Nintex eSign release notes
Release 7.16.0 - November 20, 2024
The 7.16.0 release for Nintex eSign contains the following changes.
Changes and resolved issues
Updated the error message that displays when a document fails to load
Fixed an issue that was causing "Adopt Signature" text to not align with button text
Previous releases

The 7.15.220 release for Nintex eSign contains the changes.
Resolved issue
Fixed an issue that was causing email messages to loop under certain circumstances
Fixed an issue that was causing header webhook failure notifications when not using headers
General fixes and security enhancements

The release for Nintex eSign contains the following bug fix.
Resolved issue
An issue that was preventing users from sending Envelopes when KBA sender inputs were set to optional has been fixed

The 7.14 release for Nintex eSign contains the following bug fixes.
Resolved issues
An issue that was preventing SMS only envelope messages from being sent as "Complete" has been fixed
An issue that was preventing the Culture page from updating to the selected language has been fixed
Several translation errors have been fixed including Webhook translation errors, DocumentTRAK translation errors, and several other areas across Nintex eSign

The 7.13.68 release for Nintex eSign contains the following changes and bug fixes.
Resolved issues, performance improvements, and feature modifications
Added French CA language support for SSO on-boarding emails
Enabled the use of French and Spanish translations in the "Culture" menu. This now enables for French and Spanish translations for My Profile, Simple Setup, and Templates pages.
Fixed an issue where the "Culture" option was not changing on the first attempt when a user clicked the Save button
Fixed an issue where no provision emails were sent for new accounts if the "Create New Accounts as Separate Organization" option was set to "No"
Bulksend Release 1.1.0 - March 28, 2024
The 1.1.0 release for eSign Bulksend contains the following fix:
Fixed an issue where certain characters in CSV files would cause an error

Resolved issues and performance improvements
Fixed a typo in the numbered list for Nintex eSign US SMS Short Code Terms of Use
Fixed an issue where the "Enable Signing Downloads?" was always treated as "Yes"
Fixed an issue where users were redirected to a blank page while trying to sign a document in some circumstances
Fixed an issue where the resulting template would not work when converting from a Classic template to Simple template in some circumstances
Server maintenance

Feature modifications
Added the ability to see reason for failure in the downloaded CSV for bulk send instances that fail
Increased the capacity for displaying record in the envelope usage report. Customers with a large number of sub accounts can now see their full reports without receiving the ‘too many records’ error message
Resolved issues and performance improvements
Fixed an issue that was preventing signing instructions, and some of the terms and conditions, from translating to different languages when signing a document
Fixed an issue that was causing the resume signing message to appear after canceling out of an action
Several fixes for the Bulk Send feature:
Fixed and issue that was preventing the completion report from completing in certain instances
Fixed an issue that was preventing the bulk send job id column from showing up in the exported Excel file
Fixed an issue that was preventing certain bulk send columns from appearing in the exported CSV and Excel files when bulk send is enabled at the feature level
Fixed an issue on the DocGen for Salesforce and eSign integration that was causing envelope records being sent through DocGen to be shown as created by the integration user instead of the running user
Improved performance when looking up an email design set

Feature Modifications
The Bulk Send feature now displays an error message when trying to upload a CSV file with duplicate headers
The signing experience has been tweaked for clarity when it comes to applying signatures and initials. These instructions now appear before the Adopt Signature button
Added download document option to the Action menu link pane. This functions in a similar manner to the download document function in the document preview pane
A new function has been added to the bulk send export feature to allow users to export failed envelopes to a CSV file
Tweaked the automated SMS STOP and HELP messages. The HELP message now displays account information and additional customer care contact information. The STOP message displays confirmation of stopped message delivery
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue that was causing white spaces to be added under the action menu when using an iPhone 14
Fixed an issue that was preventing the Settings tab from displaying in the Account Management screen
Fixed an issue that was causing two signing instructions to appear when using the Classic signer option
Fixed an issue that was impacting the responsiveness and timing of the automated SMS messages for STOP and HELP

New Features
A new feature has been added for the bulk send of envelopes through Nintex eSign. The bulk send update contains the following changes:
A new section for bulk send where users can manage bulk send instances
The ability to send out envelopes to large number of signers (limit 1500)
The ability to view reporting information, such as how many emails successfully processed and did not process.
A new user permission that allows you to edit who has access to the bulk send feature
For information on how to use bulk send refer to the Nintex eSignuser guide.

Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue that was causing sub-account KBA settings being disabled upon parent account renewal
Fixed an issue that was causing the Envelope Statistics report to display zero results in certain date ranges
Fixed an issue that was causing certain DB migrations to fail

New Features
Update the signing experience to contain the following changes:
Removed blur at the bottom of the screen to make sure signers can see more of the document.
Updated the font on all screens for more readability.
Updated how the signer interacts with the Terms of Agreement.
Signers can now preview the document they are being asked to sign.

New Features
Update the signing experience to contain the following changes:
Removed blur at the bottom of the screen to make sure signers can see more of the document.
Updated the font on all screens for more readability.
Updated how the signer interacts with the Terms of Agreement.
Signers can now preview the document they are being asked to sign.

New Features
Added count of deleted envelopes to the following reports:
Classic Template Usage
Daily Document Totals
Daily Envelope Totals
Document Statistics
Envelope Statistics
Sub Account Document Totals
Sub Account Envelope Totals
Resolved issues
Resolved an issue that was causing Custom Recipients set up in Classic with the same name and email address being duplicated during conversion.
Resolved an issue that was preventing Classic Templates from being removed from Document Transmission after being added.
Resolved an issue that was preventing limited Admin accounts from creating a new subaccount and adding a new user.

Resolved issues
Resolved an issue that was allowing KBA sender input fields to still be visible even if KBA is disabled for a user.
Resolved an issue that was causing imported templates to another account to not use an existing email design set even if the "Use Existing" field is enabled.

Resolved issues
Resolved an issue causing the option to upload a document to Salesforce by default has been fixed. This option is no longer enabled by default.
Removed the option to "Update Existing if Different" for template imports for email designs, webhooks, and document transmissions.
Resolved an issue that was preventing users from resetting a password for a new account.

Resolved issues
- Resolved an issue where the Classic Templates conversion tool had different Name and Signer identifiers.
- Resolved an issue where the Classic Templates conversion tool had corrupted pre-filled Jotblocks.
- Resolved an issue involving an invalid Webhook URL.
- Resolved a security issue by changing password behavior:
- Nintex eSign sessions now remain active after a password change.
Passwords are emailed in clear text.

New Features
Added validation for Webhook Name and Endpoint URL in the Create Webhook dialog.
Resolved issues
- Resolved an issue where the next signer could not sign if they were the same as last signer.
- Resolved an issue where a user attempted to save duplicate file names.
- Resolved an issue where the Document drop-down was not showing the correct document on the signing page when multiple documents are present in the simple setup.
Resolved an issue where the Document page number drop-down list was hidden when using Simple Setup to create multi-page documents.
Resolved an issue where the default Instructions for signature Jotblocks was not updated in simple setup.

Resolved issues
- Resolved an issue where the Order Number was not populated when set in the template.
- Resolved an issue where you could not add two documents of the same name to the envelope. Multiple documents of the same name can now be added to a template even if one of the documents is marked as non-replaceable.

New Features
The fields, Organization Status and Contract End Date have been added to the Account Information page.
Resolved issues
- Resolved an issue for incorrect phone numbers used for envelope authentication returning an error message not indicating the issue and not user friendly. The error message now displays correctly.
- Resolved an issue where the Report a Problem link was not clearing out information after a user sent a report.
- Resolved an issue where the ValidationType field was not working for Dynamic Documents (V3 Only).
- Resolved an issue where the KBA setting was not being locked for non-root users.
- Resolved an issue where the document name was not retained after downloading the final document from document details.
- Resolved an issue where addendums were not being downloaded via the command "GET/envelopes/{envelopeID} download link.

Resolved issues
Resolved an issue where the Data Export was able to generate file names that were too long for the OS (Windows/Mac) to handle and prevent opening of the exported file. File names generated by the Data Export longer than 260 characters, are now truncated to fit under OS character limit.

