iisreset (123690)
Updated web.config file to include Nintex entries (119472)
Fixed an issue whereby Calculate Date action was not working with null value (124658)
Fixed an issue whereby Associated column values for Choice type columns were not loading in action configuration for reusable workflows (126155)
Note: English only installer will no longer be provided. To access English, please download the International installer and select English during installation.
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where a Task Form default value may not be set (00081515; 00236471)
Fixed an issue where the isNullorEmpty rule condition may not return expected result (00208084)
Fixed an issue where the default value of a control may not be set in a repeating section (00205098)
Fixed an issue where a list form attachment with long names and no spaces may not wrap (00215709)
Fixed an issue where the Nintex Forms XPath Query in Web Request control may not function as expected (00218662)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Form in the Nintex Form Web Part may not respect rules on the form (00223427)
Fixed an issue where the rules property panel may be cut off at the bottom (00253857)
Fixed an issue where the repeating section may not display properly when add new row in repeating section when using IE (00000000)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Forms may not be editable (00263579)
Fixed an issue where the multiline control may hide the rich text controls after saving item and opening form in edit/new mode (00214811)
Fixed an issue where the endsWith() function may not behave correctly when checking for numerals (00238404)
Fixed an issue were the Nintex List Form web part connected to a List web part may not update based on list filter (00246225)
Fixed an issue where the List View pagination may not work correctly using filtering (00252517; 00258730)
Removed the Nintex Live/External Relay Service

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: December 2018
Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
New content database warning, integrated with SharePoint Health Analyzer. A record count is performed across the Nintex databases on a weekly basis to report if content database tables record count is approaching or exceeded the set threshold
Updated Nintex Administration Purge workflow data
Added new query filters: Site Collection URL, Site URL, Database Name
Added option to perform purge without having to run a query
Added new notification message to indicate purge progress and estimated time completion
Added new option to cancel purge while in progress
Added support to purge from deleted sites
Updated query to allow Or statements to be set
Updated Query to return 5000 records and total count of records found will be displayed
Updated purging operation to use timer job and to purge in batches
Updated NWAdmin PurgeWorkflowData:
Added new query parameter: databaseName
Updated purging operation to purge in batches
Updated Site settings Purge Workflow data:
Added option to perform purge without having to run a query
Updated query to allow Or statements to be set
New Nintex Customer Experience Improvement Program (NCEIP), created to provide Nintex customers the opportunity to contribute to the design and development of Nintex platform. NCEIP will collect information and workflow statistics to help us understand how our customers use the Nintex platform so we can determine where we should focus future product improvement initiatives. Participation in the program is voluntary where customers can choose to opt in or out at any time during installation and in Nintex Administration.
Security Improvements
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (Basic XSS) (101250)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Special Elements used in SQL Command ('SQL Injection') (101250)
Resolved issues
Removed Export Workflow UDA parameter from Nintex SDK (79006)
Fixed issue with Last Activity date for Purge Workflow Data (78942)
Corrected Dutch translation on Request Approval action (83253)
Fixed issue with editing content controls from the Word Document generated by Update Document action (94036)
Fixed issue with task approvals/delegation on second page of history (83178)
Fixed issue with Variables set a condition configuration control on site workflows (64244)
Fixed issue with setting multiple values in Web Request (39947)
Improved My Workflow Tasks Web Part load performance (107505)
Fixed issue with NWAdmin Deploy Workflow creating duplicated workflow in item context menu (84133)
Fixed issue with Document Generation and Create Item in another site when navigating to site collections with a managed path of Explicit Inclusion (101874)
Fixed issue with accessing the Workflow Inventory page when site collection is locked (60810)
Fixed issue with Web Request not returning failed responses (88654)
Fixed issue with NWAdmin migrateUser when migrating account to another domain (30174)
Fixed issue with Nintex workflow management breadcrumb on Licensing page (94187)
Improved Workflows I've Started Web Part load performance (106418)
Fixed issue with Nintex Installer where installation continues after closing the installer (107827)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the repeating section control in responsive forms may not save the data correctly (00247551)
Fixed an issue Nintex Forms Nintex Live Communication may show an error (00247185; 00247924; 00249904; 00250211)
Fixed an issue where a task forms may not open on a mobile browser (00247570)
Fixed an issue where an image may be cropped in a responsive form (00187452; 00213210; 00230644; 00243477)