New Features
Updated integration with Nintex DocGen for Salesforce so that envelope history will be updated to Salesforce records in real time (DocGen release 18.5).
Updated SMS authorization messaging related to STOP and HELP keywords to align with new SMS compliance regulations.
Resolved issues
- Resolved an issue with delegated signing links where the links would fail when delivered over SMS.
- Resolved an issue where the Begin Signing hyperlink was not functional when envelopes were delegated multiple times.
- Resolved an issue where the multichoice JotBlock could be saved without a valid value.
- Resolved an issue where the Cancel button was not working when trying to edit multichoice JotBlocks.

New Features
- Updated the help references within Nintex eSign to direct users to the new user guide documentation at
- Introduced new direct access to the Nintex Customer Central portal from within the Nintex eSign help page.
Resolved issues
Resolved an issue where access to Classic documents was being removed when customers were going through account updates.
Resolved an issue where the Data Export feature would fail when no envelopes were found within the specified date range.

New Features
- Nintex eSign users can now use email addresses that include the + character for usernames. Support for email comments using the + character must also be supported by the user’s email client.
- Nintex eSign administrators can now enable Azure AD Single Sign On (SSO) from within the My Profile section of AssureSign under Settings > Login Type.
Resolved issues
Resolved an issue where two signers with the same email address were not able to complete the signing process if they were in two consecutive steps within the notification workflow.
Resolved an issue where the Account ID was not populating with the correct ID within the Account Information table inside Settings.
Resolved an issue where the footer for new welcome emails was not displaying the correct information to new users.

Resolved issues
Resolved an issue where envelopes using stacked templates were presenting JotBlocks for configuration, but not rendering additional documents for signing.
Resolved an issue where notification flows were breaking if multiple signers had the same signing details.
Resolved an issue where trying to move a Fixed JotBlock before selecting it resulted in an empty document being created within the design canvas.

Resolved issues
Resolved an issue where the Begin Signing hyperlink was not working in emails when signers were explicitly defined in the notification flow steps.
Resolved an issue where user accounts were being disabled even when the account was not.
Resolved an issue where some SSO users were not able to sign in.
Resolved an issue where users would be returned to the start of the signing process due to an issue with processing optional JotBlocks.
Resolved an issue where the current date would not prefill during the signing process.
Resolved an issue with the v2 submit request, where requests without optional emails would result in an error.

New features
- Added a browser update alert to let signers know when they are using an unsupported browser.
Resolved issues
- Resolved an issue where the Begin Signing hyperlink was broken in emails.
- Resolved an issue where signer delegation would break required sender inputs.

New features
- Drawloop AssureSign delivery option no longer requires the AssureSign for Salesforce Lightning app to be installed.
- Admin users can now find the Account ID within the administration space.
Resolved issues
- Resolved an issue where Simple Setup Template workspace was cleared when first signer with an attachment field is deleted.
- Resolved an issue where the option ‘My Domain’ field in the Salesforce webhook was not behaving as required.
- Resolved an issue where the Submit API was erroring due to a non-required parameter.
- Resolved an issue where sending an envelope from Simple Setup failed due to duplicate Envelope IDs.
- Resolved an issue where JotBlocks may not retain signing order when being moved between documents.

New features
- Improved optional JotBlock processing.
- Introduced the Nintex eSign APAC Data Zone.
Resolved issues
- Resolved an issue where users were being locked out.
- Resolved an issue where Declined / Feedback emails did not render with the company logo.
- Resolved an issue where users were not able to sign envelopes when envelope security included KBA and the envelope delivery was through SMS.
- Resolved an issue where KBA would return a value cannot be null error.

New features
Improved account provisioning to speed up account creation.
Updated the welcome email for new users.
Updated Simple Setup to not re-use prepared envelope IDs.
Updated a warning for when a user tries to leave an active KBA session.
Resolved issues
Resolved an issue with DocumentTransmission webhooks.
Resolved an issue where KBA was not working when 'SMS' only was selected as the delivery method.