Product version:
Database version:
Release date: 19 July 2018
SP Service Pack/CU: June 2018
Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Updated Nintex Workflow Exchange Connector Service to support Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 (67806)
Included additional root certificates in the installer for certificate update (71618)
Reliability updates for Nintex Connector Workflow Queue service (64184)
Security Improvements
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Script-Related HTML Tags in Web Pages (56638)
Resolved issues
Fixed duplicated Not Required notification email generated from Assign Flexi task (71807)
Fixed an error when accessing Workflow Inventory page (77007)
Fixed Workflow Inventory page load performance (67444)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Important: Transition of the Microsoft Account type used for by Nintex Mobile to the End of Life (E.O.L) state as 1st Oct 2017 with maintenance support continuing for a further twelve month beyond this date.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the Nintex Form webpart may display an error when accessed from the ribbon (00127012; 00139817)
Fixed an issue where attachments may display in the Nintex Mobile app even when in a hidden panel (00144159)
Fixed an issue where the 'Source List' property may be deselected from a Lookup control field after upgrading from to (00149585; 00177254)
Fixed an issue where enforcing a unique value in a date field may show an error (00141939)
Fixed an issue where a file in an attachment control may not be validated for name length and special characters before submitting form (00146838; 00174354; 00154706; 00210928)
Fixed an issue where a People picker linked to a SharePoint group may show people not in the group (00150088)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex List Form web connected to a List web part may not update based on selection (00154499; 00182152)
Fixed an issue where a deleted control will not remove data from the SharePoint list (00175324; 00191052)
Fixed an issue where a NIntex Form web part may show an error with the Arabic locale enabled (00156424)
Fixed an issue where Start Site Workflow web part may not render correctly (00191263; 00210760)
Fixed an issue where Calculated Value control may display a date even when the referencing control has an invalid date (00193310)
Fixed an issue where the convertToDate function may not resolve with the locale is not EN/US (00193621)
Fixed an issue where the Managed Metadata may not be able to be cleared (00195592)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Mobile form may not display when it has a Date column (00201880)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Form web part may render as blank (00202161; 00209402; 00211704; 00212976; 00213357)
Fixed an issue where a Responsive form may allow repeated values to be entered even when 'Enforce unique values' is set to 'Yes' (00205423; 00213386)
Fixed an issue where the Calculated Value control may not display a date correctly when using a locale other than EN-US (00205296; 00205714; 00208046; 00213091)
Fixed an issue where a Calculated Value control may display an error (00205125; 0207335; 00212976; 00211831, 00213687; 00214415)
Improved security to prevent cross-site scripting (208019)
Fixed an issue where a displayed user in the People Picker control does not allow enter key selection (00208362)
Fixed an issue where the Multiple lines of text control border may not show an updated color (00185512)
Fixed an issue where the SQL Control may have caused the form to load slower than expected (00207043)
Fixed an issue where a Task Forms may not update on Nintex Mobile (00000000)
Fixed an issue where the Calculated Value may show an error when using IE8 (00215210)
Fixed an issue where the Date/Time may not use the 'String format' property (00218526)

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: February 2018
Database: SQL Server 2017
Nintex Workflow
Added support for SQL 2017 (56605)
Security Improvements
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with Script-Related HTML Tags in Web Pages (39987)(34006)
Resolved issues
Assign to-do task - Fixed task status to update correctly when using condition of first response applies (42135)
Alternate Access Mappings
Fixed Custom zone URL to set correctly for Site Workflow inventory (63923)
Fixed link to Workflows preview page when using extended zone (60653)
Fixed Workflow Inventory page to display the correct Intranet Zone (59399)
Assign Flexi Task/Request Data/Assign to-do/Task Reminder - Removed incorrect option to enable file attachments in Reminders section for Site Workflow (33107)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Important: Transition of the Microsoft Account type used for by Nintex Mobile to the End of Life (E.O.L) state as 1st Oct 2017 with maintenance support continuing for a further twelve month beyond this date.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the List View Form may not work when the View is grouped by Collapse. (00193695, 00198952)
Fixed an issue with the People Picker Control that may have caused latency. (00198896, 202235, 198896, 200992, 200637, 202793, 200880, 202244)
Fixed an issue with Flexi Task action that may have hindered responding to tasks. (00196957)
Fixed an issue where the Date/Time control to acknowledge 24 hour time format.(00208142)

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: December 2017
Database: SQL Server 2016
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
Corrected the inability to publish workflows on subsite, when user doesn't have full control permissions at Root Site collection (51003)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Important: Transition of the Microsoft Account type used for by Nintex Mobile to the End of Life (E.O.L) state as 1st Oct 2017 with maintenance support continuing for a further twelve month beyond this date.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where a form may not publish if Live Forms was selected.

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: December 2017
Database: SQL Server 2016
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
Provided the GetItemsPendingMyApproval web service method (37995)
Corrected the inability to select a site, in copy to SharePoint action, when there are over 6,000 sites collections (34740)
Corrected an issue with Disable Auto Provision not working for Nintex Connector Workflow Queue Service, Nintex Connector Workflow
Service, and Nintex Workflow Start Service (35279)
Corrected an issue with Flexi task failing when a people/user variable is used for assignee (25568)
Corrected an issue when importing a UDA showing the message "UDA already exist on site collection" (25598)
Corrected the inability to publish a workflow on a sub site, without full control at Site Collection level (52090)
Corrected the translation of Start on the start button into Japanese (25607)
Corrected an issue with custom LazyApproval Terms at the Site Collection level (25623) - 2013 & 2016
Corrected a spelling error in Workflow Cancellation/Termination Notification email (34511)
Corrected Lazy approval terms that start with dash not working (33108)
Corrected the Update document action not working with MSWord documents that have a Table of Contents (43457)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Important: Transition of the Microsoft Account type used for by Nintex Mobile to the End of Life (E.O.L) state as 1st Oct 2017 with maintenance support continuing for a further twelve month beyond this date.
Attachments control is now supported in the repeating section
Please be aware, this functionality is not supported in Nintex Mobile
Added Runtime functions for Hijri calendar
Added support Document Sets (New/Edit/Display)
Rich Text control is now supported in Responsive Designer.
The Rich Text control supports bi-directional text.
Hijri calendar at column setting level
Cross culture calendar setting
Date range validation is now supported in Hijri calendar
Added formatDate function for Hijri calendar
Added default value support to date time control in Hijri Calendar
Added Umm al-Qura calendar support
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where where approving tasks may be slow (00176086)
Fixed an issue where a border may appear on the Repeating Section control (00186991)
Fixed an issue where the Calculated Value control Sum function may not calculate correctly (00187034, 188130, 00189661)
[Nintex Mobile] Fixed an issue where a Responsive form may not render correctly when using nested panels (00181676, 00185223)
Fixed an issue where the Choice control set as 'Render as buttons' may not save the value (0000000)
Fixed an issue where the Web Request control may return an incorrect value when the node is null (00181523)
Fixed an issue where the Choice control 'Fill-in' choices may not be disabled when the control is disabled (00193981)
Fixed an issue where adding a new row in a repeating section may cause a JavaScript error (00188024)
Fixed an issue where menu items may not be translated correctly (00191910)
Fixed an issue where the multiline textbox may appear as a single line of text (00192546)
Fixed an issue where the designer may not be able to create or edit forms for documents sets (00197555)
Fixed an issue where DateTime fields may default to Jan 1, 1900 when the time zone is change on Live Forms (00136465, 00148388)
Fixed an issue where Print to PDF may default to a different font (00147199, 00189462)
Fixed an issue where removing a control from a responsive task form may not remove the control from the Nintex Mobile App (00188041)
Fixed an issue where required field that are hidden/disabled may still trigger validation (0000000)
Fixed an issue where the people picker or date picker control background may be transparent (00188670; 00193294; 00194274)
Fixed an issue where the Lookup control may store IDs instead of Value (00192326; 00193841; 00193903; 00194348)
Fixed an issue where a responsive form redirect may not redirect (00193406)
Fixed an issue where the panel control may not be displayed and show an error (00194058; 00195989)
Fixed an issue where the List Look control may show incorrect information when using checkboxes (00193713)