New features
- Improved Updated Knowledge Based Authentication submission user flow.
Updated the look and feel of simple setup JotBlocks.
Resolved issues
Resolved an issue with the import and export of classic templates when working with SFTP document transmission.
Resolved an issue with hidden toggle button and required fields on JotBlocks.

The Nintex eSign signing app has now been migrated to a new Azure host to improve performance
The design of the icons within the Simple Setup left side bar has been updated with Nintex colors.

New features
All copyrights on the Nintex eSign web pages have been updated for 2022.
Users will experience an updated look that is aligned with Nintex branding.
Resolved issues
An issue was resolved so that Simple Setup envelopes allow for documents to be re-rendered during any step in the signing process.
An issue that blocked signers of "optional" JotBlocks when sequential signing is used with an envelope with multiple documents has been resolved.
A bug that was blocking small account logos from showing in an email preview has been resolved.

New features
- Changes were implemented to the digital signing process that enhances performance of signing completion.

New features
The user interface of Nintex eSign has changes to the Home screen for seamless integration for Nintex user experience.
Legal notices regarding intellectual property of Nintex have been updated on Nintex eSign user interface.
Resolved issues
An issue that caused an error when a converted template has the character '[ ]' in the title has been resolved.
Default Menu (Hamburger Menu) capability on active session for Terms of Use and Privacy Policy redirect has been fixed.

New features
- "PreExpirationDays" is now exposed in swagger documentation for WebhookNotifications.
- As part of our integration to the Nintex platform, we have changed the display of the page header to incorporate Nintex branding.
A new optional "includeContent" query parameter has been added to the "Get all templates" V3 API method. When provided, each template returned in the list will include the complete template content rather than just the high level metadata.

New features
- A feature was added which allows support for Salesforce MyDomains in DocumentTRAK configuration.
Resolved issues
- An issue was corrected that sent a user that is not logged in, or using and incognito window, an "Unauthorized Access" error rather than redirecting to the login screen.

New features
- A feature has been added that allows a DocumentTRAK SFTP design user to be able to set an ssh-key for authentication. This increases security over user/password combination only.
- API endpoints for DocumentNOW v1 (Classic) have been removed. There was no change to v2 (Simple).
Resolved issue
A fix was made that was blocking SSO logins for users. It was an issue with gateways.

- An issue was fixed that prevented the visibility of updated documents for signers when envelope was sent to multiple signers.
- An issue was fixed so white spaces are trimmed off values when APIs are used.
- An issue has been fixed to allow special characters to be used in template names.

An issue was fixed that prevented pre-expiration emails from being sent using the Classic (v2) version.
An issue was fixed that prevented the loading of the Terms & Conditions for Spanish, French, and English languages during the Signer Delegation process.
An issue has been fixed with the alignment of JotBlocks in Simple Setup where text was "top aligned" rather than "bottom aligned."
An issue has been fixed where custom validation of JotBlocks became "unknown" when document was converted to a Simple Setup template.
An issue has been fixed so a user gets an error message indicating that a JotBlock, when added to a template that has been converted, must have an assignment in the workflow.
Corrected an issue for Signer Delegation that occurred when users selected SMS as the delivery method from a mobile device.
An issue was fixed so that correct naming convention (adding a numeric designation) is used when a template is converted multiple times.
An issue was fixed where a completed envelope was showing a status of expired.

An issue was resolved that prevented a signature from appearing in the JotBlock of a completed document.
An issue was resolved that blocked notifications of updates when the Signer Delegation feature is used.
An issue was resolved where JotBlocks were being resized when a template is converted from Classic to Simple Setup.
An issue was resolved where the 'Email Delegation' button was not working correctly when both KBA and two factor authentication are used.
An issue where a new user was being forced to change passwords when the setting "User must change password on first login" is turned off.
An issue was resolved where a custom logo does not appear in the invitation email.
An issue was resolved where the expiration date of an envelope does not match the default setting used to set up envelope..

Corrected an issue where the delegation timing email was not getting triggered for multi-level delegation.
Corrected an admin issue where users were not being denied use of Simple Setup when they did not have permission.
Corrected an issue where the associated signer name for an attachment reverted to a previous signer.