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: August 2017
Database: SQL Server 2016
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Important: Transition of the Microsoft Account type used for by Nintex Mobile to the End of Life (E.O.L) state as 1st Oct 2017 with maintenance support continuing for a further twelve month beyond this date.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the legacy lookup control may showing alert icon (00184901)
Fixed an issue where the Lookup control connected to another column containing semicolons may not save the data
Fixed an issue where the SQL Request control may not display the ‘Please select’ default text option (00178718; 00187508; 00185211)
Fixed an issue where the Managed Metadata control may not be disabled by rules when disabling other controls
Fixed an issue where resetting the form in the responsive designer in IE may result in a blank canvas

Product version:
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Important: Transition of the Microsoft Account type used for by Nintex Mobile to the End of Life (E.O.L) state as 1st Oct 2017 with maintenance support continuing for a further twelve month beyond this date.
Responsive designer
Added the Web Request control (Enterprise).
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the calendar time field may appear empty in German site collection (00137807).
Fixed an issue where a Calculated Value control may not update when a reference is passed to a connected to SQL Request data control (00133055).
Fixed an issue where buttons may not resize correctly in responsive designer.

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: August 2017
Database: SQL Server 2016
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
Modified the enterprise reporting web part to return all results when exporting long lists to Excel (30994)
Corrected an issue with Choice fields not showing with some display options (25624)
Corrected an issue when a saved, but not published, UDA is executed instead of the last published version (35499)
Corrected an issue where Workflow is installed with Live unchecked, brought the whole Web App Down (30497)
Corrected a Spanish translation error (25597)
Resolved an issue in NW2016 with the toolbox translating after changing site locale (25534)
Corrected an issue with the "Delete multiple items" action filter did not present column information (35015)
Corrected an issue with modifying views in Workflow Inventory (37994)
Remediated the access to the Nintex Workflow Inventory page after upgrade into (41765)

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: August 2017
Database: SQL Server 2016
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
Corrected an issue with an updated UDA, saved in draft, was used by a republished workflow as a production version (35499).
Corrected an issue where a farm had retracted Live brought the Web App down when workflow was updated (30497).
Corrected a Spanish translation error in task delegation (25597).
Corrected an issue with task approval when migrating a 2007 workflow to 2010 (40590).
Nintex Forms
This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Transition of the Microsoft Account type used for by Nintex Mobile to the End of Life (E.O.L) state as 1st Oct 2017 with maintenance support continuing for a further twelve month beyond this date.
Responsive designer - When creating a new form, the designer will be presented with a choice between classic and a responsive designer.
Forms will dynamically resize the form based on the screen size
'Set field value' rule can set the value of a single line of text control with a dynamic value
Easily drag, drop and reorder controls on the canvas
Create a custom style with mouse clicks and no css
Modern looking style for easy readability and use
Undo/redo on the rules is now available
Added the ability to select all rules using CRTL+A in the classic rules pane
Added the ability to unselect all rules using ESC in the classic rules pane
Added the ability to select multiple rules using CTRL+SHIFT+Mouse click in the classic rules pane

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: June 2017
Database: SQL Server 2016
Nintex Workflow
Made an Image url available as a column type in tables in Document Generation (29558)
Webpart: Add a help text under the filter of Workflow Report Viewer webpart (32075)
Support for Dynamic CRM 2016 on-premises (via native actions)
Resolved issues
Corrected the Create item action in not retaining the item detail after saving the action (32095)
Corrected an issue when creating an item in another list beyond the 5000 item threshold (25588)
Corrected the truncation of long entries in the task description field (32484)
Corrected an issue with the Workflow Inventory page with multi-zones/AAM (25621)
Corrected and issue with the Document generation action showing in backward compatibility mode (32978)
Provided appropriate warnings for invalid entries in the Nintex Workflow Report month filter (33491)
Updated Connection Manager help file and connection manager link URL (32558)

Product version:
Database version:
SP Service Pack/CU: April 2017
Database: SQL Server 2016
Nintex Workflow
Important: A very small number of customers reported issues with send email actions when this action was originally configured with old versions of workflow. This version ( has this issue corrected and therefore customers who upgraded using (26 April 2017) are advised to upgrade to this version that patches this particular issue.
Rich Text column support for tagging using Document Generation action
Support for SQL 2016
Ability to connect to Dynamic CRM 2016 Online and On-premises (version 8.2) using the connector actions
Security Improvements
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with script related HTML tags in web pages (XSS) (61173, 61182)
Neutralization of potential vulnerability with special elements in a SQL query (SQL Injection)(61484)
Resolved issues
Corrected the display of question marks in the name of a managed holiday in Russian site settings (44511)
Corrected the license attributions notice for React JS in NW2016 (54857)
Corrected the loss of the Workflow Description when Publishing a Workflow (55736, 61256)
Corrected the loss of workflow conditions when a workflow is published and reopened (58666)
Corrected the failure to start on item modification of a Reusable Workflow when associated with a Content Type (59273)
Rectified the multiple addition of line breaks when editing the source HTML in Send Notification (59600)
Corrected an issue when using a variable in the reftext in a hyperlink (61258)
Corrected the ability to view workflow history of a workflow created with a Site Collection Reusable Workflow (61723)
Corrected a issue with the hyperlink in Send notification reverting to the column name of the reference (61726)
Corrected the Task Description field for Assign a Task action not showing rich text formatting (61997)
Corrected a translation error in Create Appointment in German sites (62003)
Corrected the Context item display name not resolving the item name when the task emails are sent to the assignee (62006)
Corrected the unwanted rounding of numbers in document generation for MS Word and PowerPoint - correct in Excel(62202)
Corrected the missing or incorrect labels in Administration reports (62216, 62217)
Corrected an issue with the Send Notification email body that changes when Edit HTML dialog is opened and closed(62254)
Corrected an issue with conditional start configured for a change from previous value(62256)
Corrected and issue with the Export to Excel reporting webpart only exporting data from the current site and not other sites(62536)
Corrected an issue with Enterprise reports not sorting properly and excel export is not working for all sites (62590)
Corrected the splitting of results when exporting to Excel using the Nintex Workflow reporting web part on large content databases(62599)
Corrected an issue with Administration reports missing internal resource data(62631)

Product version:
Nintex Forms
Important: This release may include changes of some controls. If you are using custom JavaScript, it may require adjustments to your custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where Nintex Forms may show an error if not installed with Nintex Workflow (00146556)

Product version:
Database version:
Nintex Workflow
Removed the Action entitlement limits for subscription customers (requires this build to reflect the changes - reasonable use applies)
Resolved issues
Corrected the behaviour of a reusable workflow template losing conditions when it is published and re-opened (58666)
Restored the operation of the workflow chart viewer web-part (61416)

Product version:
Nintex Forms
Important: This release includes changes to behaviours of some controls. The changes may require adjustments to custom JavaScript.
Save and Continue - A new button action that will allow users to save a form and keep the form open.
Button redirect - A new button option to redirect on button click
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where a Form with a Lookup control may cause an error in Nintex Mobile (00138659, 00139130, 00139251)
Fixed an issue when edit a task form on a French site may display an error (0000000)
Fixed an issue where a List lookup control that is linked to a lookup field may not show the correct lookup value (00122760)