Corrected an issue where users identifying themselves as non-English speakers were seeing English text instead of their preferred language.

New features
Added a feature that provides a date JotBlock option for MM/DD/YYYY that does not automatically prefill date.
Corrected an issue with conditional logic on multi-signature envelopes and drop downs not performing consistently. Conditional logic on all JotBlocks selected from a drop down is now followed.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic that was not working correctly when a user selects and then re-selects on multiple choice JotBlocks.
Fixed an issue where Simple Setup template movement was sluggish moving from initial block to initial block. The template performance now works within expected speed.

Fixed issue where some customers were being denied access to based on their IP address.

New features
Signer Delegation - made 'Signer Delegation' enabled by default. This feature can be turned off, if desired.
- Corrected issue with jotblocks for secondary signers rendering incorrectly in Simple Setup in Microsoft Dynamics.
Corrected issue with how Signer Delegation button was rendering for some users during Preview.
Fixed issue that was forcing Limited Right users into a loop when opening a Simple Setup template.
Auto-select email design setting now includes signer delegation option.

New features
Envelope Signing Experience Improvements
We have removed the welcome screen from the signing workflow.
Customers will only be required to authenticate their session when a password is required.
Template via API Improvements
Customers and partners can now perform more template management operations via the API to create richer integrations with AssureSign from their platform(s).
- Pressing the “Enter” or “Return” key will no longer automatically submit feedback for an envelope.

- Single Sign On organizations may now add users when multiple account access is enabled for those users.
DocumentNOW documentation has been updated to reflect that users must add the types and the design name to Document Transmission in a POST/submit calls.
Corrected a bug that updated the created date on PDF files when updating the file. This fix ensures that the initial creation date of the document is maintained.
Users will now always be informed before deleting an email design when a Simple Setup template uses the design. This fix provides the following features:
Users cannot delete an imported design set.
When email design sets are imported the count is updated.
Users are now notified if an email design set is missing.

New features
Delegated Signing – New Translations Available
French and Spanish translations are now available for the Signer Delegation feature.
Template via API Update
Customers and partners can now perform more template management operations via the API to create richer integrations with AssureSign from their platform(s).
- Corrected bug that allowed a signed document to be edited.
When creating email notification in envelope details, signers are now selected by default.

- The Terms & Conditions shown prior to signing documents is now displayed in the users preferred language by default.
Date validation is now enforced during signing in Simple Setup.

New features
Delegated Signing
Easily delegate signature responsibilities to another individual with our signer delegation feature. This feature allows the original signer to easily assign the document signing authority to an alternate person within the normal signature workflow. Once a signature has been delegated to a new signer, that user is able to complete their signature via SMS text or email without having to create an account or login.
- Corrected bug that showed Terms of Use in Signing in English by default.

- Users are now prohibited from uploading password protected PDFs.
Signing links no longer depend on user login.
Corrected system response when wrong conditional logic is specified during API calls.
Fixed issue where some documents were rotating horizontally upon upload.

New features
Dynamic jotblock parsing enhancement
We have enhanced our API to allow dynamic jotblock parsing for documents with a large number of pages.
Addendums will no longer display dynamic jotblock parsing fields.
Ensured correct error message and status code is returned when an invalid value is provided for InitialPagesToParse and FinalPagesToParse.
Corrected issue where usernames were being displayed in the wrong format.
eSignature platform name is now hidden from the user interface for all customers.
Template export now includes addendums.
Improved performance speed for API submit call.

New features
Simple Setup now uses sender default values if default values are assigned to the envelope
Customers can now find templates using the template ID
ITranslator Update
Most Spanish and French translations are complete. There are some remaining translations that will be fixed in future releases.
- Updated the timing of the Template ID validation to occur before envelope submission.
Provided new error message to identify when a document name error occurs.
Updated error message that informs user when a document name length exceeds 128 characters.
Corrected issue where the Template ID API was not returning all values in the schema.
Fixed bug that hid default value from dropdown jot blocks when submitting an envelope using templates.
Ensured document watermark appearance reflects users’ settings.
Ensured that user is able to click on a single document when using a template with multiple documents.