Product version:
Database version:
Nintex Workflow
Resolved issues
A regular expression configured action was not running at run time (49019)
A regular expression did not retain a new line in the action configuration (51426)
When using a distribution list in the from-field of an email the SID is displayed and not its email address (56147)
Error when a "set a condition" action with and AND combined with a "Return type: as Double (58662)
Corrected an error message when a Document Template has been deleted prior to document generation action completion (59194)
Graphical history did not open if a "Copy to SharePoint" action was used in a German site (60687)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release includes changes to behaviours of some controls. The changes may require adjustments to custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where updating a Form from the Form Designer Ribbon and List Setting Content Type may not reflect changes (128135)
Fixed an issue where the Manged Metadata control configured for display mode may not hold data when an item is edited (127434)
Fixed an issue where the List Item Control 'Created by' link may link to the current users profile (60471)
Fixed an issue where the List Form Web Part may display an error when referencing a list on a subsite (121710)
Fixed an issue where an update to a Form on a List Template may not display updates on Nintex Mobile (77445)
Fixed an error where the External Data Column may display an error when a selected record has been deleted from the database (125850)

Product version:
Database version:
Nintex Workflow
Document Generation Capability (Action)
Provides capability to create custom documents in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF with data, images and tables dynamically merged into tagged templates
Provides multi-template support with conditional template inclusion
Advanced document tagging capabilities
Output single or multiple files (pdf or original format)
Start workflow in Nintex Workflow Cloud Action
New action providing the capability to start a workflow in Nintex Workflow Cloud
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where the Nintex workflow designer shows mixed English/International language when the SharePoint site is set to use an international language, region combination that is not supported (58672)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release includes changes to behaviours of some controls. The changes may require adjustments to custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
List columns added to a repeating section will now become unbound (00071873)
Fixed and issue where the Managed Metadata control may not update the value when used on a Document Library (128330)
Fixed an issue where updating a "Choice" control on Nintex form may change the value of a submitted form (00094977)
Fixed an issue where the People Picker control may not pickup group changes made in the connected people column (00089071)
Fixed an issue where the List lookup control may not recognise a list with '&' in title (00121386)
Fixed an issue where the List lookup control may not recognise a list view with '&' in title (00121576)
Fixed an issue where the IsMemberOfGroup runtime function may not calculate if the group contains "&" (00112457)
Fixed an issue where the Choice Control may split choices on semicolon (00120070)
Fixed an issue where the Calculated Value control displaying HTML may not resize at runtime correctly (00097824)
Fixed an issue where rules on a controls inside a panel may not trigger (00089223)
Fixed an issue where Print to PDF may not print with a background image (00120716)
Fixed an issue where Nintex Forms may not allow audio/video in the multi-line textbox control (00080367)
Fixed an issue where importing a form from another subsite with bound lookup may not allow a lookup control to be configured (000000)
Fixed an issue where an error may be retuned on a Lookup control after an item has been deleted (00121862; 00125640)
Fixed an issue where a user may not be able to access a list Form when "View Versions" Permission is removed (00085578)
Fixed an issue where a rule may be ignores when using a Choice Controls to hide a panel (00103187)
Fixed an issue where a required column on a form may not display version comments (00119334)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Live approval URL may not resolve if attachment control is placed in task form (00114570; 00111367)
Fixed an issue where a multi-line text box within a repeating section may be repeated when using Print to PDF (00109670; 00120248; 00127583)
Fixed an issue where a formula with if() and lookup() functions within repeating section may give incorrect results (00114310)
Fixed an issue where a form variable using Lookup runtime function and an item property may not return the value (00089790)
Fixed an issue where a control in a repeating section may not be disabled when adding a new row (00000000)
Fixed an issue where a Choice control may remove a value when the choice value is removed (00114009)
Fixed an issue where a calculated value control may return an error when the 'Current User' value contains '&' (00090158)
Fixed an issue where the Calculated Value control may lose the value when the control is not visible (00093692; 00116724)
Corrected a translation error in the Japanese language translation (00127423)
Corrected a translation error in the Danish language translation (00037925)

Product version:
Nintex Forms
Important: This release includes changes to behaviours of some controls. The changes may require adjustments to custom JavaScript.
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue where a calculated value control used as sum/total field with repeating section may calculate incorrectly when a repeating row is deleted (00130331, 00130325)
Fixed an issue with calculated value control to include hidden control values in calculation (00093692, 00116724)

Product version:
Database version:
Nintex Workflow
Allow additional connection string parameters for Nintex Content Databases e.g configure SQL Server 2012 as AlwaysOn
Provide an additional setting for tasks that are configured with multiple approvers (anyone to approve) to set the task completion to 100% for all task assignees when any one assignee completes the task.
Included additional root certificates in the installer for future certificate update
Resolved issues
Browser crashed on an Arabic site when configuring the Request Data action (34489)
Date formatting in Set Variable action not working (42917)
Workflow history with hidden actions defaults to "1899" completed date (45988)
Unable to set the value of variable using Set Variable action from a field (47117)
People picker icon in Filter action not showing the reference icon after re-opening the workflow (47790)
DeleteWorkflow Webservice throws NullReferenceException error (48380)
Conditional start does not work with a calculated value field with negative currency values (48603)
Web Request method fails to call custom API while fiddler is working (49076)
Site Workflow schedule doesn't work as expected when it is scheduled on only working days (35460)
Bulgarian Sites break a number of workflow actions (40760)
Condition workflow start on modified not working with "Check In Comment" field (41949)
Edited hyperlinks in Rich Text editor using the Edit Source option does not save the value (45998)
The Scheduled Workflows page when accessed from 'Site Settings' page does not load correctly (50009)
Site Settings > Purge dialog in Manage Workflow History list page does not load correctly (50028)
Host named site collections not working in links created after using AddZoneSetting (51352)
Nintex Workflow Designer shows incorrect Danish translations and the wrong version (52083)
Nintex Forms
Important: This release includes changes to behaviours of some controls. The changes may require adjustments to custom JavaScript.
Security enhancement - Full control or Design permission is required to allow HTML in rule validation messages.
This is changing default behaviour for validation rules messages and may impact future forms when published.
Enhancement - List Lookup control can now utilise functions in the Source View option (93384)
Enhancement - Removed managed metadata control from filter by control list for the List Lookup control (00043655; 00105504; 00121669)
Enhancement - Removed the claim/release from task form (88904)
Enhancement - SQL Request Form Data name changed from a GUID to the name of the control (121924)
Resolved issues
Fixed an issue when editing a Nintex Form list item outside of Nintex may cause the List Name to be the Item name temporarily (104462)
Fixed an issue when using compare validation between a a calculated value and another control may cause an error (71756)
Fixed an issue where a Calculated value control may not recalculated in View mode. (118693)
Fixed an issue where a column of type ‘Number’ may show scientific notation (114583)
Fixed an issue where a Flexi task Form may not update on Nintex Live (112424)
Fixed an issue where a form may not render due to apostrophes in a field (105480;98068;92841;84860)
Fixed an issue where a Form using a List Lookup to another site collection and Metadata Control may cause an error (109422)
Fixed an issue where a Managed Metadata control may not show data in display mode when using Chrome, IE9 and Safari browsers (00075694; 00111026; 00124588)
Fixed an issue where a Nintex Workflow Task Form may redirect to SharePoint when selecting Delegation then canceling (87417;00084350;00085655;00084350;00112333;00081882;00104827)
Fixed an issue where a number column may default to a 0 rather than a null value. (00079265; 00118615)
This is changing default behaviour of decimal and number data types. If you have JavaScript or rules relying on default value of single line text box being zero, it will be replace with null. Please update your JavaScript if this is the case.
Fixed an issue where a people picker may not scroll correctly on a long form (68693)
Fixed an issue where a redirect URL with "&" may be converted to "&" upon form redirect (00093326 ; 00112607)
Fixed an issue where a SharePoint List Name may display the name of a List Item when canceling from Nintex Workflow Task form (00078465;00109991)
Fixed an issue where a single line of text control in decimal decimal data type may not validate correctly (74610)
Fixed an issue where a single line text may not initiate a rule when the field is set to decimal, show as percentage and a rule uses isNullOrEmpty({self}). (114182)
This is a change in behaviour for the Single Line Textbox control. For existing forms with percentage data type, if you want to see 0 as default value for bound control, a 0 need to be added to the list column default value setup. This will ensure it behaves the same as previous versions.
Fixed an issue where a task may not be completed when an associated document is open (95184)
Fixed an issue where a validation rule may not fire when you use the save button on the ribbon (70447)
Fixed an issue where an apostrophe in an attachment name may not allow the attachment to be removed (117992;90227;115853;75569)
Fixed an issue where an external content type with associations to another content type may show an error (78255)
Fixed an issue where an item property token may not render correctly on a Task Form in preview mode (83721)
Fixed an issue where custom validation on external content type may show an error (77574)
Fixed an issue where disabling one control in a repeating section may disable a second control (00121337, 00121784; 00126032; 00126651)
Fixed an issue where Lookup columns may be selected in the "Text connected to" input field (106780)
Fixed an issue where nested IF statements may calculate a cumulative total (109860)
Fixed an issue where Nintex Live Forms Synchronisation job may not clean up task forms and task template forms from the database after deleting the workflow ()
Fixed an issue where pages may not display correctly due to a <div> tag (75483)
Fixed an issue where regex expression entered for regex validation is encoded (93521)
Fixed an issue where ribbon buttons may be disabled after the enforce unique values message is displayed (117692)
Fixed an issue where the Calculated Value control inside a repeating section referencing a Choice control may not update in edit mode (00096515, 00115365)
Fixed an issue where the change function may be executed when Forms Loads (00096535; 00113272)
Fixed an issue where the 'Control CSS Class' may not appear for the Lookup control (96683)
Fixed an issue where the External Data Column control may show an error during configuration (122623)
Fixed an issue where the isNullOrEmpty() function may not evaluate "date only" controls (115596)
Fixed an issue where the List Lookup control JavaScript change function may be triggered on form load (00104281; 00113272)
Fixed an issue where the List Lookup control may execute custom validation even if the custom validation is set to 'No' (84751)
Fixed an issue where the List Lookup, SQL Request, or Web Request control may not save an updated value. This issue occurs when the control is a child in a cascade in edit mode while using multi-select display mode. ()
Fixed an issue where the Managed Metadata control may not show help text (00029765; 00027384)
Fixed an issue where the People control may show "undefined" when a person cannot be found (86651)
Fixed an issue where the People control may show "undefined" when a person cannot be found (95561)

Product version:
Database version:
Nintex Workflow
Consolidated Installer and licensing (Workflow and Forms) for easier installation and license management
Re-organized Central Administration pages for easier configuration and administration
Toolbox redesign and icon refresh aligned to Sharepoint 2016 and easy action search.
Online Help for current and extensible help (offline help option also catered for).
Modern Browser compatibility - IE10,11; Chrome; Firefox; Safari; Edge
Additional flexible licensing option to facilitate adding SharePoint online
Incorporation of the External Start capability to allow initiation of workflows from the cloud
Nintex Forms
Consolidated Installer and licensing (Workflow and Forms) for easier installation and license management
Re-organized Central Administration pages for easier configuration and administration
Online Help for current and extensible help (offline help option also catered for).
Modern Browser compatibility - IE10,11; Chrome; Firefox; Safari; Edge
Additional flexible licensing option to facilitate adding SharePoint online
If upgrading from Nintex Forms 2013, please refer to Upgrading to Nintex for SharePoint 2016